The Shocknumb Ethnicity in Vexora | World Anvil
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The Shocknumb (Shock-numb)

The tribes that reside in The Tempest Preserve are known as the "Shocknumb". Originally the tribe was one cohesive population that resided in the southern, central portion of The Tempest Preserve. As their numbers grew, so did tension between the tribe-members. Several believed they were to be the chosen ruler of the Shocknumb, and began to gather support for their right to lead the tribe. The reigning ruler at the time, Zi Tawa, still had plenty of followers willing to remain loyal to him. Although it was a difficult decision, Zi Tawa banished the five most popular threats to his rule. The banished members left, but many of their supporters followed them.    Although the separation was only 15 years ago, the tribes don’t seem to have active resentment towards other Shocknumb. There are occasional conflicts that break out, as closely-located tribes fight over the very limited resources of the desert expanse. One of the original ideals the Shocknumb adopted was that it is dishonorable to attack someone in their home. Seemingly all tribes still follow this unwritten rule, as no village raids have been documented.    The Shocknumb are not hostile to outsiders, but they are untrusting. They maintain necessary connections with towns located just outside The Tempest Preserve, as they can often make trades for resources that can’t be found in the desert. Many tribe members follow the ways of The Stricken religion, and ones who are struck by lightning and live usually go on to reside in The Thunder’s Compass Temple. Many members also consider themselves to be part of The Guardians of Vexora, a faction of the continent that believes the land is sacred, and that it is up to them to prevent harm from coming to it.


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