Rashung Organization in Vnou | World Anvil


This is a WIP
There will be content here in the future. This article was created as a placeholder and referenced in another. While there is nothing here at the moment, there will be content eventually. <3

Brought to you by Sid’Vyouz

Three Sins
There are three cities synonymous with the entertainment industry. Dariaos, Qajan, and Alha are where stars are made, models flock, and musician’s careers start. Anyone who has ever become anyone will site one of these three cities as their place of origin. These three cities are the domain of Sid'Vyouz and the Rashung. Nobility would consider the Rashung a Fa to Vyouz but to the citizens of the Sins, the Rashung are an elaborate gang. They run the criminal underbelly, the black markets, and own whatever law enforcement that might wander the city streets. A poorly hidden secret, the sort of gang that walks the streets freely, and could arguably called the shadow government of the Sins.  


The Sins attracts the young artist, the hopeful actor, and the idealistic musician. Vnou from all over the world who hope to make it big in the neon cities. It’s cheap and easy to get to the cities – not so easy to leave. The sad truth is that very few ever “make it”. When their luck runs out or they’re dealt a rough hand from the start, the Rashung are more than happy to pick them up. Be it in the form of a loan or actual recruitment, Rashung doesn’t discriminate so long as a vnou can be useful. And anyone can be useful for the right price. For those born in the Sins, Rashung is an entirely sensible route to go for reliable employment. It’s akin to signing up for the police force, except… Well, it’s criminal. Probably pays better though it is certainly more dangerous.  

Ties to Vyouz

Sid'Vyouz does not have traditional Fa like the other nobles but rather they use the Rashung to filter talent into their family and other businesses or marry their own into. For all the Vyouz like to make others jump through hoops and cough up a pretty penny for any of their services, they require little paperwork amongst themselves. Rather, a word or drink is often more binding amongst the Vyouz than any document would ever be and so a word broken tends to ruin a Vyouz / Rashung reputation. They can lie, cheat, steal, and whatever they must to others outside the family / gang, but give your word to another and you damn well better keep it. No one would bat an eye to a life owed for a word broken.

Cover image: by Jason Wong


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Aug 2, 2023 22:52

Yay! So happy to see mention of the Rashung again! Love the visuals in this article :3 Your midjourney creations are so incredible. Also this reminds me I want more Chruangdel *grabby hands*

Aug 3, 2023 16:00

^^ They're a lot of fun, too. I've been idly wanting to do something with their drink 'ceremony' for lack of a better word.

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