Dark Elf Species in Vuria | World Anvil
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Dark Elf

The dark elves of Vuria, or the Drukar as they prefer to be known, have little in common with the Drow of other worlds. While they do share a sensitivity to sunlight and a small innate command of magic, this is about where their similarities end. The Drukar largely settled in the northern reaches of the continent Aeduin following the Fall of Selna Dorei and became acclimated to the limited sunlight of the taiga. The Drukar are not typically evil so much as naive or fearful of Nerilith, the Lich Queen, who's tyrannical rule keeps those under her thumb in a near constant state of fear. To the Drukar, necromancy is a daily experience and even an honor to serve the community in undeath.   [GM'S NOTE: Instead of the standard Drow weapon proficiencies, you gain proficiency with the long sword, short sword, crossbow, and spear instead]

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Due to the Drukar's sensitivity to sunlight, the Drukar have very pale skin. Their hair tends to be very light in coloration, with snow white being common. Their eyes are commonly amber or gold, with the other eye colors occurring in elves being more uncommon.

Genetics and Reproduction

While better off than other elven races, dark elves suffer from low fertility rates, resulting in zero population growth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dark elves reach maturity around 20 years of age but aren't usually considered "adults" until they reach 100, much like other elves.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Unlike other elves, the frigid environs that the Drukar live in causes them to have a diet based around meat, occasionally fish. This is often in conjunction with hearty vegetables that can survive the cold environs, mushrooms, berries, and plants such as fern.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The majority of Drukar come from the northern reaches of Aeduin.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Male names: Latriath, Niritil, Vecis, Norauk, Mirlabor
  • Female names: Niravhis, Giswen, Seril, Halra, Vesha
  • Clan names: Caerzoth, Temparis, Iseloth, Danewen, Agkrath

Courtship Ideals

Marriages are often arranged by the parents, with the goal of increasing the family's wealth or influence. All marriages most be between two members of different clans (the gender of the spouses is irrelevant.) If a spouse dies early enough for the other to still marry, they might then choose a new spouse from the clan in which they were originally born--for they would not at that time belong to that clan, so the marriage would be proper.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Drukar speak Trade Common and Elvish, albeit a dialect that shares their name.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

To the Drukar, necromancy is simply a part of daily life. Those who do not earn the Glorious Afterlife are carefully embalmed to serve the needs of the living. While not what many Drukar strive for, it is still considered an honorable outcome. Those who disgrace the Drukar or greatly offend the Lich-Queen may find their remains being cremated; a punishment believed to be worse than death itself, as the destruction of the body leaves the soul to wander aimlessly until it succumbs to madness. Drukar who have proven themselves are called before the Lich-Queen to oversee their ascension to the Glorious Afterlife, to join the host of immortal Drukar warriors rewarded with eternal paradise.

Common Taboos

Due to their death-obsessed society, Drukar view cremation as the most severe of taboos and is often reserved for the most egregious of punishments.

Historical Figures

  • Nerilith, the Lich-Queen and ruler of the Drukar
Genetic Ancestor(s)
650-750 years
Average Height
6' - 6' 5"
Average Weight
130 lbs - 170 lbs

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