Session 71 - Unexpected Aid Report in Vestra | World Anvil

Session 71 - Unexpected Aid

General Summary

41 Sov'van

Help arrived from above with wing and claw as a troupe of four gryphons descended. The first, with gold and brown bars, closed on the adult windwyrm, but his talons skidded across her shimmering scales. Tear of Midnight Sorrow popped up from behind a rock and cheered. Pulling out a fresh power crystal, the young goblin swapped it out and fired two shots at the wyrm. The first shot hit her square in the face, knocking her head back and clear of the second blast.   Janora looked at the injured windwyrm in front of her and fired off a Firebolt at the creature but sent it flying up into the air instead. Cursing, she backed away, slapping the wyrm's bite away with her cudgel. Whistling a command to her Healing Spirit over to begin leaping up on Jilken and licking at her free hand. Patting the spectral corgi on the head, Jilken leapt over the fence and fired off the light crossbow at the injured wyrm. When the bolt bounced off its hide, she cursed and followed it up with a shot from the heavy crossbow. This second shot cracked the monster's skull and came out through one eye. As it fell to the ground, Jilken turned to the adult and yelled, "You've lost another one, shouldn't you just give up and fly away."   Two more of the gryphons swooped in, the first one went for the mother, managing to leave several long rips in one wing. The other attacked the remaining adolescent, managing to peel a few scales off. Ell looked up at the mother and tried to capture her mind in a Mental Prison, but the charm could not hold her. The adolescent lashed out at the gryphon who attacked him. Head whipping back and forth the larger windwyrm whipped it's tail into the nearest gryphon before launching itself 90 ft into the air, bugling a call to its child.   Denye cursed and circled around the fight, trying to line up her shot. Realizing that the adult had gotten out of range, she settled for sending another Sunbeam lancing between the two gryphons and straight through the younger windwyrm, blinding it once more. The fourth gryphon joined the fray, but rather than attack, she addressed the party saying, "You have done well and I am sorry that you have had to deal with these beasts. Allow us to lend you aid, we are members of the Windguard and sworn to protect travelers in our land." Circling over the fight, she cast Mass Healing Word on the party.   The first gryphon broke off from engaging the mother and went for one of the corpses. Lifting it in talons, he beat wings, straining for the sky in an attempt to draw the others off. Tear popped back up and fired two shots at the adult, the first striking her in one wing and the second missing her tail by a hair. Janora attempted a Withering Gaze on the adult, but the monster seemed unfazed by the witch's glare.   Jilken glared up as well, but judged that the adult was still within range of the heavy crossbow. Aiming carefully she fired the bolt, scoring a deep hit in the creature's flank. She tried again with the Rainbow Reaper, but even with a burst of magic, it just couldn't get high enough to reach her.   One of the other gryphons took a couple of swipes at the blinded and injured adolescent windwyrm, but rather than attack back, the monster ran away, flying 140ft straight up, making sounds of pain. The adult windwyrm closed on the child and the two vanished. Denye looked around wildly and fired off another Sunbeam where the wyrms had been, but struck nothing.   The three gryphons began circling looking for the monsters, but the leader landed near the party. After giving her feathers a shake to settle them she said, "They will most likely run at this point, but keep a sharp eye out just in case."   Jilken nodded, but then got a thoughtful look in her eye. Fitting another bolt into her heavy crossbow, the fighter cast a seeking spell on the arrow again and fired it the direction of the windwyrms. A moment later, she nodded and said, "The adult is about 200ft away, heading due east."   The leading gryphon nodded and called to her companions, "You heard the traveler, 200ft and heading due east. Quickstrike and Cloudscraper, you two go after her. Their invisibility doesn't last for long, don't try to engage, just follow her back and find the nest. I thought we had cleared the islands last season." The two gryphons took off as the other gryphon, still holding the dead monster, circled overhead.   "Thank you," said Denye, approaching the gryphon, "I think they would have run soon, but your help was appreciated."   "Indeed," replied the white gryphon, "It is our job to keep the skies clear, but as you saw those beasts can go invisible and be hard to track. You all seem quite formidable as well, if I may ask what brings you to the peninsula."   Denye gestured with a wing at Jilken, "That one had business in the desert and we decided we'd like to visit White Gryphon on our way back to Haven. As you can imagine this is the first time most of us have been to Umberfell."   "You came over the mountains and through the jungle?" asked the second gryphon in surprise.   "We did," said Janora proudly, "although we may have taken a shortcut on the way. We also cleared a curse near the village of Amberhaus a few nights ago."   "I've heard of that curse, it's been a problem for decades." said the white gryphon, "Oh, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Songcloud and my partner is Starspray. White Gryphon is indeed a city worth seeing."   "I know," said Denye, excitedly, "I really want to see the airship." Realizing how that sounded, the wizard quickly explained how the party had visited the Northern WingGuard outpost in the mountains a few days ago.   Songcloud laughed, "I know Commander Valeri, I served under him a few tours ago. We're currently stationed in Highbridge, it's the next major town on the road and from there you could catch the coach. If I may be presumptuous, we could probably give you all a lift to you at least half a day's travel. There's also a bounty on these wyrms, and I'm fairly sure I can convince the Commander to pay out for all four."   Ell's eyes went wide at the mention of reward. Denye only laughed, "I think we might have been hoping that you would offer."   "Agreed," replied Jilken looking excited, "that was awesome last time we flew."   Janora nodded as well, "Give me a few minutes and I can have my own transport." Without waiting for a response she stepped to the side and began casting her steed ritual to call up the giant raven and ten minutes later the party took off heading for Highbridge.   