Drostkalski Family Organization in Visten | World Anvil
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Drostkalski Family

  The Drostkalskis are traditionally headead by whichever member of it the family as a whole votes to be the most capable among them.   The family is based in the Mountainback Borough. While much of the extended family lives in other houses of the borough and a few in other boroughs, the main hub for them all is the mansion of Sal Droskalski.   Science and engineering was always central to the Drostkalski identity and it has produced many of the city's most notable inventors, scientists and engineers. Because of this they have also always held the Nberezt Office of Questions. This has made the head of the family a very powerful figure in Nbereztian, and by extension Solnater, politics.   The centrality of the Drostkalski family as tiebreakers within the The Council of the Skyminded is an endless point of tension between the Drostkalskis and the rest of the Five Founders. However, the Nberezt governing system keeps them from being overtly powerful and so the tension is at worst a mild dislike from the others.
Geopolitical, Great house
Leader Title
Family Leader

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