Prodigies & Protégé: The unheard scream. Military Conflict in Waiting for the song to end | World Anvil

Prodigies & Protégé: The unheard scream.

Write about a conflict in your world known for being unprovoked or unfair.   It is well known that Prodigies tend to gather a choir of souls around them and tend to exert power through these musical expresions into something the public has come to know and songbinding.

The word binding is no accident in this statement. Although it is generally portrayed in media and fiction as a sybiotic relationship between a soul and the player/musician it isn't always a copacetic interaction.   As well as Synesthesia, the other defining trait of a Prodigy is the the ability to control a soul and make it do things against their will or nature.   Where as normally the interaction between Soul and song is a choice where both parties benefit. This does leave it as a rather unreliable process sometimes.
Conflict Type


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