Children of the Tree Organization in Vitcoona | World Anvil
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Children of the Tree

The Children of the Tree worship the World Tree. They see the outflowing of White Mana from the Tree as her gift. To use White Mana in spellcrafting, the High Elves of Sunsight must first appease the Children. They have spent many years building up a massive amount of control over the Kingdom of Sunsight, and they have placed particular emphasis on controlling the Magi of Sunsight through a series of ever more intrusive set of oaths, prayers, and rituals.   They have also earned the name of Gatekeepers. The Children serve as a component of the watch for Sunsight. Their area of assignment is the main gates of the city, and through this assignment the Children ensure none enter Sunsight who may wish the Tree harm. They also ensure foreigners are kept at a safe distance from the Tree, and the Children will quickly stomp on a foreigner's efforts to learn any of the Tree's secrets.


  1. Grand Priest Thrond Sunseeker
  2. High Lightbearers
  3. Apostle Lightbearers
  4. Lightbearers
  5. Initiates


The main belief of the Children of the Tree is that the World Tree is mother to all life on Vitcoona. Without her continuance, the Children believe the world will eventually wither and die. They use the perseverance of the Tree as the driving force behind their demands of the wider High Elf culture. Most notably, the Children seem to take great pleasure in demanding demeaning acts of servitude or deference from other High Elves. The Children are extremely prejudicial towards the other races of Vitcoona. They are quick to use derogatory terms of the other races, with especially venomous terms reserved for Wood Elves and Dwarves.

Public Agenda

The Children seek to preserve life by protecting the World Tree from any who would abuse her gift. According to the Children, the World Tree is mother to all life, therefore her power must be used carefully and only after the spellcraft in question has been vetted by the Children.


  • 300 hundred Initiates
  • 30 Lightbearers
  • 6 Apostle Lightbearers
  • 3 High Lightbearers
  • 1 Grand Priest
  • Gold Hoard of a few thousand pieces + several thousand pieces of silver
  • 5 Weapons caches capable of fully equipping all members
  • Immense political influence over Sunsight Kingdom especially in regards to law enforcement, governance, and military action
  • High degree of public intimidation
  • 0 directly owned fortifications, but has access to Sunsight Kingdom's army and its forts
  • 1 Great Cathedral
  • 2 Minor Cathedrals located within Sunsight City
  • 1 Chapel/settlement of Sunsight Kingdom

Copo Munis

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Children, The Gatekeepers
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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