King Duran Ironbeard Character in WildeMount | World Anvil
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King Duran Ironbeard

King Duran Ironbeard

King Duran Ironbeard sits atop his Granite throne as king of the Dwarves in Craghammer and ruler of the peoples of Craghammer, his position bestowed on him by his father Durin, a great leader he sadly fell ill and died of a mysterious illness after a taking a wound in battle against an invading seaborn army.   His long naturally grey braided beard and hair stand out in stark contrast to his coal black and gold edged dwarven heavy plate armour. By his side sits his faithful wife Abigail and his two sons Doren and Dune.   A picture a Dwarven royalty in both actions and demeanor, he is the standard by which all Dwarves should measure themselves.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

strong and has a lot of endurance, has a little too much weight from eating rich foods and lots of ale

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised to be king, the only son of Duril Ironbeard previous ruler of Dontil. Had a fling in his younger years with a half elf while hunting abroad on a vacation moved came back after hearing news of his father being injured in a battle against an invading army, father died he became king and married to provide heirs to the throne.   Married Abigale Redmane daughter of a high ranking noble who provided him with two sons.   Decided his legacy would be the exploration of the Underdark and discovery of the dwarven history that was lost eons ago.

Gender Identity





many private tutors who trained him in typical studies, history, languages, martial training and battle tactics.... had a natural talent and iquistiveness regarding dwarven history


Current ruler of the Country of Dontil

Accomplishments & Achievements

discovering the ruins of an ancient Kord temple that has since been cleared of enemies and restored, the expansion of Craghammer into the underdark.

Failures & Embarrassments

A consumate drunk.

Mental Trauma

Seeing his father die forced him to realise that all men are mortal, because of this he is determined to leave a legacy.

Intellectual Characteristics

Smart and charming, wears hi heart on his sleeve and diligantly does his duty.

Morality & Philosophy

He would be nothing if not for his people, firm but fair.


never imply that dwarves are anything less than absolute equals to all men, don't make fun of their height. and never ever compare them to goblins/orcs or gnomes.

Personality Characteristics


To leave a legacy for the ages and to further the prosperity of his people

Virtues & Personality perks

honorable, sticks to his word, tries to improve the lifestyle of his people. Honest. upfront

Vices & Personality flaws

alchoholic, fear of being forgotton. easy to read (emotionally)

Personality Quirks

often drinks from a small hip flask that contains strong liquor.


clean and well presented at all times


Family Ties

Abigail (wife) and two sons.

Religious Views

Considers himself a believer in the gods, follows the teachings of Thor.

Social Aptitude

Charismatic and charming. can be loud and abrasive. You know when he doesn't like someone.

Hobbies & Pets

A spotted highland mastiff.


Deep scottish and sometimes slurred.

Wealth & Financial state

Lawfull Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
braided grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pinky flesh
190 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
dwarvish, elvish, common, underdark.
Character Prototype
Level 10 fighter battle master path

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