Aura Stone Material in Violem | World Anvil
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Aura Stone

Seeds of Violem, Eggs of Purity, raw magic. These are just a few of the names used to describe Aura stone. A mineral found deep, deep under the surface of Violem, said to hold the source of magic in a physical form that only the most talented and powerful blacksmiths can handle and forge into anything useful.  


This rare stone is described as having a pure white surface. Smooth to the touch and a near perfect white colouring, this stone could almost be mistaken for an egg if not for the fine fractures and cracks, which glow a bright purple, revealing to any explorer exactly what they have found.   If one was to break the stone and open the cracks further, they would be greeted with a near blinding light from the true treasure inside this rock. A liquid form of aura, the most purest form of magic across all the realms. In its presence it is said beings get a sudden sensation of calmness, giving a false sense of how dangerous this stone can be.   The liquid aura inside is molten to touch, can cause permanent blindness if stared at for too long and can cause the body to melt if exposed directly. Only the greatest and most skilled blacksmiths can attempt to use this aura and forge it into something that can be wielded by the people of Violem.


The stone can be used in two parts. The outer stone itself can be crushed down and mixed to create other substances including brickwork, glass panes and various pastes and paints. If the white rock is used in these materials, then the bi-product becomes magically imbued. Runes and charms added to these materials are more powerful than usual due to the stone.   The glowing liquid inside is what is used in forges and if handled by an expert blacksmith, can be forged into tools, weapons and items with strong magical properties. Some of the most powerful relics and weapons in history are said to be made from Aura stone, including Bibbara's Beacon and the legendary staff of Tennant, The Acuran Hero.
Me Grandpa use to tell us stories about his grandfather working 3 days none stop to try and forge with a small amount of Aura stone. The blinding glow of it nearly made him lose sight completely and in the end, the best he could do was make a small jewel for me great great Grandma. Which he gave her as a wedding gift.
— Blacksmith of Drovvin


It is unclear who was the first to discover the stone, but many believe it to be the ancient miners of Drovvin, with the stone being integrated into many of the buildings and structures throughout the city. This is reason many believe Drovvin to be one of the last remaining ancient cities.   Tales from sailors and pirates alike talk about the sea beds being scattered with exposed stone sometimes giving the waters a purple glow. But only when the skies are clear and in the stars hide keeping the sea in complete darkness.   Finally many of the Ka-Ko-Rae believe the great volcano of Fi-Ka-Rah formed around a larger cluster of aura stone. Giving birth to the fire spirit and igniting the species into existence.
White Exterior, Purple Glow
Common State
Solid exterior, Liquid Interior


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May 28, 2024 00:48 by Marjorie Ariel

Love the stories about the aura stone, and the quote really brings it to life! I also like the way you visually organized this article.

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