Kanchelsis, Lord-God of Vampires Character in Wildemount | World Anvil

Kanchelsis, Lord-God of Vampires

Though few vampires pay him direct tribute, All owe their existence to Kanchelsis, the Lord-God and first of vampires. Though Kanchelsis still holds the same endless thirst shared by all vampires, he has long ago learned to control it, allowing him to effortlessly maintain the trappings of a civilized noble.   In his preferred form, Kanchelsis is known as "Rake", a seductive man who usually takes the appearance of either an Elf or a Half-Elf. As Rake, Kanchelsis personifies a connoisseur of the finer things in life. He savors blood as others savor wine, and has a deep interest in the most debased art forms of the planes. More specifically, blood shaping, a long lost art dating back to the time of his creation. Many rooms of his home "the Rake Mansion", are formed of living blood sculptures consisting of eternal flows scented by opiates and alkaloids. Kanchelsis keeps the sculptures as much for his own interest as he does to put on ostentatious displays for the lesser vampires he holds court over.   Despite his untold reserves of power at his disposal, Kanchelsis still Answers to an even higher power. That being is Vecna, The Whispered One, who holds a loose leash on Kanchelsis, allowing the Lord God of Vampires to run his own domain with little interference. Many within his own court do not realize that Kanchelsis answers to a darker power, as he runs his own affairs and only is called upon by Vecna in the most dire of circumstances. Which suits Rake just fine as he prefers his playboy lifestyle over dealing with matters of the greater gods.   One of Kanchelsis's newest acquisitions was a young and angry Eladrin noble by the name of Jasper Bloodforge. Jasper caught the vampire's interest by falling from grace in a family of Bloodhunters who for generations had killed many of Kanchelsis's children. The Lord-God of Vampires seized the opportunity to groom Jasper's anger towards his family into a honed blade of Kanchelsis's vengeance. Jasper was eventually turned into a vampire and handed the tools of of Witchcraft that allowed Jasper to enact his vengeance and wipe out his entire family using the dark powers of Vecna.


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