Eastern Cul Highlands Geographic Location in Vi'Dan | World Anvil
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Eastern Cul Highlands

The Eastern Cul Highlands, known locally as just 'The Highlands', form a physical boundary between the core of the Kingdom of Cul and the Easternmost regions, specifically the Holdships around the City of Ve'La. The highlands are mostly organised under two main holdships. Dan'Us'Ak and Re'T'An in the north and south respectively. In the north, the highlands border the Ta'Gas Sea along the coast of Dan'Us'Ak, before growing in size as they head further south. In the south they continue through the tripoint border with the Merchant State of No Kil and Kingdom of Sen before forming the border between the two. Here they're known as the Quiet Hills, due to the sudden transition in to the zone of Tranquillomany. The Cul Higlands are also the location of Imogen Canyon, the epicentre of Electromagic energy.


Due to their easterly location the hills rarely get a large amount of rainfall, and when they do it can often cause flooding of the landscape below. However, the minor amount of rainfall they do get combines with local springs to form the source of the Ve' River, which flows to the sea through the city of Ve'La.

Natural Resources

Due to the unsuitability of highland soil, there isn't a strong presence of arable land and arable agriculture is therefore rare. The main source of income is instead the raising of sheep and goats as these are the few animals that can eat the tough grass present over these windswept hills. However, in certain locations in the highlands can be found incredibly valuable gold and silver mines, and these provide the bulk of the gold, silver and electrum owned by the Kingdom of Cul.
Alternative Name(s)
The Highlands
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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