Grand Duchess Rygan of Ryvornen Character in Vilyiterna | World Anvil
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Grand Duchess Rygan of Ryvornen

Grand Duchess Morvenna Tillia Rosavan Rygan

    While the notes are in dot format for now it's just to organise her story and help me keep hold on her difficult character, it'll be properly rewritten into paragraphs and stories later
  • kind, prideful, stern, firm, stubborn, flexible thinking, individualistic, very self-controlled
  • loving though prejudiced family, became distant after marriage but only due to politics and dukes behaviour, not personal choice or conflict
  • from an extremely patriarchal nation (unusually so, even when compared to similar nations), as a girl was raised to be the wife of Arch Duke (extremely powerful, right under king, above prince)
  • married to duke lydius from young age
  • Duke was a violent man of unusual tastes, liked his partners intelligent, capable strong, for ego boosting, for boasting for breaking, known for cruelty and abuse, had many many partners
  • took care of all his victims, inc. mistresses, manstresses, consorts and the like
  • worked with them partially due to personal morals/ethics, partially due to empathy/understanding as one in similar situation, partially as practicality/power move, pride also at play (didn't want to fall to his level, play his game)
  • while capable of violence preferred to hone and use wealth/status/diplomacy/negotiation/connections/politics/strategy, considered it more efficient, effective and final than a self-satisfying random act of violence, when using violence prefers to make it an effective extreme used only once or twice unless otherwise unavoidable, basically, preferred to move set up conditions and finalise with one great attack than recklessly attacking or lashing out at whim
  • invented herarisgraphy (non-verbal symbolic language based on arrangement & decoration of hair, similar to floriography) as communication method and safety measure, used her rank/position to spread and popularise it and the cultural importance of hair to protect it (why she chose hair in the first place)
  • communicated with women in similar situations from different men
  • used position to provide women with education & opportunities, pretended it was social meetings, fashion, etc.
  • used mens' bias to hide & manipulate
  • wound up working with Zafina for power, while not close emotionally they were close business partners, worked together often, easy familiarity, became closer after lydius' death but not exactly friends or family (comrades?)
  • she and her women found info, gained influence, took over business, etc.
  • worked with all female pirate group as support
  • had servant let her bring his drink (chalice of wine), poisoned it, then bludgeoned him over the head. this severely injured but did not kill him (on purpose)
  • duke lydius publicly executed, duchess beheaded him, held his help up, threw it into the pit at publics feet
  • other noblemen were executed by wives in same manner en masse afterwards
  • considered a hero be women, definitely not by men, at least, not the ones around then
  • some women stayed in notable positions, others, esp. lower classes, fled. Zafina took in many, esp. old harem mates
  • duchess used power to revitalise ruined territory
  • conflict with ruling king
  • wound up merging with F-A-B to save land and people
  • became known as a protector of women, a revolutionary, hero and great leader of all
  • advised Zafina
  • when currency transitioned to coin format she was featured on one (as featured in banner pic)


Grand Duchess Rygan of Ryvornen

Willful Widow (Important)

Towards Duke Lydius Myredan



Duke Lydius Myredan

dead husband (Trivial)

Towards Grand Duchess Rygan of Ryvornen



Relationship Reasoning

Unfortunately for Morvenna, her ties to Duke Lydius Myredan were arranged during her childhood. The political backing meant the decision was inescapable and vows unbreakable. That is, until she broke out via a few choice whispers into friendly ears, a chalice of spiked wine and a quick bludgeon to the head.

Date of Birth
27/5/1213 IE
1213 IE 1313 IE 100 years old
Duke Lydius Myredan (dead husband)
light green
Long, thick, greying black, usually pulled up
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Olive skin
193 cm


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