Exiting the Goblin Warrens Report Report in Voltera | World Anvil

Exiting the Goblin Warrens Report

General Summary

Having Cleared out the Goblin Warrens our adventuring party made their way out an exit found through some chamber ruins at the end of the warrens. Uncertain of the exact time after being underground so long they soon discovered it was about 2 am in the morning as they exited the caves into some overgrown old ruins. Reacting to the state of these ruins Zippo the Fire sprite was in shock and disbelief not clearly understanding how long he had been a prisoner. as the party began to investigate they sighted and nearby campfire they heard the sounds of bestial creatures eating and devouring something to the Northeast of the Campfire. A battle began with a pack of Ghouls that where apparently devouring some goblins who had fled the warrens earlier as the players started dispatching the Ghouls and all seemed to going well Tameric felt a cold presence at his feet feeling uneasy he moved to get away from the sensation when a slender dark haired Female Vampire appeared behind him attempting to grapple him and calling out to apparently her sister.. Soon there after another silver haired female vampire appeared near Cabalard and Percevil combat ensued and initially the two vampires seemed to have the upper hand as the party felt its attacks where not doing much damage. Percevil managed get off a fear spell causing a visage of a sunbeam to frighten away the Dark haired Vampire as a fury of Blows from Turail, Drake, Cabalard, Malious and Elwood began to rain attacks on the Silver haired Vampire damaging her and making her decide to flee as her Dark haired companion had done. She quickly turned into a bat attempting to fly away as the party as Drake landed a destructive blow turning her into a wailing mist but not before she could summon swarms of bats to her aid. this is where we left the game as the has driven off the two Vampires but now prepares to deal with swarms of approaching bats.
Voltera (Ghosts of Saltmarsh)
Report Date
26 Jul 2020
Primary Location