Firestorm Character in Villain Academy | World Anvil


A woman of rather fiery temperament, and a present Top Hero of Arizona. Firestorm is a woman of dedication and hard work, but also ambitions - although hers were basically satisfied the moment she reached the first position among the superheroes of her state.   Aside from her career as a superhero she is taking advantage of her young age and looks to run a wildly successful modelling career while also being a quite successful actress.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Feminine and of rather generous curves and hourglass figure. She did some physical training, but not enough to be seriously visible. Her skin is unblemished despite being injured multiple times in the past due to the nature of her individuality. She is considered to be a solid contender to the seat of the most beautiful woman in the United States.

Special abilities

Her individuality is called Fire Elemental. It renders her entirely immune to flames and high temperatures up to approximately 5000C (that's the highest tested though - it's entirely capable that she simply cannot be burned). It also allows her the ability to ignite her own body, potentially transforming herself into a living flame in a shape of herself, while making her capable of controlling her own flames (that's more or less replenished semi-constantly).   The result is a wide degree of flame attacks, reaching temperature of upwards to 2500C. Slightly more if she truly concentrated them, much more if she has an access to naturally existing flames or highly flammable materials that she can ignite - she is capable of drawing such flames into herself (extinguishing the originals in the process, a fact that she often uses to extinguish natural fires) and concentrated them into powerful attacks that can actually surpass the 2500C limit.   Her individuality is considered generally to be the most powerful fire-related one at least within the United States borders. It has additional mechanisms that make it even more powerful. She is capable of igniting herself partially (for example keeping her hair aflame for no apparent reason other than aesthetics, as it doesn't stink unlike normal hair on fire) or fully. When she does the former (a fact that takes her a few short seconds) and reverts back to her physical form, she is returned to the 'peak' physical form, clean of all impurities. This is actually capable of restoring even lost limbs, healing all potential diseases, burning out toxins and is a big reason for her skin appearing so healthy and unblemished.   As a result, for as long as she isn't eliminated before Full Ignition is used, she is practically unstoppable unless her flame is somewhat extinguished.

Apparel & Accessories

Bodysuit (that nicely compliments her figure) in colours of Arizona flag - so most of it is blue, but there is a large orange star around her chest, with yellow and red stripes over it. It's made from a material that's highly resistant to flames and hardens under impacts, offering her (even in her non-Ignited state) a decent amount of resistance against blunt force trauma (although not against guns),

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Career of the so-called 'hottest thing in Arizona' started rather early. Her individuality woke up relatively early. She decided against abandoning her plans of becoming an actress, instead planning to make her two potential careers into one. She focused on training herself as a soon-to-be superhero (becoming a sidekick was never really in her plans), while continuining her training towards an acting career in her spare time.   Her assumption that being a superhero of notable stature - and, eventually, a Top Hero - would allow her to jumpstart her celebrity career, for as long as she truly put in quite some effort into it, ended up working. Today she remains a reasonably successful Top Hero (although one that doesn't have a lot of population to oversee), while spending most of her off-duty time shooting movies or acting as a model for advertising campanies (to a much bigger level than all other Top Heroes).

Intellectual Characteristics

Reasonably intelligent and hard-working, but isn't even near to the point where she could be considered a genius. She is, simply speaking,, a fairly normal person who amassed some combat experience and can avoid commiting most major mistakes, but will be outthought by the more brilliant enemies.

Morality & Philosophy

For as much as her modelling/acting career makes her appear as a self-interested hero, she DOES consider her superhero career to be her main job. She will - without hesitation - drop from the movie shooting when she has to make a superhero intervention, although whether it's due to her genuinely considering superheroism her most important vocation or because NOT doing that would ruin her reputation is anyone's guess.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely powerful fire individuality allowing her to easily extinguish fires and dish out an extreme amount of damage. Excels against regenerators and strength amplification villains, as she is capable of melting through all of their powers (typically making them surrender when she shows up). Extremely hard to kill in her Full Ignition mode, and can heal all injuries she sustained before engaging it.
Lacks in terms of tactics, lacks in terms of rescue work and lacks in terms of cooperation with the police. The biggest problem is the fact that she needs to be constantly mindful of her surroundings to avoid collateral damage, even with her ability to extinguish flames in the vicinity is involved.

General Information

Alignment: Hero
Rank: Superhero
Class: Combatant
Threat Rating: SS
Type: Top Hero
Location: Arizona


Strength: B
Agility: B
Durability: C
Technique: B
Inteligence: B
Hotness: SSS
Strength: B
Agility: B
Durability: S+
Technique: SS
Inteligence: B


Year of Birth
2134 26 Years old
Long, sleek, black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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