Vraccusean Kingdom Organization in Vraccusean Chronicles | World Anvil
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Vraccusean Kingdom

The oldest kingdom and most far flung. Wealth from strategic ports made this kingdom a trade center that brought in valuables and money. Living by the sea became a popular career, but so did merchant and soldier. More specialized craftsmen became prominent as unique goods made their way to their shores. Along with goods game culture and the people of Vraccus felt the need to buck other traditions and bury themselves in their own identity. It became a sense of pride and nationalism. Now, even the very people who claim to be their own unique breed tend to indulge in these traditions and idiosyncrasies.  

What do they value, what do they hate?

Value planning and strategy Values risk and views risks should be rewarded Hate bucking traditions Value positions of power Hate anyone that doesn’t value religion Hate wilderness and the unknown Hate new traditions or cultures - xenophobic in that manner Value one's word and loyalty Value traditions  


Nobility and rulers are believed to be necessary to be prosperous. The central kingdom doesn’t believe that anyone can become a nobil, but are instead chosen by the gods to rule and represent their ideals and/or wishes. Anyone may become a knight or an individual with high prestige, but are still beholden to the nobility. If a knight, or anyone, is made to be nobile it’s because the gods made them that way. In reality nobiles come from a blood line of wealthy individuals from generations back. Marriages, payments, assassinations or false claims to the rank have made nobiles in the past. Most know this to be true, but have faith that the gods still had a roll to play in the event. They also strongly believe the ones on top not only know what's best for the bottom, but tirelessly work to uphold their best interest. This is true in various shades of gray.  

Fate and fortune

Planing/scheming = good. If you aren’t risking you aren’t gaining. The most clever individuals don’t have something others can take. For example the owner of a fleet of ships for trading is clever for maintaining the fleet and accumulating the power and wealth to be in that position, but it all can be taken away by a pirate crew or a rival merchant. However if that same fleet owner gave his ships to captains in exchange for their service he is a hero and has no assets to lose. In the same vein, if you were given something and don’t return the favor or show the proper respect you could end up losing the gift or much more. Of course this is generally just in theory, in practice people just don’t let other know how much they have or where it is. Often times people will hide their valuables in multiple locations so that if one is stolen from they still have back ups  

Art and Drama

Music,Plays and paintings are indeed appreciated in the kingdom, but primarily only earnestly enjoyed by the commonwealth. Sure, upper crust might enjoy a play or sonnet from time to time, but their heart is never truly in it when they have bigger things on their mind. Artists, musicians and actors are far more useful as spies. As a noble hosting a play or showcasing a musician is a great way to also highlight your prestige and wealth. Same goes for commissioning an artist to create an epic mural of yourself. Unfortunately this also leaves strangers in your presence for an extended period of time. Of course, if you know the game you know to keep your trap shut. This feat is easy enough, until spurred lovers, alcohol or those not keen to the game enter the picture. Most artists one hires comes from distant lands to tilt the odds that no one intercepts them or corrupts them to another cause. Because of this most artists never claim they are from the region and adopt other customs. It’s just good business. The commonwealth, as stated actually do enjoy the arts and help bring levity to the mundane. Epics about finding fortune, thwarting the competition and ‘winning’ the game are among the favorites. Everyone wants to be the hero that comes from nothing using only their wit and intellect to out maneuver the rest only to come out on top. Often times the villains don’t plan enough, or take enough risks. Tavern owners hire minstrels and actor troops to perform at their establishment giving them an air of prosperity and to create a lively atmosphere. The themes tend to be rousing and exciting to help the ale flow. Epics of heros, again revolving around outsmarting the villian are big hits. However epics of adventurers can be a welcomed change of pace. Detailing the outside world and conquering it - bringing order to chaos, is thrilling to most.  

Love and marriage

Marriages are arranged and extensively fretted over. Weaving a prosperous marriage is not only helpful to the familie(s), but excellent bragging material. It helps prove how clever you are. The idea of falling for someone your parents don’t arrange for you is grossly appalling. Pursuing the notion of pining for a non arranged marriage severely hurts the families ability to negotiate and may even result in abandoning the troublesome child.   When meeting a new group of individuals one must introduce themselves to the females of the group before the males. (Introduce as in hand shake or the like.) A male wouldn’t speak to a group of ladies unless spoken to first as this may be an attempt to woo the female. This tends to only be troublesome if the female is spoken for, but for insurance it’s best to assume all females are spoken for. Of course merely greeting is exempt from this rule. All of this is to allow women to make the first move in courtship, which then can begin or escalate negotiations when marrying off daughters. For example the father and mother of the daughter (Family A) wants to have a shipping family (Family B) sell their goods. A farming family (Family C) wants to inherit Family A’s farm and thus increase their possible yield per year. Family A will want to bribe Family B into having their son marry the daughter. However if the daughter speaks to the son of Family C before the son of Family B this could put Family B in advantage. Reasoning being that the daughter might be unfaithful to the shipping son. This would put Family A at a disadvantage at the negotiations table. However if the daughter was to talk to the son of Family B first this shows she is also interested in him, or at least giving into social pressures. This would help produce heirs or otherwise ensure the son will be taken care of. Much more goes into these agreements, but this simple exchange can turn the tables.  

