Monsterpedia in Vitallia | World Anvil
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The Abus is an ancient beast. They resemble giant apes with monstrous features. Their teeth are frozen peaks and they can breathe ice in the same manner as dragons breathe fire. They dwell in frozen peaks and mountains, places that are rarely visited by other people of the world and thus, are considered creations of the imagination. They are often used in stories by the Dwarves and the Freelanders to frighten children but they are very much real. They awake from their summer slumber to dwell in frozen lands looking for food. They are drawn by living flesh and blood and will seek to devour it without hesitation as it eases the pain they constantly feel in their throats due to the immense frost they breathe.


A Basilisk is a monstrous reptile with dreaded abilities. It usually lives in barren lands or jungles and preys upon victims for food. A Basilisk will emit a special poison from its tail that can petrify a target, when it becomes fearful in combat. Once engaged in close combat, a Basilisk will attempt to bite its opponent to unleash a different poison that merely paralyzes its victim, in order to later devour it. These two different mechanisms allow the basilisk to choose between fight or flight mode.


A Bog is a shapeless creature made of energy. It is said that Bogs are the result of stray magical energy that somehow developed sentience. They can animate anything they use as vessels and become autonomous creatures. Bogs can animate multiple “dead” vessels at the same time, thus animating a number of items and binding them into a single form of existence. However, Bogs do not have the capacity to set goals or develop a fulfilling form of life and thus limit themselves to animating items that merely react when lifeforce draws near, an encounter that usually leads to violence.


A Cerberus is a giant three-headed hound that lives in the Underworld. Such creatures are spawned from the very waters that run in the plane of the dead and their sole purpose is to guard the dead that arrive in the Underworld. However, at times a Cerberus may travel to the surface via physical exits or portals. A Cerberus has great elemental powers and can be trained, like regular hounds, to guard an area or track down a target. Additionally, a Cerberus, due to its origin, can also raise a living target from the dead, since its saliva has miraculous properties. This ability is seldom used but it explains why powerful wizards go out of their way to obtain such creatures for companions.


A Chimera is a three-headed abomination that combines a goat, a dragon, and a lion. It has different powers and properties that derive from each creature. Chimeras reflect perfectly the flawed creation of all beasts that derive from the Sentinel, as it is clear that their form was not meant to be this way, as multiple creatures were simply merged into one being by accident. Chimeras fly over territories, usually farmlands, and prey upon any livestock they can find for food. They are considered a symbol of evil since they can steal, devour animals and burn down crops at the same time.


Constructs are metallic creatures that resemble animals. They share none of the properties of normal animals or beasts since they have been designed and devised by individuals. They are moved by magic and live through the will of their creator. Constructs share certain similarities with each other and can vary in powers according to their form. They are indifferent to pain and fatigue and are designed in a way that certain spells enhance their power rather than diminish it. They are also very resilient against physical attacks due to the tough layers of metal that constitute their bodies. Constructs are usually instructed to perform certain deeds and they will execute those deeds with mathematical accuracy. Bludgeoning weapons and magic that incapacitate and control mobility are known to be more effective against such creatures but their size often prevents such attacks from taking place.


A Cyclops is a one-eyed giant with excessive strength but limited perception. These primitive creatures dwell in mountains and forests and take pleasure in performing violence against creatures of lesser power. They say that the absence of one of their eyes is the result of their limited wisdom and their inability to grow beyond their malice. Nonetheless, Cyclopes will use all of their brute force to devour and destroy at every chance they get.

Desert Shark

Desert Sharks are larger than regular sharks and they live in the desert. They can move through sand and surface at their whim to devour living targets, while often dragging them under the ground with a single bite. It is said that Desert Sharks were regular sharks that were mutated after a huge portion of ocean water was somehow teleported or turned into land. Their origin remains unknown but their behavior, despite their magical nature, is similar to that of regular sharks. Desert Sharks will target bloodied characters, beasts, or animals and will be drawn to them first. It is common for monster hunters to lure such creatures with Bait such as wounded animals, forcing them to surface and face them in combat afterward.


