Argo Settlement in Vitallia | World Anvil
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Argo is a vibrant city known for its artistic spirit, drawing in artists, bards, musicians, and poets from all around. Traveling theaters frequently visit, creating a festive atmosphere in the city. Renowned for its black theater and majestic library, Argo sits alongside the Tri-Fork river, allowing small riverboats to cross from its eastern side. The city, though sizable, maintains a lively and well-lit ambiance, hosting daily festivals that cater to various preferences, making it a hub of cultural and artistic experiences.


Brass Castle: The castle of the local Baron of Argo, located on the western side of town.


Marketplace Reputable Vendors
General Store Zelna's Items, Barav's Goods
Tavern/Inn Four Bards, Singing Dragon, Bards & Poets
Alchemy Vila's Fine Potions
Enchanter Galathar's Runes
Magical Store Marigor's Arcane Store
Mercenary Office -
Stables Shadowsteed
Library Argo's Library
Healer Torak's Medicine
Port River Port

Points of interest

  • The Black Theater: The Black Theater, built from black marble, showcases vivid and grotesque performances, leaving a lasting impact on its audience.
  • Argo's Museum of War: The Museum of War houses an impressive archive of weapons, armors, maps, and artifacts from the Era of the Conqueror, offering visitors a glimpse into the rich history of warfare and conquest.
  • Argo's Library: The ancient library is a large and prestigious building, preserving valuable records and books from various fields, including works from bards, teachers, captains, musicians, poets, wizards, and healers. Its vast collection draws numerous visitors daily, seeking knowledge and insight from the wealth of historical and literary treasures it holds.


  • Argo
Founding Date
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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