The Warden Academy Organization in Vigalence of the Wardens | World Anvil

The Warden Academy

The Warden Academy is one of the oldest groups formed withing the order, founded a mere 36 years after the end of the first incursion by the Paladin ranked warden, Celica Vaseen. The academy complex is located on an island off the coast of the City of Acenya and boast enough space to garrison an army of 15,000 with ease.   Standard enrollment at the academy behaves like this: 1 year of general education including: history, battlefield tactics, and mathematics. 2 years in one of the three schools of study. 2-4 years in further specialization within their school.   The three Schools are: Ars Arcanum, which specalizes in teaching the control and traditions of arcane magic. The School of Martial Excellence, which teaches martial tradition and physical excellence. The School of Divine Providence, which despite it's name has no god's favor upon it. This school is reserved to special adepts that can harness the divine domains that have been left unattended since the death of the gods. It is the smallest of the schools.


The Academy is technicly headed by the 6th Guardian but all administrative duties tend to fall onto the shoulders of the Headmaster of the Academy and the chairmen of the three schools of study.

Public Agenda

The purpose and goal of the academy is to train warden initiates and prepare them for duty.

Knowledge is our Shield

Founding Date
55 ADV
Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
The Academy
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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