Dragons are the most powerful creatures to roam the skies of Vitallia. They are enormous and capable of burning down whole settlements in seconds. Dragons first appeared in Vitallia during the 4th century AC from another plane of existence. These first dragons were Dragons of Pantheon and could assume humanoid form at will. They had sentience and all of the properties of most humanoid races. However, their kind was killed off by monster hunters who rallied against them for many years. Ages passed until the Sentinel created Dragons and Drakes of its own, different creatures with only a beastly nature, similar to other creatures of the realm. There are many common elements between the two types of dragons (Pantheon and Sentinel) when it comes to their beastly form. Dragons are lured by magic and power and require gold to heal and develop in strength. Sleeping on top of gold will allow a Dragon to heal from any disease or wound very fast. Dragons can smell gold from miles away and can sense magical auras too. This ability will drive them toward any location where gold and magical items are hoarded, and the dragon will attempt to acquire such findings at every cost. It is common for people to make such offerings on mountaintops to appease them, hoping that the gifts will be sufficient to drive the dragons away from their lands. Others become worshipers of dragons in the hope to acquire a fraction of their power or the ability to tame them and make them their mounts. It would require a small army of competent adventurers to take down a Dragon and only if tactics and cunningness are applied. A grown Dragon is a calamity that can affect the balance of the world.


Dragonworms are giant worms that live underground and burrow through the earth. They are fierce opponents that can breathe poisonous fumes and devour whole creatures in a single attack. Their skin is scaled and tough and they can surprise a band of adventurers by rising from the depths of the earth unexpectedly. Bolder warriors can attempt to fight the beast from the inside but the beast’s interior acids can prove lethal very fast. Dragonworms often appear in caverns and sometimes in farms trying to devour any apparent livestock. One way to prepare for a Dragonworm is to pay attention to the vibrations of the ground that can be felt before the creature’s appearance.


Drakelings are small creatures that relate to dragons. They combine humanoid form with dragonlike features and share some of the innate abilities and tendencies of Dragons. Drakelings are known to serve dragons and help them gather and raise gold to improve their well-being. They slave in mines to harvest ores or raid settlements to appease their masters. Drakelings can also become greedy and steal gold and valuables for themselves. They communicate with each other through their own Argo and can very effectively coordinate attacks and use tactics in combat, as they rely on strength of the pack rather than individual strength.


Drakes are creatures very similar to Dragons, but smaller. There are not any records of Drakes who could assume humanoid form, like the Dragons of Pantheon and so, it is assumed that all Drakes in Vitallia were created by the Sentinel. Drakes are smaller than Dragons but extremely dangerous and able to burn down whole settlements, much like Dragons. It would take a trained war band to take down a Drake or a small army. Drakes usually reside on mountaintops and fly over farms and lands rich in livestock to hunt and eat. Like dragons, they share a similar love for gold and magic and often attract followers who place offerings to help them grow.
Eran: Eran Drakes have wings and resemble a Dragon of smaller size. Their breath weapon, although powerful, is not as devastating as a regular Dragon’s but their ability to fly and breathe fire at the same time makes them extremely dangerous for unprotected settlements.
Sentin: Sentin Drakes are wingless beasts that look like huge lizards. They too can use a breath weapon but are also stronger and more tolerant, to make up for their lack of flying.

Fire Giant

Fire Giants are gigantic humanoids made of rock and fire. They reside in barren lands, usually around volcanoes and it is said that their Amber Seals are located underneath the lava of volcanoes. They can manipulate fire energy in forms similar to spells, and they enjoy burning down settlements. Fire Giants do not die. If destroyed, their remains resemble scorched rocks that gradually reform with the passing of years, only to become again the same creatures as before. Tribes that fought against such creatures used to break dead giants into pieces and scatter them in distant places to prevent them from becoming whole again. Placing their parts in water will diminish their power for longer periods. Fire Giants cannot move through the water and so, they tend to avoid streams, rivers, and lakes altogether.


Giants are huge Humanoids with limited intelligence but overwhelming strength. Their instincts are closer to beasts than humans and so, they reside in mountains and usually remote forests in the wilderness. They take pleasure in destroying settlements and overpowering smaller creatures whom they often enslave or force to perform tasks for them, such as gathering food or creating buildings.

Giant Eagle

Giant Eagles are enormous birds that resemble regular eagles, only much larger. They are strong enough to lift whole carriages in the air and are often used by mankind as mounts to travel from place to place. Giant Eagles can be tamed and trained but are also extremely dangerous predators. Those that live in the wild often prey upon people and livestock and attack ferociously. Food can be used as bait to lure them or divert their attention and is often used by adventurers who wish to avoid engaging with them in combat.

