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Veins of the Earth: Mining Leylines

Ages ago, before the coming of the Great Storm, the planet of Vhosparus was overflowing with magic. The land itself pulsed with the lifeblood of the planet: ley. Ley was the raw embodiment of the Weave, saturating the Material Plane and placing magic at the fingertips of the most common of folk. Citadels were built over ley nodes and travel conducted along the lines. Leylines were once a resource as valuable as gold and were treated as such. The most powerful of mages, particularly druids and sorcerers, could tap directly into these lines and harness unbelievable power. As technology advanced, leylines were created artificially with Binding Stones to widen their spread and availability.   When the Great Storm washed over Vhosparus and ruptured the Weave, the leylines were severed from their source. Magic ceased to flow through Vhosparus and the leylines began to die. Over time, weaker and smaller leylines decomposed into the earth while main veins withered and condensed. Over the centuries, the remaining ley underwent a change of state.   Artificial ley transitioned from its synthesized liquid state into magical residual sludge akin to pollution. Initially, the ley liquefies into a crude form of its previous state when it was alive and flowing. In this state, the viscosity of the ley varies from congealed tar to unfiltered honey depending on the quality. This ley never undergoes the crystallization process and is separate from natural ley in use and quality. However, this is unknown to the people of Ordia and they believe it to be the first stage crystallization. Artificers of Florestal are searching for a catalyst to harness this form's magical capabilities.   When natural ley undergoes its change of state, the ley is soft with high cleavage making it prone to breaking down under low stress. The texture is similar to rotted wood while the color varies from deep blues to reds or off-white depending on the quality and location. Light blue or white ley ore is regarded as the highest quality due to its high reactivity in comparison to other colors. The earlier stages of crystallization are the most common to discover and the rawest form of this resource. From here it is refined for use.   In the later stages, the ley begins to knit itself together into a stationary solid, rather than a semi-liquid like it once was. The crystallization is complete once the characteristics of the ley are most similar to rock crystal quartz. Crystals in this state are highly conductive magical resources and are the most valuable and rare. The capabilities of ley quartz have yet to be fully explored, but it is known that they can be used to power all manner of artifice as well as transmute magical objects.   Each nation of Ordia that has rediscovered the leylines treats them differently. In its endless endeavor to purge magic from the world, the Church of Progress in Gentrov acquisitions any findings and demolishes them so they can never be used. In other nations however, it is valued as a highly prized resource to be tapped, mined, processed and sold. A burgeoning of crystallized ley was discovered in the Muiraces mountain range by the dwarves of Bharak-dur, leading to an explosion of aether technology within the region but also raising tensions with the giant's city of Ifdurough on the other side of the range who have also staked a claim on the crystals. In Florestal, artificers use the ore in their craft to create and power promising machines of the future. Crystals are not naturally occurring here, so they have not advanced as far or fast as their neighbors of Bharak-dur. In addition to this, they have begun using the liquid ley as a dye for extravagant clothing, cosmetics, and accessories. In Sundervale, all forms of ley are used in their process of creating artificial sorcers and ingots are burned as fuel for vehicles.   With crystallized ley being a limited resource, many artificers are attempting to replicate the substance for profit and for expanded use. This however is proving to be difficult since such specific circumstances created this ley to begin with. Some researchers may be attempting to reconstruct Binding Stones during this attempt.   Overall, the discovery and use of crystallized ley has created a cornerstone in the continent of Ordia for culture and technology. Industry and innovation are on the rise as the remains of a broken world are slowly chipped away at.


Material Characteristics

Artificial ley churns with many shades of its main color from dark to light.
Natural ley shimmers like other crystals and glows faintly with its respective color.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Artifical ley in its raw form is hot to touch and must be handled carefully.
Natural ley is cool to cold in temperature, commonly freezing liquids that come into contact with it.

Geology & Geography

Found along leylines from before the Great Storm.

Origin & Source

Naturally occurring phenomena originating from the Weave. Later replicated with synthesized magic by advanced wizardry.

Life & Expiration


History & Usage


Crystallized ley was discovered in the last century. Since then, its magical properties and capabilities have been harnessed and even monopolized in some places. Many people disapprove of its use while just as many see it as an advantage.


Crystallized ley was found at different times by each nation, as each one was reluctant to share with the rest of the continent.   Dindy Dragaus was the first to discover ley crystals in the Muiraces, naming them Dragaus Crystals after himself. The city state of Ifdurough quickly happened across this discovery within the same year.  Dr. Johannes Schafer of the Church of Progress first discovered liquid ley in the Rimewald in 489 PGS while venturing into a cave system in search of an Elven relic. Lord Erik Mocenigo of Florestal was the first to own rights to ley ore when one of his farmers discovered a shallow vein in one of his fields. Velophel Sulito was the first artificer in the country to attempt to use ley ore in his work.

Everyday use

In building or fueling artifice. Crafting magic items.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Once leylines were commonplace technology used in everyday life for communication, transportation, and agriculture.

Industrial Use

Despite its importance, ley ore is not used on an industrial scale. It is a specialized element.


Liquid ley is distilled into a purified form to be used as a base for dyes or a solute for potions.  Ley ore is ground into fine powder. From here it can be melted down, as it takes on a strange metallic property when subject to extreme heat, and smelted into ingots. Ingots can be burned and used for fuel or combined with different metals to create magic items such as weapons, armor, or jewelry.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

The dye made from liquid ley is used for clothing, shoes, and all sorts of high-end accessories and attire.


Low quality ley has been discovered to be highly unstable and volatile, destroying equipment and causing many injuries.

Environmental Impact


Reusability & Recycling

Consumed on use, not reusable.


Trade & Market

This resource is a luxury, sold at high prices to certain buyers. This resource is not readily available to the public in its raw or processed form.

Law & Regulation

No laws currently exist but due to their specialized use and expensive price, ley use and purchase is limited.
Varies, but 1 ingot of ley ore is 100 GP.
Very Rare. Must be mined from the earth and then refined to be usable.
Liquid ley carries a strong pungent and earthy scent while ley ore and crystals have a very light smell of fresh water.
Liquid ley is metallic and sweet while ley ore and crystals are chalky.
Regardless of artificial or natural ley, higher quality ley is blue to white while lesser quality ley ranges from magenta to black.
Common State
Artificial ley: liquid / Natural ley: semi-solid to solid
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