Titan Character in Villain Academy | World Anvil


Titan is the Top Hero from the State of Mississippi, and a walking example of the fact that sometimes the individualities really do not match the people that received them. A fact that he actively used in order to fool the villains into underestimating him, and a fact that earned him a lot of successes and his eventual promotion to his current rank of one of the most accomplished superheroes of the United States.   He is often considered to be a case of a 'perfect superhero' - one combining strength, intellect, diligence and a genuine desire to help combined with bravery. As a result, he tends to score in the Top Ten heroes graded by popularity nationwide.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A body-builder, although to a healthy degree (he is VERY against steroids and the likes), resulting in him being a very muscular individual. Together with high height this results in him being really massive and intimidating, even when smiling.   Expect a lot of scars pretty much everywhere, due to his individuality not shielding his skin from injuries (and him leaving some of them there, as both a reminder for himself to not get overly haughty about his invulnerability and as a part of his hero aesthetic.

Special abilities

His individuality is called Fortification. It allows him to fortify his muscle system into a truly superhuman level of resistance. The thicker the muscles in that particular point of the body, the harder he is to be genuinely injured. However, when he puts his back into it, even his facial muscles become tense and resistant enough to withstand small arms fire (although still being able to be pierced by guns).   His thicker muscles are near-invulnerable to physical damage, Titan proving to be capable of withstanding anti-tank missile hits (at the cost of large-scale damage to his skin layer).   That alone would have made him a sidekick material... if not for one thing. His tendons are reinforced as well - it's not just 'muscle strengthening', it's all-round enhancement of the body parts of Titan that directly participate in the act of 'moving'. This allowed him to undergo a certain individuality-based surgery on the border of legality (although not strictly illegal). He has an implant that - when activated - lifts natural limiters on his muscle system, the one that makes them not perform to the point of self-destruction.   The thing is, when fully fortified, Titan's muscles and tendons CANNOT self-destruct. Regardless of how much they are overextended.   As a result, Titan is capable of performing feats of superhuman strength, to the degree approaching what can be considered a 'medium grade' superstrength individualities. And that's while still having access to his physical invulnerability.

Apparel & Accessories

His hero uniform leaves him topless (unless it's cold, which is when he puts an overcoat around it), which - considering his individuality - is a perfectly valid way to NOT have to replace it after every fight.   Beneath it he's wearing a boxing belt with an emblem of the State of Missisippi on it (at least, ever since he became the Top Hero of that state), and slightly baggy trousers with combat boots.   He tends to wear a combat helmet, in order to off-set the biggest weakness of his individuality and to enhance his ability to communicate with his allies during the battlefield.   He is also sometimes using superheavy ballistic shields that he can carry around while ignoring impacts from even the heaviest of weapons, thus allowing him to shield his allies from enemy fire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Titan was always a person of a more scholarly disposition, one that has mostly focused on academic career. He majored at Harvard, with a focus on physics (especially astrophysics), with top grades, everyone expecting a stellar (pun intended) career in front of him. All of that despite being quite an accomplished (if amateur) american football player and boxer (avenues he pursued due to his belief that a healthy body means a healthy mind).   He was 28 years old (and already working on his doctoral thesis) when his individuality manifested. After some considerations he decided to not let such a thing to to waste, and decided to focus on both things equally. His a bit unique background has offered him an entry-level popularity (and his intellect helped him went through the hero training curriculum extremely quickly), letting him jump straight into becoming a superhero almost right off the bat.   Following a number of high-profile arrests of villains, his fame continued to raise, until he eventually became his state's Top Hero. He also successfully defended his thesis, achieving a doctorate on astrophysics (although a bit later than he orginally expected, being 32 at the time). He remains active in his home state's scientific community, despite occasionally missing out on some scientific conventions due to being called to assist police.

Intellectual Characteristics

Extremely intelligent. He might not have a particular focus on something directly useful in hero vs villain combat, but he amassed a lot of practical experience and possess immense knowledge on physics that he sometimes manages to use to partially or entirely counter the powers of his enemies.   Tends to get lost in thoughts easily, at least outside of the battlefield (where he can be immensely focused).

Morality & Philosophy

Generally described as an extremely pleasant person, friendly, ready to say a joke or two when needed and not above dropping by with some of his fellow heroes for a beer after work.   Big supporter of healthy lifestyles, tends to lend his face to various campaigns promoting fitness among the youth and financing their entries into the sports careers when they are showing prospects towards that.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

High intellect, certain degree of tactical skills, his knowledge, practical invulnerability to blunt force trauma and nigh-invulnerability to slashing and piercing damage aside from some truly extermely powerful ones.   Superstrength compliments his invulnerability nicely, making him into an EXTREMELY dangerous close-quarters combatant that can also use his abilities to assist in rescue operations.
His skin isn't reinforced, leading to him accumulating a lot of surface-level damage. His eyes are also vulnerable, although thus far he managed to avoid losing them. There are parts of his body - like the top of his head - where his reinforcement is fairly limited, forcing him to keep them safe.   He is also vulnerable to a number of environmental threats, such as smoke inhalation and high temperature of fire attacks, making him into a superhero that's relatively easy to counter with right individualities.

General Information

Alignment: Hero
Rank: Superhero
Class: Combatant
Threat Rating: S
Type: Top Hero
Location: Mississippi


Year of Birth
2119 41 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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