The Crossroads Myth in Westerheim | World Anvil

The Crossroads

Romance must not occur at a crossroads. --Doul the Wise


According to local tradition, romance which begins at a crossroad is doomed to failure. The crossroads represents the passing of ways or the transient nature of people, which means that a romance which begins there is foretold to always end with the lovers parting ways.   This superstition is primarily held by the common folk of Chereladi and dismissed by many aristocratic folk as fancy and baseless.

Historical Basis

Historically based on the prophecies of Doul the Wise, a mystic from the early days of Westerheim. She wandered around the region that is now the Star Cliffs, dispensing wisdom, prophecy, and herbal remedies. According to the original story, Doul stopped a couple at the crossing of the paths which lead from the Cliffs to Ornlat in one direction and Sandshire in the other. She found them in the process of declaring their love for each other and she delivered her famed prophecy, "Romance must not occur at a crossroads." The couple laughed her off, then continued on their way. Several months later, one of them returned to the crossroads and found Doul still there (or there again, stories differ). She reported to Doul that their relationship had ended in betrayal and the public hanging of her partner.

Variations & Mutation

In Galavnya, legend holds that crossroads are the intersection between any number of mystical forces which may affect ventures which begin there. In the case of romances, the Gorets in particular believe that crossroads will broadcast the new relationship across worlds, potentially drawing the attention of evil spirits or malevolent forces. Challenges are often purposefully announced at crossroads to encourage this exact broadcasting of information.
Date of First Recording
between 15 and 35 AW
Date of Setting
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