Valya Character in Wartorn | World Anvil


The Vengeful, The Lady of Spite

Valya is a relatively new deity. She ascended during the War of Four Armies when Nailen's rampage took her to the city of Seslad. Back then Valya was a prominent noble of the city, steeped in its politics and social life. In the wake of Nailen's battle in and over the city Valya was left with nothing. Her holdings were devastated. Her wealth evaporated. Her influence gone, her allies abandonded her. Her enemies descended upon her. Amid all this pain and anguish Valya's indomitable will found the the fuel to ascend to godhood, although the trauma of the process has forever colored her view of the world and her personality.

Valya's first order of business was to exact vengeance from those she deemed had wronged her. Whether rivals that plotted angainst her or friends that failed to rush to her aid, in a few short years they all felt her wrath. Her vengeful rampage netted her some renown and with it her first followers and of course a small fortune. Her fledgling church found fertile ground in a world rocked by the devastation that wrought the Corridor of Ruin. Valya's faith spread quickly to every corner of the world and all walks of society.

Divine Domains

Material Possessions, Ownership, Vengeance.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A hand clutching a gold coin with the fingers curled like talons.

Tenets of Faith

Valya's teachings reflect the circumstances of her ascension. She preaches vengeance against any slight big or small, intended or not, real or imagined. She awards extra credit for creativity although it is by no means required, and she is particularly impressed when one goes out of their way to create the circumstances that demand revenge on their own. One of the most favored ploys is to manufacture an incident between two parties and then openly or secretely push them into a vendetta. Her church is always open to petitioners looking for help with getting someone back for any reason, often very trivial. The clergy will promtly offer advice on how to go about it and encouragement to those whose resolve is faltering. They will even undertake the whole endeavor on behalf of the petitioner for a suitable donation.

Valya also supports the aquisition of material possessions without much regard for the way in which they are aquired, although she discourages and frowns upon actions that overtly break the law or generally draw unwanted attention. FInally, she is a great proponent and protector of the concept of ownership, and her church very often mediates disputes in such matters. Its verdicts are always founded on local law and are usually fair, but it is not unheard of that the party ruled against will later seek revenge on the party ruled in favor of. This suits the church just fine and is of course encouraged just like any other form of vengeance. Because of these last two tenets Valya's temples are perhaps the richest and definetely the most ostentatious of any god.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Valya absolutely hates Nailen. She views the archdemon as the party mainly responsible for destroying her mortal life and hatches infinite schemes to exact her vengeance. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that Nailen also deals in revenge, but even more so by the fact that Nailen sees Valya as an amateur not worthy of her notice.

Kilven, on the other hand, is the only entity whose slights Valya is willing to let slide sometimes. At the same time however he is also the entity that has suffered the most for his infractions against her. The two gods' ongoing dalliance is infamous and alternates between love and hate due to the extreme fundamental incompatibility of their characters. Although Valya is in all respects a very determined and steadfast person, where Kilven is concerned she switches mercurially between plotting against him and wooing him.
Divine Classification


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Jul 3, 2020 06:56 by Dimitris Havlidis

OMG! An update and it's a GOOD one!

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