Ignis Bloodforge Character in Wildemount | World Anvil

Ignis Bloodforge

Ignis Bloodforge was the 965 year old Eladrin patriarch of the Bloodforge clan in the Feywilds. He was also one of three Grand Hunters in the Order of Minuo Venari  Ignis was Grandfather to Flint Bloodforge and Jasper Bloodforge. Ignis had favored his youngest grandson Flint, due to a mutual interest in firearms and Flint sharing his grandfathers moral temperament. Jasper on the other hand, was tolerated by Ignis but rarely shown any favor because Jasper was an ill tempered bully as a child who continued to show more character flaws as he grew older.    Ignis was ultimately killed when Jasper used the misplaced rage at his family to magically seal and burn the Bloodforge Mansion to the ground with the family trapped inside. As his dying act, Ignis gave Flint his most precious firearm schematics and helped Flint escape the engulfed mansion through a secret tunnel before Ignis was overcome by smoke and fumes, parishing along with the rest of the Bloodforge clan.


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