City of Gotkolh Settlement in West-Argo | World Anvil
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City of Gotkolh

Gears and cogs that turn and shine,

Ticking faster, spinning time.

Steam and smoke combine, in tune.

Build from bronze, a Gnomish room.

Ever faster twilrs the clock.

Time is running: tick then tock.

Precious metals, fitted tight

Weave in the shadows of the night.

People live on, unaware

As ships sail through sea and air.

New inventions, novel, fresh,

Which undermine the natural flesh.

Gears and cogs, such little things.

Time is running, racing, gone.

Men may die, but steel lives on.

- Gnomish poem Frerar Gror about the City of Gotkolh


The city of Gotkolh is (in)famous for it's centralized an sometimes even isolationalist government, installed since the Great Scientific Boom and the abandoning of the Old Gods in the year 487 AAA, wich made Gotkolh the technological powerhouse of the world.
Alternative Name(s)
The Great City of the Future
Arround 1.5 Million
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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