
Aelasar was a god in ancient Lossul, enjoying a respectable popularity among the peoples there, if not a towering one. Variously depicted as belonging to many different races, his true origins remain unknown; during his time as a divine presence, he often appeared shrouded so as to prevent perceived favoritism toward one group over another. When he did appear with his features visible, Aelasar did so as though belonging to the angelic aelsa race he created to be his messengers. These depictions, however, were virtually unheard of outside the culture of the aelsa themselves.   During the years that his church prospered, Aelasar's followers worshipped him as a deity of creation, order, and beauty. His tenets taught that the world had been organized into distinct hierarchies, patterns, and systems -- even if those systems might appear chaotic to an outside or mortal observer. But rather than claiming only someone with divine power could understand these rules, his doctrines held that the laws of the universe could be found even in the smallest of places:  the spirals of a nautilus shell, the arrangement and number of leaves around a flower. His adherents were encouraged to create in whatever way suited them, be it via song or poetry, blacksmithing or pottery, architecture or gardening. Artisans who followed Aelasar became known for their orderly, intricate patterns and sweeping elegance, often emphasizing the ability to make even something functional equally beautiful. Geometric designs, particularly inspired by those found in the natural world, were common.   As worship of him grew, Aelasar finished his greatest creation:  the aelsa themselves. These angelic beings were not meant to be servants, nor to lord over Aelasar's other followers. Rather, they were instruments of his will, carrying messages to churches or serving as teachers and inspirational muses for mortal craftsmen. Owing to the nature of their creator, they likewise honed skills as accomplished builders and artisans, creating beauty in every field they turned their capable hands to.   In time, Aelasar's church would likely have continued to grow. Among other deities who often championed one race or faction over another, he had become popular as a benevolent, lawful deity open to all willing disciples. Unfortunately, Aelasar has since vanished from Lossul, and perhaps the plane of Vyril entirely. One day, he simply ceased to answer his worshippers' prayers, and even the aelsa lost contact with his voice. No trace remained of the god himself, and he has never returned. His churches slowly declined, likewise disappearing under the absent presence of their god, and his name has now been reduced to little more than a footnote in Lossul's history. Only the aelsa remain now, though these shining children have since taken over stewardship of the realm Aelasar once called his own. They now maintain that plane as a haven for souls once sworn to their god, and as an immortal, ever-bright afterlife for themselves once their mortal lives have finished.
Divine Classification

Cover image: the heavans by Alexander Andrews


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