When the curtain has fallen The Refuge Timeline

The Refuge

The story of Refuge since its creation to the present time.

  • 4 AE

    15 /5

    Founding of The Refuge

    The day the masked stranger found a place where the survivors of Extinction could live in.

    The Refuge
  • 4 AE

    23 /5

    Stranger finds the containers, the construction begins
    Construction beginning/end

    Thanks to the stranger's findings, the construction of the houses has begun.

    The Refuge
  • 4 AE

    20 /6

    Magical wards are finished
    Construction beginning/end

    After a month of creating the wards, The Refuge is finally protected from the spirits, Lords and Beasts.

    The Refuge
  • 4 AE

    22 /6

    Disappearance of the stranger
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    One night, the masked stranger just went into the darkness of the sewers and disappeared, never to be seen again.
    Since then, the inhabitants of The Refuge had to handle everything themselves.

    The Refuge
  • 4 AE

    28 /6

    Half of the population leaves due to infighting
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Only a few days after the stranger left, the tension between the people rose so high, half of the population decided to leave.
    Day later, only ten of them came back alive.

    The Refuge
  • 4 AE

    13 /7

    Construction of water pump system
    Construction beginning/end

    After finding some of the still working well pumps, the pipes that lead to The Refuge are created.
    People have fresh water (no need to search for the bottled water anymore).

    The Refuge
  • 4 AE

    7 /8

    Expedition which resulted in creation of farms

    During one of the expeditions for supplies, people found seeds, tools, soil, and fertilizer, which could be used in the creation of farms.

    The Refuge
  • 4 AE

    19 /10

    First Harvest
    Technological achievement

    The creation of farms bore fruit. The first crop that grew was lettuce.
    Morale boosts after people finally eat something fresh again.

    The Refuge
  • 5 AE

    20 /9

    Vagabond arrives
    Discovery, Exploration

    The day, Vagabond, led by a note from one of his friends, found the location of The Refuge.

    The Refuge