Breccin: Sorcery Manufactured Settlement in Vos | World Anvil
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Breccin: Sorcery Manufactured

Breccin itself is known for being the most magically adept city in Sundervale. Founded by Albrecht the Truthbringer in 93 PGS, the city is a bastion of power and trade in the archipelago.   Huge buildings populate most of the city and waterways make for a natural road with boats being the most common form of transportation. For those who are more fortunate, arcane vehicles are flown all about Harlton and beyond. Anything and everything can be found in market districts throughout Breccin due to their massive importing and exporting thanks to some of the best merchants in the realm. Spices, teas, liquor, fabrics, cheeses, wines, silk, you name it! Some merchants are notorious for being illegitimate via piracy, but no government official will do anything about it due to the sheer amount of wealth they bring into their mercantilist-like city. The most valuable resources lay in magic with their arcane engines that are powered by the weave given form and then burned as fuel. This fuel comes from extracting the invisible force of magic in the air itself. This, however, can lead to serious problems. For example, in 389 PGS, a great explosion occurred in upper Breccin. It destroyed an entire tower because of the irresponsible harvesting of the weave. Now, a portion of upper Breccin is completely uninhabitable. It is known to all as the Storm Quarter due to its resemblance to the Great Storm itself and serves as a reminder. Afterward, many merchants turned to a new experimental process that had the potential to make people into wielders of Aedilona's grace itself. They would become known as Conduits.   The most unusual occurrence in the archipelago of Sundervale is the incredible amount of people that are naturally connected to the magic in the air around them. This, however, is no coincidence. To the people that live inside the walls of upper Breccin (known as Harlton), sorcery is only a payment away. Yes, the majority of the famous Conduits in Sundervale's cities are actually creations of Brecci nobility. At birth, a privileged child is taken to a special chamber in which they are infused with pure weave by some secret ancient elven ritual that allows the child's blood to become entwined to the invisible forces around them. It is known as the Poel Process. Tragically, most children cannot handle the process and become completely disabled (mentally or physically) or even die, but the only way to become a conduit is having one's soul infused at an incredibly young age. For a lot of people, this isn't a risk they are willing to take at the expense of their child's life. Others have as many children as possible to have conduit heirs to their name. Conduits in their own right are highly-sought after magic wielders that are taught by other conduits from a young age if the Poel Process is successful.   Conduits are incredibly powerful wielders of magic. Though most are only strong enough to power some arcane engines, some possess enough power and skill to fuel an entire block's worth of arcane engines. Despite conduits providing fuel for the endless fire, some operate as freelance mercenaries, law enforcement, and even criminals. Conduit gang-rings are incredibly dangerous and are a constant plight on the Gold Guard that defend the city, for no one knows exactly what a conduit is capable of.


67% Human, 11% Orc & Half-Orc, 22% other (Capruus, Half-elf, Halfling, Gnome)




Albrechti, Gold Guard, Skyguard, Starlance Towers

Industry & Trade

Arcane engines, importing and exporting, vehicles, weaponry, etc.


Arcane engines, plumbing, magic vehicles, etc.


Buildings are very close to one another and built on strong foundations to withstand the waterways that weave through the city.
Founding Date
93 PGS
Alternative Name(s)
Sundervale City
Inhabitant Demonym
Brecci, Vale Dweller

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