Giant Spider

Giant Spiders can reach the size of an average carriage. They are enormous beasts with the ability to shoot web to ensnare their victims. Giant Spiders are very intelligent as predators and can use tactics to trap and devour their targets by using their web and poison in their attacks. Another major advantage they possess is the ability to perform Stealth effectively and sneak up against targets. Tracking down Giant Spiders is difficult, however, there are often signs that might alert an adventurer when Giant Spiders lurk nearby. These creatures tend to cover whole areas in web. This can mostly be seen in forest areas, accompanied by trapped animals, left alive only to be devoured later on by the spiders. Such signs indicate that Giant Spiders are only moments away, lurking in corners and waiting for the right time to make their attack. Fire, Smoke, and Light can often drive them away but it will take significant amounts to achieve such a result since a torch or a lantern will not sway a creature of their size.


Goblins are small humanoid creatures of barbaric origin. They move in hordes and build basic settlements out of ruins and remnants but have never developed culturally beyond primitive or basic standards. Goblins are led by Shamans and base their existence on mischief and violence against other creatures. They work well in hordes or small groups but can be easily dismantled due to their fearful nature and lack of structure. They fight with basic weapons of low quality that they scavenge from corpses or steal from villages. They usually raid small settlements for food or gold and flee when they are faced head-on by competent warriors.


Hydras are three-headed draconic creatures that dwell in old ruins, lakes, and swamps. They share certain abilities and properties with dragons as they can breathe fire from three different heads, each with a unique element. They also share an affinity for gold and magical energy but not to the same degree as dragons. Hydras prefer to sleep on large bodies of water or mud. Their bodies are significantly weaker and slower than dragons but their heads can cause massive damage either with their breath weapon or mere strength when biting at targets. Hydras seldom move to different areas and hibernate for many months. They travel to find food and consume as much as they can before falling into their slumber. When fighting a Hydra, it is important to keep it at bay as they are most dangerous in close combat. Their heads offer them versatility, range, and destructive power at the same time and they can reign havoc on any surrounding targets easily.


Krakens are the dragons of the sea. Meaning that they are equally legendary and ferocious. Krakens are gigantic squids that can smash a whole ship with their tentacles or devour it within moments. They reside at the bottom of the ocean and sleep for most of the year. Once awaken, they become a seafarer’s worst nightmare. Once surfaced, a Kraken will attempt to grapple a whole ship and destroy it. Its tentacles can be severed through force to weaken its grasp which facilitates the best chance of victory during a fight. Krakens will withdraw to the ocean if brought near death but that is a task that requires a small army of brave fighters. It is often wise to sacrifice the ship and save the crew, as a Kraken will take its time to devour a ship and then return to the ocean satisfied, without requiring to feast upon any living targets. Krakens can be found in open seas and can be avoided by traveling along coastlines and through canals.


Lizardmen are humanoid lizards with basic intelligence and predatory instincts. They lurk in barren lands, ruins, and even dungeons scavenging, stealing, and hoarding items. They are able fighters and learn to use multiple weapons effectively to perform organized attacks in packs. They can be very stealthy and versatile as they climb and move silently without any difficulties. They usually follow a leader who organizes them and they will scatter if their team leader is killed first. A pack leader usually has the best equipment in the team and may also wear a distinct trophy, like a creature’s skull or a hide. This means that Lizardmen have some sort of structure and even signs of culture but it is limited to primitive hierarchies. They can communicate by using sounds that resemble some sort of language but in rare cases, their leaders might possess enough intelligence to learn some basic words in other languages as well. In most cases, Lizardmen can also be bribed to go away with gold or certain items that resemble similar properties (shiny, delicate items, gems, etc.) But their kind is not known to always hold up their end of the bargain.


Manticores are another example of combined monsters that resulted in abominations. They combine the head and body of a lion, the wings of a dragon and the tail of a serpent. They are powerful predators that fly over areas looking to ensnare their victims by using their poison, before devouring them. Manticores prefer to attack helpless targets and will rather fly in circles and attack from afar before engaging in direct combat. They can be less effective if lured into closed spaces where they can be deprived of their flying ability but that would require a proper Bait, enough to lure the Manticore without fear of being ambushed.


Medusas are a mixture of humanoids and serpents. They are considered “cursed” because they are sentient creatures but bound to live among beasts. Their flawed creation deprives them of any potentially redeeming quality and forces them into malicious deeds. Medusas have living snakes on their heads that make them even more dangerous in close combat. But their most dreaded weapon is their petrifying gaze. Medusas will use their magic to hurt and disorient but will always try to make any target face her directly and seize the moment to petrify them. To counter a Medusa effectively, it is often common among experienced adventurers to Cover their eyes by using a piece of fabric, preferring blindness and ineffective combat over danger from petrification.


