The Star-Crossed Kingdoms
The "Star-Crossed Kingdoms" isn't officially a "nation" per say, but is the name for the well-tread alliance between Stella-Sylvaire and Stella-Goruush, with so much overlap between the two both culturally and politically that having a name to collectively refer to them is extremely useful. The two nations have their own ruling bodies, laws, and territory, though leadership of both Kingdoms work hand-in-hand in most areas.
Public Agenda
The Star-Crossed Kingdoms tends to take a very "us vs. them" stance politically, with public figures readily talking about peace and hospitality and trust in broad terms, but when it comes to specifics about other countries outside of their alliance, their pacifistic face tends to fall in favor of employing both nations' storied military histories. The Kingdoms have a somewhat-uneasy alliance with (most of) the Witchlands, and are neutral-at-best on the rest of the world.
While no religion is officially disallowed within the Kingdoms, the vast majority of the population follows some form of the Asterian pantheon-- the union of the traditional Elven and Orcish pantheons that married (literally) after the fall of the Makhairan Empire.
Alliance, Generic
Predecessor Organizations
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Species
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