Academic Jargon Language in Wilde Blue | World Anvil

Academic Jargon

Purposefully Obtuse

Not only does this have ramifications on the metaenergelic potential, it also could imply that cross-biotope syneagy is possible. Furthermore, the material found within the calloses is incredibly similar to the bacilar sample recovered earlier.
— page 27, paragraph 2 of In-depth Analysis of Depths Specimens and Samples.
  When reading a research paper from the Sorcerous Academies, it is possible to find spelling errors. These are not always mistakes overlooked by the professors, instead they are pieces of messages encoded in the text. This code, based on the mispelling of advanced technical terms it is unlikely for any non-academic to know, have helped the many disparate Sorcerous Academies communicate through wartime and across borders.  


Easily Overlooked


Spelling errors are common in many texts, and while professors do take great care in correcting scientific errors, the average author has very little editorial oversight. This leads to many mistakes, which the reading public tend to ignore.
New terms are developed for scientific phenomena very often, and those not currently active with the Academies have difficulty keeping up. Only the people who are part of the intended recipients have the knowledge to decode it.


Since the Academy exists largely outside of the Empire's influence, their communications were monitored in secret for some time. The academics seemed to be aware of this, as internal communications have shown an awareness to keep sensitive secrets out of papers published and letters sent. It is unknown exactly when, but the Empire uncovered a hidden message in one such paper that had been sent to Sayles. Professors assumed that there was either a traitor to the Academy or the message was brute-forced until it made sense. Since then, while Academic Jargon still sees some use, due its difficulty in decoding among laypeople, its popularity has certainly declined. Likely the Academies have slowly been switching over to a new method of communicating clandestinely, which the Empire will then try to crack.


This article contains secrets, which are unknown by most or all of the people of the Wilde Blue.
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