The Vimali Empire Organization in Vhakatshũ | World Anvil
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The Vimali Empire

The Vimali Empire was an ancient empire that ruled the Sayali Archipelago from under the sea. Its fall came about as a result of the rise of the Empire of Man, whom the Vimali had constantly threatened and harassed.   The Vimali Empire was primarily located undersea. Sea Elves, Vim, and other intelligent sea creatures were quite commonplace. The Vim, though, were known to be powerful necromancers. Long before the Empire of Man discovered magic, the Vim had found a way to harness magic: those born as twins had the younger twin sacrificed in order to gain a connection to the realm of the dead via a type of ore called Musmizh. These necromancers would become part of the ruling class, commanding undead to handle the society's manual labor. This need for undead quickly became an issue, as there weren't enough dead to maintain the workforce needed. Thus, the Vim took to the surface, preying on surface folk and taking their dead. Because of their immense power and ability to breathe underwater, most surface races could do nothing against them and grew more and more hateful of their practices, always fearing the next raid. The Vim held control over most of the continent's coasts for a long time.   That all changed when the bogfolk, a group of humans living in swampy territory, discovered how to harness magic to a greater extent than even the Vim. Epimar Minohn began to rise to power, pushing back the Vim and uniting the world against their common enemy.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
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