Ur-Arakh Ethnicity in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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Ur-Arakh are a Humanoid species, the root or basal species of the macrogroup Arakh, sometimes called Gretans. Put differently, they are the most genetically "pure" of all arakh species, having experienced the least amount of genetic drift with other humanoid lineages.

Descended from a large, cat-like species, Ur-Arakh are distinguished from other humanoids by their tall, muscular stature, flat noses, pointed ears, wide mouths and promient underbites with large lower canines. Like other humanoids, they have become mostly hairless, and have typically mid- to dark-grey skin. They're the most skilled runners of the known root lineages, and are more likely to be born wind-aspected. They have a keen enough sense of smell that they can track with it.

"Arakh" generally refers to people of mixed human-arakh ancestry, who have become more common around the local universe than their basal cousins.  


Ur-Arakh are uncommon in the Greater Lotrimin Crux Region (GLCR): aloof in disposition, they rarely integrate thoroughly with other Humanoids, though they are not strongly anti-social either and can form mutually beneficial relationships. Gretanthic peoples (those of mixed Ur-Anthra and Ur-Arakh ancestry, from 'Gretans' above) have nonetheless spread steadily throughout the GLCR over the past millennia. Arakh relate less well to elves (Ur-Mera) and mixed "Mer-Arakh" or "Greteran" people are extremely rare.


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