Nekrosa Geographic Location in Vrashyn | World Anvil
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Nekrosa, also known as the City of Death, is a multi-ethnic city-state in Western Laivra. It is known as a refuge for necromancers, vampires, and others with a close relationship to death.  


Adventurers are a common sight in Nekrosa. Though the city's reputation repels more upstanding folk, those fleeing criminal accusations or repressive social conventions in the larger kingdoms are often attracted to the City of Death. Strict laws to protect adventurers' rights to their plunder were instituted by Deathlord Gormoda Limh, a former adventurer, when they conquered the city in 3160.  


Nekrosa has attracted nearly every lineage on Vrashyn due to its location at the border of many different landscapes and its previous reputation as a refuge for criminals and the oppressed. Nowadays, most residents are Elves, Gnomes, Satyrs, and Humans who speak the common tongue in their daily lives. Many Nekrosans are waited on hand and foot by undead servants and live carefree lives where they rarely need to work. Spectacle is an important part of city life. All-night parties, undead gladiatorial fight and sports, and loud music are common fixtures of Nekrosan night life. Blood Wailing is perhaps the most popular of these. Due to water scarcity, most residents who still require nourishment drink wine almost exclusively.  


Nekrosa is ruled by a Gnome necromancer named Deathlord Limh. They are said to keep no advisors, making all laws by their own decree. Since Limh has been Nekrosa's only ruler for the last thirteen years, it is unclear who will succeed them. They have several children and many grandchildren of age, though some speculate they will choose another mage of similar power from outside their family.  


Undead servants perform most hard labor in the city, freeing up the city's residents for loftier pursuits. However, these servants are unskilled, so Nekrosa's economy is small and driven primarily by adventuring and theft from nearby trading routes. Deathlord Limh founded a bank in the city in 3171 that has seen moderate success as a local financial center. However, it is hampered by the reputation for lawlessness that Nekrosa still has.  


From its founding, Nekrosa has been a site of worship for the Sylvan god Hades. He is revered by many, but over the years, his temple at the city's center has been expanded to a multi-faith complex called the Black Temple. It is devoted to dozens of gods of death and the underworld from across Vrashyn. Though most people in the city honor some number of gods, Nekrosan religious observance tends to be significantly less austere than in other places. Like most other buildings in the city, the Black Temple is also used for concerts and parties dedicated to various gods.  


Though it is not nearly as large as its neighbors Parthil and Tanalki, Nekrosa's most powerful necromancers maintain a large army of zombies and skeletons to defend themselves from their enemies. The fact that they can raise enemy casualties to join their ranks makes the Nekrosan military a highly powerful force, though their soldiers' lack of intelligence limits their offensive capabilities.  


The city of Nekrosa was founded by Satyr priests of Hades in the early 2800s AK. It was founded to support their temple, and for the first century of its existence was a small village that only occasionally showed up on local maps. Despite (or perhaps because of) its remote location, Nekrosa began attracting Elves, Gnomes, and Humans who needed to flee from the surrounding lands. Because of the town's existing association with a god of death, necromancers from Parthil made up an large portion of these refugees. By the end of the century, they were the majority, and the small city had a reputation for lawlessness and death. Nekrosa became independent in 3160 under the leadership of Gormoda Limh, a powerful Parthilian necromancer who led an army of undead to capture the areas of Parthil and Tanalki immediately around the city.  


Nekrosa is located in the highlands along the edge of the Evruxe mountains and includes a few smaller peaks within its borders. The city itself sits at the bottom of a valley between the largest of these. There are two mountain passes through which they valley can be accessed, one to the south and one to the west. There are few natural springs and no major rivers in Nekrosa, so the main source of fresh water is rain or snow and ice from the nearby mountains. Nekrosa's weather is mostly wet and cold. Storms that travel over the city tend to be caught in the valley, leading to occasional flooding and adding to the gloomy atmosphere.

Population: Gnome, Satyr, Elf, Human

Languages: Common

Religions: Hades & other death gods

Government: Dictatorship

Ruler: Deathlord Gormoda Limh

Capitol: Nekrosa

Demonym: Nekrosan

Symbol: Upside-down black cypress tree

Allies: Cûrambis, Athrada, Masyros

Enemies: Parthil

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