Mermeas are creatures of the ocean that can transform and live on the surface as well. They can shape-shift into other creatures in the presence of the moon. Although highly intelligent, while in their original form, they are overrun by malice and hatred and become predatory beasts that hunt down seafarers. However, once transformed, their beastly nature subsides and they are capable of being normal people but only for as long as the moon is apparent. This sad condition has caused great drama in the history of the species since Mermeas are conflicted creatures forced to live two different lives.


Minotaurs are humanoids with the head of a bull. They have average intelligence and tremendous strength and skill in combat. A Minotaur will fearlessly attack head-on any rival and will not be afraid to take down creatures two times its size. They are easily taunted and have a natural talent for violence. Minotaurs are likely to draw followers and even worshipers due to their strength and commanding presence. They sometimes become leaders of cults, clans, and guilds and command minions who are often humans, to do their work. Minotaurs love wealth, gold, and good steel, especially large weapons that they can wield to crush their enemies. Minotaurs will most likely reside in dungeons, keeps, and lairs that their minions have built for them. In combat, they are deadly but they sometimes are manipulated since their temper will get the best of them. Taunting a Minotaur will succeed if an Action is utilized and a D20 Roll exceeds their Vigor. Taunting a Minotaur Three times in the same Round will also turn them “Berserk” for the duration of the combat.

Mountain Lion

Mountain Lions are legendary beasts that resemble larger and more primitive versions of regular lions. They can be as large as a carriage and they have huge tusks. These creatures are fierce and fast and have a touch of magic in their blood. A Mountain Lion lives in tall mountains and hunts for food in nearby areas, paralyzing its victims with fear caused by its enchanted roar. A Mountain Lion can also Summon other similar creatures to its aid with its cry, using it as a Signal and a way of communication.


Nagas combine lizards and humanoids and have immense skill in weapons due to their four fighting hands. Nagas slither in dungeons, ruins and abandoned buildings and make their nests. They are stealthy and deadly and will defend their territory at all costs. They feed on small animals and use their bones to mark their territories.


Naraths are living trees with predatory instincts. They crave flesh and will devour any creature that approaches them. Naraths are omnivores and their hunger is never satisfied. When standing still, they pose as trees and it is almost impossible to distinguish them from regular trees. But when living creatures approach they cannot help themselves and transform into terrible foes that use their vine-like hands to paralyze their opponents and later devour them through their huge mouths filled with layers of sharp teeth. Fire can be very effective against Naraths as they fear it greatly. A Narath will never attack a target that wields fire unless they are left without a choice.


Norwolves are huge beasts that resemble regular wolves. Their fur is usually white and they can breathe ice just like dragons can breathe fire. They have enormous strength and they live in frozen lands and mountains. Certain northern tribes have managed to tame them and use them as mounts. Norwolves have a limited fear of Fire. Unlike wolves, it is difficult to repel them with mere torches but a Norwolf is less likely to attack characters who wield fire in the first place.


Pans are anthropomorphic goats with supreme intelligence and supernatural musical abilities and charisma. They live in forests and places rich in nature and indulge in the delights of the world, always seeking pleasure in all forms and types. They take pleasure in ensnaring and especially, glamouring other creatures and submitting them to their appetites. They have magical abilities that relate to singing and magic and their form often confuses others due to their fake, but convincing manners and charms.


A Pegasus is a winged horse with magical abilities. It is considered an omen of good luck and a creature blessed by the Gods. However, a Pegasus is also considered valuable to the properties of its blood and organs and is capable enough to inflict massive amounts of damage and powerful effects upon its targets.


Sirens are amphibian creatures that mostly live in the ocean but close to inhabited islands so that they can prey upon their people. Their main strength is their voice and allure. Sirens can charm, control and even kill a target with their voice and through the magic of their songs. Dealing with a Siren is a dangerous business. To counter a Siren’s attacks effectively, a character can use Wax or other items to cover their ears and muffle any surrounding sounds, including the creature’s songs.


There are many types of Spirits, as mentioned in earlier chapters. However, all Spirits share some common attributes, strengths and weaknesses. Spirits are creatures bound to the world for a reason and thus, will remain bound until their task is complete or they are banished. To banish a spirit, a character must either help them complete their task and allow them to rest, or use magic and rituals to expel it from the world of the living. To banish a spirit without magic, one must locate one or more personal items that once belonged to the spirit and burn them. Moreover, there are nonmagical methods to repel Spirits or prevent them from entering an area. Using Salt to block passages such as doors and windows will prevent them from entering.
Demons: Demons can be weakened when their Names are exposed.

