Celonar Adventurer's Guild Organization in Vrashyn | World Anvil
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Celonar Adventurer's Guild


The Celonar Adventurer's Guild was a small group operating in Celonar and the surrounding countryside. Like most guilds of its kind, it connected adventurers with clients and quests and provided discounts on basic adventuring services like identifying magic items. It was founded by Callie Greenstream in 3172 AK and had a rivalry with the local chapter of the Messenger's Guild.  


During the Phoenix War, both the adventurer's guild and its rival fell apart and their members spread across the northern continent. Callie and Meloch initially left to join the war effort, though the latter returned to Celonar to run his family's store after his mother fell ill. Acquilan wandered southward, eventually running into The Phoenix Four on two seperate occasions. Nim stayed in Celonar to run his shop. Aatcha's fate is not known to any of the other former members.  

Former Members

  • The Phoenix Five
  • Callie Greenstream. Human Paladin. A freelance knight who swore an Oath of Heroism. A bit of a hardass and a stickler for the rules.
  • Nim Srzl. Kobold Wizard. Oversees administrative tasks for the guild while running a local magic paraphernalia shop during the day. Sarcastic but always willing to help out where he can.
  • Aatcha Ooma. Elf Cleric. A priestess from Taurtofna who lived in a hamlet outside the city. She generally preferred her garden to other people.
  • Acquilan. Air Genasi Wayfinder. A cartographer who uses their levitation abilities to get a bird's eye view of the landscape. They are bubbly and charming and more than a little conflict-averse.
  • Meloch. Half-Orc Barbarian. He was too young to become a full member of the guild but serves as Callie's squire and as a recruiter. He's not the most skilled adventurer, but he's loyal and hardworking and always tries his best.

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