The Woodland Realm Settlement in Westeros | World Anvil

The Woodland Realm

The Woodland Realm is a settlement of Silvan Elves located deep in the wolfswood of the lands of Arnor, beginning in the second age. Following the War of the Long Night in the third age, Thranduil of the Sindar ruled over the Silvan Elves. Those of the Woodland Realm were known to be less wise and more dangerous than other Elves, but were still a civilized and noble race of elves.

Following the Andal invasion, the Woodland Realm became a refuge and home to many of the Silvans who had been displaced from their homeland of Dol Blathanna in the lands now known as the kingdom of Aidern, the leader of the Silvans who fled the south, Filavandrel of the Silver Towers, became herald and bannerman to Lord Thranduil.

For generations, the Woodland Realm has become a place where Princes and Princesses of the house of Stark have come to for a pilgrimage. A child of the Stark blood would usually visit the Woodland Realm at the age of eight and be taken deep into the wolfswood where they'd wonder freely until they found an orphaned direwolf pup that had been abandon in the forest for them to find and adopt as their life companion.

In addition to the Silvan elves, the halls of the Woodland realm are also a welcome home to many DĂșnedain druids and children of the forest who live their as well as a weclome santuary to any of the people of Arnor who pass through the wolfswood in need of shelter.

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