Wilderness/ Monsters

The Central kingdom views the wilderness as something to be exploited. Forests are for lumber and hunting. Tree’s may be nice in the towns and cities as a decoration, but it is an afterthought. Mountains are to be mined and create resources for civilization. The sea is for fishing and transporting. Fields are for cultivating. Monsters and demons lurk within the wilderness and when it isn’t tamed these beasts run amuk and seek to destroy the good folk and what they create. An untamed land creates more demons and attracts evil creatures. Cutting back the wilderness or otherwise taming it is a way of showing to monsters to back off. On the other hand, as much as they like to expand civilization, they also feel they can learn from or use the beasts that lurk within. The Vraccuseans know they should fear the wilds because the demons can be smart and cunning. But a true Vraccusean feels they could take advantage of this. Learn their tricks and eventually out wit them. To sum up they have no problems with mining for resources or claiming a land for development, but if the chance arises they may study or interact with the wilds.  

Nobility/ Royalty

What’s expected

Any noble or persons of a higher stature must be educated at a college. It is considered odd if the noble didn’t get into their position by taking it from another either by backhanded means, buying out the original or surviving as an heir. Nobles are expected to have a multitude of offspring as they tend to meet an early end. However if they do survive adolescents their siblings often feud and end up killing or otherwise removing other family members. You don’t want to survive only to find your sibling took the throne before you got a chance. As a noble you are expected to own a prosperous business. Most establish a trade company, but patrons of the arts or guilds also do well. Mining companies tend to do well, but have trouble passing to other generations once the material is used up.One notable noble got their fortune by creating an ale company while another formed a hospital, which is how we have health potions now days. If you are a noble and don’t want to be part of the game you move away and hope no one follows or give up all your titles and privileges to become a peasant. The latter is unforgivable. Having so much and just abandoning it is an insult to the community at large. Peasants often don’t want to associate with you and thus these exnobiles tend to move far away regardless. Giving up your titles may still not get you off the hook. Any noble sufficiently threatened by your mere existence may still attempt to assassinate you.  

How they’re viewed by peasants

The peasantry view nobiles as highly clever and smarter than themselves. Everyone is aware of the constant threat to death of those with more to their name. Therefore it reasons that if you can live and prosper as they do you must be highly intelligent It isn’t uncommon for peasants to want a meager life. They don’t want the burden of watching their back or wondering who is a true friend. The idea of living within your means is a perfect way of keeping your life for many. These type of individuals, when given extra money or a large sum would rather that money be sent to the church or toward the community. This takes a target off their back and in many cases even may make them a more prominent member of the community. “Two in the pocket is one in the back”  

How they’re viewed by other nobles/royalty

Other nobles are one of two things competition or an ally. Normally an ally is synonymous with stepping stone. Any other noble is a possible enemy by taking the throne, or stealing your company or whatever you desire they could take. Eliminating that opposition is a smart and obvious idea to the nobles. Even a noble that removes themselves from ‘the game’ could return later and declare they are owed one thing or another. That it is a birth rite. Thus once you enter the game you never leave.  


Backstabbing, poisoning, double agents, assassins and decoys are all common play within Vraccus. It is expected that if you have power someone will attempt to take it from you. Only the most clever keep their power and/or wealth for long. Reigns that last generations are something of a marvel. Nobles are there for in turn are considered wise and cunning beyond that of the normal lot. Thus if one becomes the ruler of Vraccuse the peasantry believes and assumes they are not only blessed by the gods, but undoubtedly clever and smarter than them. Their rule is just and wise and in their best interest to prosper. The longer the rule the more faith the people have in the individual and the more pius they appear. They may even become saints if their rule is long enough. Side note - There isn’t a set time limit to become a saint. It’s more of a general agreement juxtaposing said ruler against recent memory of other rulers. For example if Ruler A lasts 10 years, Ruler B lasts 11 and Ruler C lasts 20 it’s clear that Ruler C is better in some manner than A or B, thus sainthood may be granted to them.  


