Tatsuya Morikawa Studio Organization in Vnou | World Anvil

Tatsuya Morikawa Studio

This is a WIP
There will be content here in the future. This article was created as a placeholder and referenced in another. While there is nothing here at the moment, there will be content eventually. <3

Luxuriant Flowing Stream Around A Classical Identity

Archaic, artistical reference about the location of the Studio - referring to the Ryadh River branching off from the Darahrah, near Alqua. The mention of the 'classical identity' is a proud declaration of traditional technique.

Alternative Names

Tatsuya Morikawa, Morikawa Studio


Morikawan, Tatsuya Oushnou

Ruling Organization


Geographic Location

Near the remote village of Qalqabah.

Founding Date

Early 800s; Tatsuya Morikawa Studio in specific 803


Shpou'Shra-Zar Aleundemu Fa'Baniachuang

Leader Title


Organizational Structure

The Oushnou Studios function as both a primary education facility to the villages in their immediate area as well as a refining and finishing school for those that will become Oushnou. Most will specialize in one or two areas, depending on who they house as  


There is only one Master at a Studio. The vnou responsible for the entirety of it, usually the Shpou of the family that has been the backbone of the Studio.  


The specialists - usually retired Oushnou who were renown in their field and survived to old age. They typically return to the Studio they trained. Highly respected title, granted even amongst those outside of the Studio.  


Graduate. No matter what branch of the Studio or their specialization, they are all Oushnou.  


A particular classification of Oushnou that have sworn their life and service to other families. There is as much respect for them as there is Oushnou and a very strict code-of-conduct between them and Oushnou.  

Ra Chir

Apprentices training under Mentors, intending to graduate as Oushnou or Oudaza. This is a title granted to vnou after they've graduated from their Novice ranks.


After graduating, some vnou will take on a lesser educator role. While not advanced enough to continue their education in the Studio, they will represent it as a tutor in neighboring villages and act as an extension and guide in behavior for vnou who do not live in the immediate area.


1 through 10 These are the general ranks granted for those at the studio for primary education - basic schooling. Roughly 90% of a Studio's intake will be Novice and never graduate beyond that, instead fulfilling other roles in their community. This does ensure a basic level of competency in the villages and supporting families of the Studio, as well as ingrained behavior and respect for both the Studio and various important names. This means that while most in a Studio's territory might not know current events, they will recognize other Studio or Fa names, and know how to behave accordingly.
Common Clothes by Midjourney


Tatsuya Morikawa Studio is one of the more strict Studios when it comes to behavior and decorum. Their old lineage and boast of several Masters gives them a superficial elevation amongst other Studios, which has cultivated an expectation of excellence beyond what one might expect from a Studio.  

The villages of Qafat, Baish, Alafat, Halas, Balasha, Dhatah, and Qulaisha all pay some form of tribute to the Studio, who in turn provides a sense of security via protection and education to their children. Tutors from Morikawa Studio live in each of these villages and act as advisors and supplementary educators to their children, able to teach the vnou through the rank of Novice 10 though most do not bother beyond 5 - as that is enough reading, writing, maths, and social etiquette to function in their world.  

Given their remote location, the economy and governance revolves around the Studio and the Fa that runs it. Though they are associated and essentially owned by Pra'Stazrach, most in the villages will never see anyone from the noble family nor leave the area in their lifetime. Theirs is a quiet life of labor and simplicities - forgoing even modern comforts like electricity and access to anything resembling a phone line or the internet. Of the villages, only the Studio has ready access to the outside world and only because it must be able to contact the other Studios and the noble family.

Expensive Clothes by Midjourney

Cover image: by Jason Wong


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Dec 13, 2023 01:17

This is a really great, detailed, well put together article. You really get a sense of their culture in the little things as well as the larger concepts here. Big fan as always.