Ten Living Wall

Ten Living Walls are abominations of unknown origin. It is impossible to guess what resulted in a mixture of ten living creatures merged horrifically and forced to live a cursed life in the form of a wall. This “creature” resembles a solid stone wall and comes to life every time someone approaches. It consists of multiple “bodies” and each of them wields a different weapon. The Wall will attempt to devour any creature within reach and add its body to its collection. When characters step out of the Wall’s melee range, the creature becomes a regular Wall again and is thus, impossible to destroy. A Living Wall usually protects an area of importance but no one knows what led them there. To effectively fight such a creature, a character must always be located within the Wall’s reach to force them to assume their living form, while others do their best to kill off its bodies one by one before it’s too late.


Trolls are giant anthropomorphic beasts that live in caverns and dark places. They avoid sunlight and lurk in the darkness to prey upon animals and people alike. They are extremely strong and dangerous and will do anything to kill for food. They desire living flesh and will go out of their way to acquire it. These creatures have active Regeneration that makes them very tough to take down. Their skin heals extremely fast which makes them vicious and unstoppable predators.


There are many types of Undead, each with unique properties and powers. Most Undead are labeled as lesser or greater, lesser meaning animated creatures that do not possess a will of their own but are driven by forces such as magic, usually by a powerful creator of magical ability. Greater undead are creatures who dwell between two worlds but remain in physical form, similar to mortals. Such creatures are vampires, lichs, mummies, and wights. These undead possess extraordinary intelligence and abilities and have agendas of their own or links that bind them to the world of the living. Mummies are usually dead royals or persons of importance who were feared or hated by their subjects. Vampires are dead creatures but have bodies that function almost like mortals but with some differences. Lichs are immortal wizards who transcended death because of their power and wights are dead warriors who once broke their oath or defiled something sacred to them.
All of the Undead are bound to the mortal world for a reason and must be unbound when killed to be liberated and destroyed. Fire will destroy most of the undead but the most powerful ones such as vampires, mummies, and lichs usually have their essences bound to places or items that must be destroyed first for their essence to stop existing.
Vampires: Vampires are repelled by Garlic. Creatures with garlic on them will prevent vampires from engaging in Melee Attacks. Holy Symbols will cause Fear and Damage to Vampires. Upon contact, a symbol will inflict Holy Damage. Similar effects can be expected from Holy Water as well.


Unicorns are horses with magical powers. These woodland creatures, although considered Beasts, will only harm any creature that will attempt to harm them. Their horn is their only weapon and it can blind other creatures for a limited time, only to allow a Unicorn to escape. Unicorns can be found in dense forests and will only appear before creatures that it senses to be harmless.


Veskas are giant ravens of the Underworld. Similar to Cerberi, Veskas live and dwell in the Underworld, flying over the dead of Oblivion River. These grim creatures often fly to the world of the surface through the natural passages that connect the two realms. People of all traditions have always connected Veskas with bad news, bad luck and generally, an ill omen. These creatures have terrible strength and the ability to shoot lightning from their beaks. They also possess the strength and skill to devour a target’s heart by attacking their torso with fierceness. Veskas reside near ruins and sometimes even in deep dungeons. They feed upon corpses and living targets alike and crave beating hearts above everything else. It is possible to lure a Veska by using a Heart of any type of creature as Bait.


Werewolves are ordinary people born with the curse of a werewolf or afflicted by it later on. This terrible mutation separates them from mankind and makes them “Beasts”. A werewolf requires a weapon made of silver to be effectively fought. Their strength, speed, and skill are immense and only a few warriors can take on a werewolf head-on. They can transform into regular wolves to escape or hide but they are always at the mercy of the moon. A person that bears the curse of the werewolf will always transform into their beastly form in the presence of the moon. The Werewolf is in control of its actions except for the first three days of each month (Vitallia in Moon) and during a Full Moon when Werewolves lose all control and go frenzy. In this state, they are at their strongest. Werewolves, like wolves, move and live in packs. They form secluded communities which they protect at all costs and they often develop mechanisms to contain themselves and their curse. A Silver Chain around a Werewolf will force them to remain in their human form but it will not be able to contain them during their strongest state. A Werewolf will avoid characters who wield silver and especially those who have Moonstones.

Wild Scorpions

Wild Scorpions are giant creatures that resemble regular scorpions. They live in barren lands, ruins and deserts and are sometimes tamed by certain tribes and used as powerful mounts. Their sting can unleash immense amounts of poison in a single attack, capable of killing any type of creature almost instantly.


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