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The Humans have evolved from different species according to the elders. These are the ilae, beringuis and kanae. The ilae are beings of the sun and the kanae are beings of the shadow, when merged, they balance each other creating the existence of humans. A directly merged human is called an Ilkan. Offsprings that were born from Ilkans are humans. Ilkans live differently from humans though.   According to others, humans evolved from beringuis, animals of the wild.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Lizbeth,Verah, Iza, Emy, Lexa, Janea, Lali, Lala, Lusi, Saya,

Masculine names

Beyton, Derek, Vandor, Larick, Danle, Kinto, Kanto

Unisex names

Mara, Nuey, Feyto, Tami, Ushuay, Eden

Family names

Family names were given by the First Royal Family of the North (for Northerners) and the 1st Generation of Archmages (for the Southerners) in 1 EB . A person's surname is the trait or possession that that family has.  


Stone, Wool, Charm, Gold, Music, Wood, Birch, Leaves, Shadow    


Poet, Fisher, Ruby, Sun, Jasper, Ore, Smith, Pearl, Fury


Major language groups and dialects

The Northerners are thought to be too loud but evasive while conversing according to Southerners while the Southerners are thought to be too soft-spoken but frank while conversing. Still, in terms of dialects, people who live in the capital cities (Esbri City, Magna City and Equalus) are far more careful in speaking rather than those who live in the outskirts of the land.

Shared customary codes and values

In a whole, the Kingdoms of Alhava have worked towards the same goal for years despite being separated kingdoms. They both share courage and ambition. In the north, however, people value a sense of community while in the south, people are more individualistic.

Common Etiquette rules

It is a very common etiquette to be nice to your elders especially those in positions of power. It is dependent on the person who is disrespected whether they be tolerant or not. It is also a common etiquette that one must treat their guests politely but guests should also be polite and turn down over the top offers from their host. Children below ten must not be taught of the ways or history of war and violence as this might challenge their ability to decide with a level-head. Although some households introduce children with the concept of punishment=violence at a young age. That method is only tolerated by the law as long as no injury or abuse is evident.


Beauty Ideals


  • A woman that is confident in her looks.
  • A woman that has tan or chocolate skin is favored by the North while a woman that is rather pale is favored by the South.
  • A woman with dark hair.


  • A man that has either a well-built or plump physique.
  • A man that has tan or chocolate skin is favored by the North while a man that is rather pale is favored by the South.
  • A man that is of average height. (5'9")

Gender Ideals


  • A woman who becomes either a knight, a teacher or a mage.
  • A woman who embodies balance of the spirit of their kanae and ilae
  • A woman who can lead.
  • In the North, a woman who can is in touch with nature.
  • In the North, a woman who can be a successful mother.
  • In the South, a woman who can learn magic.
  • In the South, a woman who is more in touch with the spirit of darkness.


  • A man that is chivalrous.
  • A man who becomes a merchant, knight or a healer.
  • A man who is brave enough to travel.
  • In the North, a man who can be a successful father.
  • In the South, a man who puts the needs of others than the needs of himself.
  • In the South, a man who is calm.
  • In the South, a man that is more in touch with the spirit of darkness.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships in the North Kingdom of Alhava are quite diverse as many varieties are accepted. The cases that are not accepted are Incest, Zoophilia and a relationship between an inanimate object (which has never occurred ever in the timeline but will be stated here for information purposes.) There are only a few ideals that Alhavians mostly follow and these are:

  1. A member of the couple should be a member of the Army when married especially in the South.
  1. A member of the couple should know magic.
  1. In the event of inter-Kingdom marriage (one North, other South), the two will settle down in the kingdom where they have met.


NORTH: 3200 People

  1. Female to Female (33%)(
  1. Male to Male (23%)
  1. Female to Male (42%)
  1. Poly (2%)

SOUTH: 2000 People

  1. Female to Female (30%
  1. Male to Male (31%)
  1. Female to Male (30%)
  1. Poly (9%) (
Parent ethnicities
Diverged ethnicities
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