Leno Drostkalski Character in Visten | World Anvil
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Leno Drostkalski

Matriarch Leno Drostkalski

Leno Drostkalski is the current head of the Drostkalski Family and the leader of the Nberezt Office of Questions.   Leno Drostkalski was born in C. 1378 as the middle child of Razar Drostkalski and Liti Drostkalski. She was always the most restless among her siblings, having little ability to stay put unless she found something that really interested or entertained her in which case she would suddenly focus so deeply everything else seemingly ceased to exist to her. This restlessness and hyper focus coupled with her endless curiosity and sharp mind helped Leno become a highly gifted engineer and inventor at a young age.   Leno was made the holder of the Nberezt Office of Questions by her family in C. 1396, despite her protests due to a preference for focusing on her scientific work rather than the much more political work of her office. She retains an uneasy relationship with her position, enjoying the resources it allows her and many of its challenges but greatly disliking all of the diplomacy and domestic political maneuvering it also entails   Because of her distaste for politics, Leno leans on the other members of The Council of the Skyminded as well as her family and confidantes for political advise and sometimes even in decisionmaking to an unusual degree. This has made her on the one hand somewhat closer to the rest of the Nbereztian political elite but on the other hand raised worries about her ability to lead should the council be deadlocked or the city in crisis.


Razar Drostkalski


Towards Leno Drostkalski


Leno Drostkalski


Towards Razar Drostkalski


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