What is considered a cowardly act? Only a coward would give their word and/or loyalty only to later not follow through. To give one's word is to create an unbreakable bond. Betraying this would bring the wrath of the gods down on you. Abandoning one's responsibilities or lofty stature is frowned upon. This is essentially giving up on the game. This is a sign of weakness and disgrace. It’s disrespecting the kingdom as a whole and refusing the call from the gods. However, if you give up the game to join the military then it isn’t seen as giving up on the game, but rather gracefully losing the game and instead wanting to become an audience member while still serving the kingdom as a whole.  


Vraccuseans value planning and plotting in the endeavour to elevate their status. However, giving back to the community is seen as the main reason to do so. Most don’t give back as much as they gain, but to keep in favor of the masses they ensure to make a show of when they do give back. Everyone is interested in getting a leg up on their neighbor and aren’t above underhanded means. In Fact it is expected that someone is out to get you and thus you should be prepared for this inevitability. If you don’t plan for it then you are a fool and should be taken advantage of. Tradition and community is highly valued and thus outsider are viewed with distaste as they don’t share the same customs and attitudes. In this sense they are xenophobic and prefer to be left alone, but on the other hand they aren’t bashful about using others for their own gains.

Public Agenda

Agenda for the North war The invaders from the north must be crushed, but Osrejess doesn’t feel a frontal attack would be much use and instead wants to put less funds toward the military, thus lowering the number of Military personnel. With that said His goals are to instead train more assassins and infiltrators while also bolstering the navy barricade. He hopes to stop all trade to and from the north much like a massive siege.   Criticism of policies To the north many towns are more or less funded by the military constantly traveling through their area. This keeps businesses running, families fed and bandits tend to keep at bay. Also, those that could use the military to raise their quality of life, or are in the service with no real world skills will soon be jobless and have to find new means of income and status. Another notable disagreement is that the North knows about the backstabbing nature of the Vraccus all to well - hence why they left the kingdom. Therefore an assassination approach doesn’t feel like a clever means of attack. It’s what's to be expected. Of course there are those that feel the war is useless and should be dropped altogether. Trade routes could be opened, resources exchanged and commerce could continue.   Southern kingdom Osrejess wants the Southern kingdom to open its borders to the Vraccus kingdom so they may raid the various ruins scattered throughout. The relics are invaluable and can not only be traded for a high price, but some may help with keeping the throne and legitimizing his rule. Osrejess is open to negotiating the issue, but isn’t the most diplomatic and thus the negotiations don’t progress much, if at all. Regardless the king sends secret parties to dungeon dive and steal the relics anyways. Some are caught and some aren’t which can leave negotiations in an awkward spot. It appears that with each passing day the southern kingdom is less tolerant of the Central kingdom. With all this the king hasn’t denied the desire to keep peace between the two. If war was to break out Osrejess wouldn’t lose sleep over it due to a network of spies and assassins he’s been slowly leaking into the Southern kingdom.   Criticism of policies Many believe Osrejess is terrible at diplomacy and should avoid it as much s possible. Of course his constant attempts at stealing relics hurts the attempts at negotiation more than helps and thus he should just leave the southern kingdom to his Arch dukes and Arch duchesses. He is just making the kingdom look like a buffoon. The desire for the relics is shared by many and there for his poor attempts at getting the south to cooperate is making such treasure hunts less likely for the Vraccusean people.   Most people aren’t aware of his network of spies and assassins and thus don’t see his ‘fumbles’ as distractions as they are intended. He wants the south to attack so he can strike swiftly, but he also needs to bide time to ensure his network is positioned properly. Patience is the name of this game. A few people feel he is up to something, but can’t put their finger on it. Some have suspicions and attempt to uncover the plot then use it to their advantage.   Pirates When it comes to the pirates that plague the trade vessels, ports and fishing ships Osrejess wants to pay them to plunder the southern kingdom. He wants the people to think he is just paying them off or sending them across the sea, but he has other plans. He knows that if they were to join the trade war with the north and plunder them the pirates could simply be offered a better deal and then betray Vraccus. No, Osrejess wants them to find riches in the south and offer them better deals for the relics and treasure they find. Some pirates feel this is a good deal. They get to answer only to themselves and get rich. However most others are aware of how many beasts prowl the coast and how often ships run ashore. They want easier prey or more pay.   Criticism of policies Many feel they should just offer the pirates the previous deal to attack the north and get out of our waters. Some will note this will take more money, but better that then losing a ship or all your goods. Others still feel the pirates should be shown a sharp end of a sword. They feel just attacking the pirates would be a swift and easy way to deal with the sea beggars. These opinions are probably right, under certain circumstances such as keeping a large navy, However those invested in the game also see them as a very useful tool and are hesitant to give them up. Keeping them around is like having a wild card in your back pocket.   