Precious Metal Material in Vnou | World Anvil

Precious Metal

This is a WIP
There will be content here in the future. This article was created as a placeholder and referenced in another. While there is nothing here at the moment, there will be content eventually. <3


Precious metals such as gold, silver, copper, and platinum are all trademarks of the wealthiest vnou. The upper-class of even the vnou nobility, who maintain a monopoly on the production, refining, and manufacturing of these metals into nearly anything that might be found across the world. Wearing, owning, and displaying such wealth is an enormous status symbol that common vnou simply don't have. Gold, silver, and platinum simply isn't available to the vast majority of them while copper is, but only in the modest amounts used in electronics and public utilities.    

Many of the mines and refining facilities are owned and operated by Fa families to maintain the absolute control over the collection and production of the precious metals. This means that not only is there singular family control over certain metals, but that there isn't much distributed out in the world. This increases the rarity, creating a sort of false scarcity and amplifying the value of the metals.    

On the rare occasion common vnou are brought in to do work, it is frequently under heavy contractual NDA with the risk of damning penalties if they disclose location information or take anything away from the site. This is incredibly rare, though, and usually only if a Fa needs additional hands setting up a new mine or grounds. Basically for very basic grunt work.  

by Jeremy Bezanger


by Igor Dernovoy
Gold is essentially owned by Zhu'Shpazh. It is one of their distinguishing family features and trademarks. It's a metal the family has owned and utilized as decoration for nearly as long as the name has existed. They wear it, decorate their homes with it, and allow the use of it in very small quantities for choice electronics. It's distribution is heavily monitored as well as nearly every piece of jewelry registered and tracked. It is almost assumed that if gold is seen elsewhere, it has cost someone heavily - or it has been stolen. Depending on how openly it is flaunted. The upper nobility won't be caught dead with gold as they have an aversion to associating too closely to other families - it looks too much like trying to cultivate favor. Even if that might be something they're trying to do, vnou simply don't openly display such intentions.


by Photo Mix
And by extension, silver, is the sole property of Sid'Thovaych. It is almost always paired with diamonds or sapphire as their complimentary colors. Sid'Thovaych is the name in jewelry. Even Zhu'Shpazh has been known to commission pieces from this family - in their own gold - through the course of history. They are one of the more elaborately decorated families since they primarily use their metal as jewelry, preferring to decorate their homes with glass, white marble, and subtle grays. Silver and platinum is certainly present, but it isn't nearly as prominent in their decor as it dominates their style.  

They are one of the few families whose craftsman and Fa are trusted with the resources of the others for commissioned works. Much like Zhu'Shpazh, they will not be caught in public wearing any other metal or colors than those of their family so there isn't ever a concern of something going missing. Sid'Thovaych is always more interested in the profit or deal than the actual piece they've been commissioned to make. Needless to say, all of their own jewelry is likewise registered and frequently has a small maker mark somewhere on the piece.

by PxHere


  While not exactly an exception to the list, Zhu'Drahinuaw has put their monopoly on copper to an extensive use. Copper isn't rare and while they may own the means of production and refining, they've largely outsourced the use of it. Given its utility and expansion into technology - Zhu'Drahinuaw's field of expertise - they saw this as a direct boon and more of a help than hindrance to what they do. The more accessible technology is to everyone, the more access they have to everyone. They're not giving out the metal for free, of course, but neither are they stingy about who they sell to or who has access to it. Common vnou have benefit greatly and though they might not be aware they've the Zhu'Drahinuaw's selfishness to thank, one could argue it is this family's desire to have access to homes via computers, cellphones, and the internet that kicked the entirety of vnou into the technological age.

Masters and orchestrators of the digital revolution, Zhu'Drahinuaw used their copper mines and refineries to bank their operations and expand throughout all of the major cities. Their desire for power has always been in the digital sphere and, in this, they are unparalleled.

by PxHere

Exceptions and Outliers


Rather than relying on any precious metals, this jungle-bound family has taken a more common resource - iron - and became some of the most revered blacksmiths in vnou history. When firearms became a thing of erased history, it was Pra'Stazrach that came to the forefront with their folded steel swords. Providing a way for the families to handle conflict on a much smaller scale, should lethal violence be deemed necessary, while still providing a sense of control. Common vnou have access to steel and the ability to make such weapons, mainly for household use, but it is the Pra'Stazrach that are credited with the invention, and perfection, of the blade. They prefer the use of steel for all their metallic needs.  


Pra'Viyk use gold gifted to them from Zhu'Shpazh, though they do not see the same connection to it's use and favoring the family as others might. Simply put, they use gold because it is a brilliant color that exemplifies the sun. Copper is another favorite of theirs, but that is readily available too. Aesthetics are important to them and they are the ones who place meaning in it, not whatever else the others might ascribe to it. They are one of the only families that pay very little heed to what the others might say about something, though they do move within the sphere of the same laws. Rather, the opinion they pay mind to is the public one of the common vnou.


  This eclectic family of vagabonds, flighty dealers, and Shra sensitive branch-walkers don't shy away from anything they can get their hands on. Silver, gold, platinum, copper, bone, glass, or steel - none of it is outside of their scope of acceptable wear. They're a family of finders keepers, willing to melt down any fine, delicate piece to hammer it into something rough and personal. It's wildly known that if something goes missing around a Pra'Myoiw, it's gone. Because this family is so difficult to pin down, the others haven't ever been able to officially charge them of theft of anything. It's all just hearsay and rumor - but the gold, silver, and platinum has to have come from somewhere, obviously. If pressed, the Pra'Myoiw will assert it is payment for past services rendered. Since they frequently deal with all the other families for Shra matchmaking and they don't just accept base currency as payment, it isn't out of the realm of possibility. As dealers and gamblers, no noble is about to admit they've lost something precious to them in a bad call either.


  As a swamp bound family of experimental scientists, the family has actively scorned the use of metal in the initial disavow of the other families. Much prefer the self-reliance bone and glass provided them, it became the aesthetic of the family. Glass for its obvious utility in their experiments and every day life and bone for their ready access to it. Like many of the upper nobility, they became masters of the materials they put their hands to. Though Zhu'Zmoh isn't primarily in the market for glass-craft or bone work, the things they do make are some of the most impressive that are likely to be found.  

Use vs Claim

  There are a few places below the upper noble 'line' that are able to use the various metals in crafts and trade. There is always a small portion that the nobility sell to a public sector so that it may be used to further the quality of living of the common vnou. This is to maintain the health of the vnou populace. This means gold is used for electronics and technology, gems are pieced out to jewelers so even the common vnou have a sense of extravagance even if it isn't to the same degree as the nobility, and copper is widely used to expand networks and provide light in homes. Metal and glass is an obvious building material made widely and easily accessible, so even if the common vnou might not ever own the means of creating or producing any of these things, they still live and operate in rather modern standards so there isn't a huge disparity in living. Most vnou will have running water, electricity, and access to the internet.

Cover image: by Jason Wong


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