SM14 - Fingering the Worm Report in Vrashyn | World Anvil
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SM14 - Fingering the Worm

General Summary

The Phoenix Four learn secrets from a frog and an ex-girlfriend, then are joined by Acquilan on their way back to Celonar, where they fight a purple worm.  

Cold Shoulder

As Tikvah and Sandy hear their prophecies inside, Nyssa and Tana are visited by Nyssa's patron. Apart from a whispering about seeds during the fight with the shadow spider, the The Anchored has been notably absent since the party woke up with amnesia in the icy temple. She explains her absence by saying that she can't interact with Nyssa much at all unless The Wanderer does, and vice-versa. She encourages Nyssa and the rest of the party to continue on their quest to defeat him, but is short on specific advise on how to do so. Notably, this is the first time that anyone other than Nyssa has been able to see The Anchored's projected form.  

Frog Facts

Back in the tent, Sandy and Tikvah have a discussion with Alivul, who turns out to know Zaluoh more than she originally led on. In the scrying-free environment of the tent, she shares that the war may soon be coming to a close and that the party's presence at the Phoenix Incident means that all sides of the war will be interested in their testimony. She encourages them to voluntarily join the Frogfolk contingent as added security and so they can speak to the need for Frogfolk independence.  

Back Home

The party makes a brief stop in Kaltekni to send The Busty Barnacle out on a trade mission before heading back to Celonar. Immediately when they arrive (suspiciously so as they later speculate), the city is attacked by a purple worm. With the help of Nim Srzl and Acquilan, the party kills the beast. After the fight, they are approached by members of the Society of the Unbroken Spirit.
Report Date
07 May 2022

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