Half-Aranea Species in Vuria | World Anvil
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An Aranea in humanoid form can breed with other humanoids as if it were a member of the race it purports to be. The resulting child from these unions is often a normal member of that race. In some cases though, it carries a number of traits from its arachnoid parent.   Half-araneans often try to fit in with the humanoid societies they are born into, but they may feel like strangers in their own communities. Some of these will leave their homes to live a solitary life or begin to travel and seek out a life of adventure with others who don't fit in with society.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Same as the race they emulate

Dietary Needs and Habits

Half-araneans will often adopt the dietary habits of whatever race they emulate. They will typically prefer more varied diets

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Half-Aranea are usually found in communities close to large populations of Aranea.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Unsurprisingly, half-araneans are almost always given names that are appropriate for a member of their non-aranean parent's race. Even those few half-araneans who are raised in aranean communities are often given suh names so that they might one day better fit in among humanoids.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Half-Aranea speak Trade Common and one language spoken by the race they emulate. Half-Aranea raised among Aranea will speak Trade Common and Sylvan.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While a half-aranean will be treated as a member of the race it appears to be, they will often struggle to fit in and may feel like an impostor. Half-araneans are typically welcome in aranean communities, and some will even rise to a position of respect, serving as a public face of such communities. Still, such communities are poorly set up for humanoids who cannot freely navigate webs, and half-araneans rarely feel fully at home in such places.   As a result, many half-araneans take to the road, becoming wanderers and adventurers, or live in isolated areas at the edge of communities where they can minimize their interaction with others.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Same as the race they emulate
Average Height
Same as the race they emulate
Average Weight
Same as the race they emulate

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