Eridian Highbarrel Character in Vilosher | World Anvil
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Eridian Highbarrel

Lord Commander Eridian Highbarrel (a.k.a. The Gallow King)

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Scarred face, three lines swept sideways across his face from a Ibralese nobleman who was subsequently turned to ash.

Mental characteristics


Well educated in one of the finer universities in Vering-Gol

Failures & Embarrassments

Final thesis presentation before Urudium Septum himself. In a state of nerves, he made a novice's error, transposing a sigil on a ritual. The ritual failed catastrophically, and it was only by the swift action of the Lord Consular that no lives were lost. Instead of a prime place at the head of one of the Brigades of the Bloodward, he found himself in pseudo-exile in Eranor.

Intellectual Characteristics

Brilliant, stubborn and unrelenting

Personality Characteristics


He serves for the glory of Vering-Gol. In his eyes the greatest plague in Eranor is the pirates, especially those under the sway of Ibral. Though, he only barely tolerates those privateers under Veringean flags.


Lawful good
Current Location
Piercing green eyes
Poofy white wig
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned from long years at sea
Quotes & Catchphrases
By international law, for the crime of piracy, I sentence you to death. Do you have any final prayers before you are hung for the crows?
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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