Trade To start with The king refuses to entertain any trade with the Northern kingdom. He refuses to send goods to them and certainly won’t accept any. This includes any traders who aren’t part of the kingdom who wish to trade with the north. Osrejess blocks any trader from approaching the northern kingdom and considers it a slight against the Vraccusean people. As for the south free trade is allowed and trade of relics or artifacts are highly encouraged. Magic items are also prized and sought after. Osrejess obviously prefers to sell more than buy, but one cannot force others to buy - can they? Trade with the distant lands is always welcomed and encouraged and acts similar to that of the south. When trading to another kingdom or empire traders tend to increase the price due to the restriction of currency accepted in Vraccus. Because of this restriction on foreign currency traders can find it more difficult to sell their wares to outside vendors. Specialty traders tend to still do well, but more mundane trade is throttled. Due to this Vraccus spice is considered a delicacy and is a highly desired good. Osrejess only accepts the coin of the kingdom (Gilded, plates and pitance) or ancient coins. Coin from any other kingdom or empire will need to be traded if you wish to pay any government service including taxes. Because of this the citizens of Vraccus generally don’t accept outsider coin or if they do it may have a markup just for the hassle   .Criticism of policies The biggest gripe is the restriction on foreign currency. Traders have found it difficult to sell more goods and thus seafaring traders buy and sell less of the mundane goods and instead push more specialty goods. Some traders have even transitioned to selling only specialty goods Jewelers have been steadily raising prices due to the shortage of gems and rare stones. These generally come from the northern kingdom where the mines reside. This also has put an increase in the cost of metals from brackets to swords. There for when people want these goods they tend to go to the southern kingdom or buy from distant lands since its cheaper. This of course puts the Vraccusean merchants in a tough position. The majority of Vraccuseans don’t think twice about smuggling goods out of the southern kingdom, but few righteous individuals bring up concern and often attempt to warn the Iwastean monarchy about the misdeeds. These individuals may have an inflated sense of what is right and wrong while others are being edged out, such as the weapons merchants mentioned before. It’s in their best interest to blow the whistle and bring buyer back to their establishments. Barons and other adventurers also tend to like to blow the whistle as they are trying to get the same goods and thus are attempting to thwart their rivals. Wilds Orsejess encourages and oftentimes funds expeditions to old ruins to clear out the beasts within and bring back whatever treasure is hidden within. He also is interested in pouring more of the kingdoms funds into creating and maintaining roads and bridges. This includes more patrols along the roads to ensure less bandits, highwaymen or beasts attack citizens that are traveling. Finally Orsejess has an interest in rebuilding ancient ruins of the past, especially temples to the new gods. This would clear out any overgrowth and prevent various beasts from making homes in these locations. It would also bolster a sense of Vraccusean pride while helping the people reconnect with their past before the Good King.   Criticism of policies Many people have conflicting thoughts on these policies being both for and against them at the same time. Having better roads means safer travels and quicker trips, but it also means bypassing smaller villages or producing bigger cities and removing smaller townships. In the short term this means leaving one's home, shortage of jobs and possibly letting the wilds take over - doing the very thing the whole plan is against. However, for the shakers and movers there is a bigger, more longer lasting effect. Less Dukes, counts and vice counts. When there is less towns to govern then you don’t need more governors. Power can be more centralized and unless your on the top you have less chance to move up. This is often a gripe of the people. When a noble is lower in the ranks they are opposed to these changes, but as they move up they are far less interested in preventing the change. As for the rebuilding of the ruins and bringing a part of history back to the people very few people are opposed to this. Vraccuseans are very interested in the past and revere it with a sense of pride, wonder and mystery. The past civilization always seems more prosperous, powerful and larger than their kingdom. The only issue with digging up the past involves the possibility of making an empire. Each noble of any rank partly looks into funding expeditions into the ruins so they may claim something that proves they should be in power. They also are keenly interested in what other people have found and how they might use those relics. This is to ensure they don’t have leg up. Because of this most expeditions are kept secret and dolled out through hidden means.   Religion Orsejess follows and believes in the new gods. He shows little respect to the old gods and believes they not only abandoned the people, but have never wanted to be around them in the first place. He believes the old gods unleashed the various beasts and demons onto the world and the new gods are working to remove such burdens. Orsejess also believes the new gods haven’t been seen in ages because they went to go fight the old gods. He believes the evidence sprouts from when the last hero returned to kill Impisus resulting in the sword field.   Criticism of policies This is the general consensus of the Vraccusean people and very few reject these ideas. Of Course, like everything, there are few exceptions and a cleric or paladin of the old gods may be seen trumpetting the praises of the old gods. However these individuals are distrusted and though to be fanatics.


