Liamond, the God of Nothing Character in Vreathe | World Anvil
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Liamond, the God of Nothing

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Long ago, during the Bronze Age, a god from another universe came to Vreathe. The god traveled the world, and called himself Liamond, the God of Truth. He came to this universe to tell the people of Vreathe the truth about the cosmos, how it was made, and tell everyone the true nature of Silnos, the creator and god of everything. The people who heard this truth all went crazy after several days. Liamond was responsible for toppling a nation in a single night after one audience with the ruler there.

Word of this went to the other gods, but they weren't powerful enough to deal with Liamond themselves. Some of the other gods even wanted to join him in spreading the truth around the world. This started the first great war of the gods (of the Bronze Age at least). Liamond nearly achieved his goal of sending all of Vreathe into chaos. His goal wasn't that much different from Vreathe's own dark god Tazil, summon the creator and end everything.

The Creator was said to have kept sitting on his throne at the edge of everything, peering into the universe watching the chaos unfold. He did not leave his throne. Instead he raised one finger, which summoned his archangel, his second in command, the God of the Elder Gods, Tellars.

Tellars traveled across the cosmos at incredible speed, going from the creator's throne to Vreathe in an instant. He immediately found Liamond. The two gods were said to have fought for three days. Tellars was never once injured but Liamond was stabbed numerous times, his blood falling to Vreathe as liquid blue crystals that were then buried deep in the earth. Tellars dealt the final blow, incapacitating Liamond.

Tellars then raised his hands, proclaiming that the judgment of Silnos had come and passed. The gods that joined Liamond were punished, tasked with helping Saint Nora rebuild the ancient city of Semmitra. Tellars had a worse punishment for Liamond. He was taken from Vreathe, to the foot of the Creator's throne, to be judged. Liamond attempted to tell the people of Vreathe that not all was what it seemed, but he was silenced once more and taken away.

It's been tens of thousands of years since that great battle, but Liamond's blood can still be found all over Vreathe, deep in the earth. This blood is what Mercure Elixers uses as the main ingredient for their Purifying Elixer. It literally comes from an alternate reality and the way the magic works is it sunders the magical corruption (or blessing, blood pact, god trace, effect) from a person and sends it to that reality. The corruption ceases to exist in the person and their body shapes itself to a pure state as if it was never corrupted at all.


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