How do they want to be viewed

The military want to be viewed as galient, incorruptible or swayed protectors of the land. They want to be seen as strong and unbreakable as well as above politics or the endless game. They are here to hold the gates and eradicate evil.  

How are they viewed

Overall people are generally fine with the military. They don’t feel they are a player in the game and thus not really a threat. They are the first thing to come to mind when needing a protector and depending on who is incharge are welcomed. Much of public opinion deals with who control the military. For example, when the Clever Bastard was in charge soldiers could enter a random persons home and expect to be fed. That didn’t make the commonwealth thrilled and the military - generally - knew this.  

How does one join

One may enlist at any keep, fort, castle or church. Enlisting revokes any titles or privileges one might have had before enlisting. Those enlisted start as a squire, regardless of age, gender, race or station. All squires are expected to provide their own equipment. Only when you become a knight are you provided for. One may still join up if they have nothing to their name, but their jobs are limited to what you reasonably can do. If you own a sword, for example, you might be helping a knight. If you can’t afford such luxuries then you might be working at a stable. If you aren’t born within the kingdom, and don’t have a voucher from the current ruler (current as in when you enlist) you may not join.  


Various articles of clothing or armor is added to your person to mark milestones of service. For example, if you survive ten battles you are given a blue cape with the rulers coat of arms. Notches on a scabbard indicate friends lost in battle. Losing a limb in battle and making it back home often results in a ship being named by you. Captains like to show their support and appreciation and thus offer to rename their ship in your honor for your sacrifice. Thus ships named ‘Ol’ lefty’ and ‘Winky’ have been seen in the harbor.  

Notable groups

Rose guard: Elite unit of knights often leading charges into battle. Their armor is crimson to hide their blood and to be easily identified by the enemy. When an enemy sees a red clad knight they know they are facing a highly skilled and determined opponent. Rose guards only enter combat if it’s to the death.   Black thorn legion: This specialized unit of soldiers are infiltrators and guerilla warfare experts. They are trained in infiltration and sneak attacks. This is not to be confused with an assassin as they are a group that tend to break into forts or castles and attack an unaware opponent, but prepared to fight a fully armored knight.


The Vraccusian people are devout in their religious practices. They are keenly aware of how fickle gods can be and thus diligently take time out of their day to pray. They also tend church twice a week. The first is a day of thanks in which the people attend mass to thank the gods for the past week, ensuring the gods know they are grateful. The second is a day of pleading. Again the people attend mass and beg the gods to be merciful for the remainder of the week. Even nobles are beholden to the church and will tend twice a week as well, or at least claim they do. It isn’t uncommon that they don’t always attend both times, but overall the people in power do fear the gods. In addition people of faith, such as priests, clerics, oracles and the like don’t bow to nobles. Some may to show respect, after all they are mortal. But there is no social pressure to do so. Nobles or peasants, on the other hand, bow to people of faith if no other idols of the gods are present. This is viewed as bowing to the god they serve, rather than the individual.   It is tradition to visit on the first and third day of the week and visit a the churches in a clockwise fashion. The first day was started as a day the original people collectively gathered to worship the gods. The second is to remind them they have not abandoned them and remain faithful. As for the clockwise rotation it is agreed upon that all churches should be visited so each god is recognised. King Vraccus began the clockwise rotation so he could visit them all in an orderly fashion. Now everyone does it to emulate the original ruler, who is wise above all.

Trade & Transport

Trade, especially overseas, is the most prized career. It produces the most money, has a higher chance of creating nobles and allows an individual the honor of sharing their tradition and culture to far off lands. Of course high reward comes with high risk. Traveling across the land to sell wares can bring a merchant face to face with thieves, dangerous wildlife or worse - evil beings. Sailing across the seas is even more treacherous with diseases and storms being more prevalent. Life and limb is sacrificed, but the money creates kings.


Tradition is highly regarded and a staple in everyone's lives. Tradition dictates nearly every aspect of life from heir to the throne, religious practices and all the way down to what foods should be present when greeting someone new to their homes.or greeting people. In the endeavour to pass on traditions and norms children of peasant families are encouraged to apprentice under neighbors who not only teach a craft, but also instill local traditions and norms. Mostly the traditions passed down are those within the given trade, but also more general community norms. Things like greeting an elder for example.

Two in the pocket is one in the back.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Central kingdom
Government System

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