Jilken watched the two corpses dwindle away as they climbed and once at a cruising altitude asked, "What will happen to the bodies of those two wyrms?"   Starspray, carrying her, trilled a laugh, "With all the carnivores we have around here we'd be fools to pass up free meat. I already called for another team to pick them up." Pointing with his beak, he drew her attention to another pair of gryphons heading in that direction, "They'll bring those two back to the outpost and get split up among the eight of us on station."   The Aiel warrior sighed, "I was hoping to get a steak or two from one of them, maybe a talon as well."   The gryphon laughed again, "I think we can make that happen. I know something about the ways of Aiel and your team were the ones who killed them both, it only seems fair."   The flight itself was short, only a couple of hours, but as the afternoon aged and the party drew near, they were able to begin making out details of the town of Highbridge. As the name suggested the town was anchored by an enormous stone bridge that arched up over a chasm and to the far side of the bluffs, some 3-400ft higher than this side. The chasm below the bridge was easily 1000ft wide and looked to be half that deep, with a sparkling river at the bottom, while the bridge itself was suspended on a nested series of arches.   As they drew closer it was easy to make out the homes and business that were built along both sides of the bridge itself. While that was clearly where the town had started, it had grown over time and now spread out around the base of the bridge. But the gryphons ignored those areas and headed for a large open square near the center of the bridge.   Once everyone had landed, Songcloud waves a talon at one of the buildings. It was a long two story building of fieldstone on the first level and reed and wattle for the upper floors. Next to the open door were three of the strangest creatures, wooden barrels with short wooden legs, doing a sort of dance, hopping back and forth. "That's the Cider Horse," she said, "best inn in town. Serith will be able to set you up with rooms for the night. But before that, if you wouldn't mind coming this way, we'll stop at HQ and get you your reward."   The gryphons led the party to the other side of the bridge to a solid stone tower of four stories, sporting a large banner with the symbol of the WingGuard flapping in the breeze. The main double doors were up a short flight of wide steps and opened into a longish room with doors lining the walls and a tall stone desk sat in the center of the room.   Behind the desk sat a middle-aged half-elven man with a pencil mustache and shoulder-length black hair. As they neared both gryphons threw a salute, but it was Songcloud who spoke, "Commander Medz, we found these folks on the road fighting an adult windwyrm and three yearlings. They had already killed two of the yearlings and wounded the adult when we engaged and together we drove the other two off. I sent Quickstrike and Cloudscraper to follow and try to find the nest."   Jilken muttered, "Yeah, the bitch turned invisible and ran away. We would have had her if she had stuck around a little longer."   The La'naris looked shocked at Songcloud's recitation, but Jilken's seemed to jar him back to the moment and he nodded, taking in the party for the the first time. "You fought an adult and her full clutch, killing two and driving the others off? That's quite impressive, any interest in joining the WingGuard?"   Ell was the first to speak, flashing the man a smooth smile, "That could be an interesting offer, but we are already engaged in other business in northern Ellebore. We're on our way back there now, but decided that we absolutely had to see White Gryphon before we left."   Commander Medz barked a laugh, "Fair enough I suppose. Well at the very least I can give you your bounty." Hopping off his chair, he vanished behind the desk for a moment or two and could be heard opening a safe or lockbox. He reappeared coming around the side holding two sacks of coin. "400gp for your efforts. We try to keep the beasts out, but as you saw they can be slippery, and we appreciate your efforts in keeping our territory safe."   "Thank you, that is much apprtiated," said Janora reaching out to grab both bags, but handed one to Ell to slip into his bag.   Starspray spoke up, "I also promised Jilken that she could have a steak or two from the windwyrms when the recovery team brings them in."   "Don't forget the claw," warned Jilken.   "A steak and a claw from the windwyrm," repeated Commander Medz, "easily done. Are you staying at the Horse?" At Jilken's affermative, he nodded, "I'll have those sent over this evening."   With that the party took their leave and stepping back out in the street, contemplated where to head next and decided to secure rooms and get washed up before they went exploring. Stepping into the Cider Horse, it was a large size tavern room with a couple of dozen tables scattered around. A large fireplace stood on one wall, next to a staircase leading up to the balcony area where there were more tables.   About a third of the seats were filled, many with travelers but there were also quite a few townies as well. Janora led the way back to the bar, where they found a half-elven woman with wavy, red hair and two black streaks that framed her face polishing a glass. As the neared, she looked up and smiled at the party, "Welcome in, my name is Serith Jinno, what can I get for you today?"   "Well," began Jilken, "With a name like Cider Horse, I'm hopefull that you have a particularly excellent cider. I would definitely like one and I'm pretty sure my companions would as well."   "Not a problem," said Serith nodding and pulling out a few more mugs, "Anything else? Did y'all need rooms for the night?"   "Yes, please," replied Janora, "three doubles if you have them. And if I may ask about your evening meal?"   "Not a problem, not a problem," Serith said, putting down a couple of mugs and turning to fill the next one, "Vrisk is making a lovely ell pie for dinner, I believe. But it won't be ready for another two hours or so. I do have some bread, fruit, and cheese if y'all are hungry now."   "I think we're good, but we'll take the rooms and dinner along with the drinks," said Ell. Gold changed hands for keys and the party found a table to enjoy their drinks before heading up to their rooms to drop much of their gear.   Coming back downstairs, Denye approached the bar and asked, "Do you mind if I ask you another question or two?"   "Not at all, darling," replied Serith, "you clearly aren't from around here."   "No," agreed Denye, "my home is far to the north in the Troraine Timberland. I heard that there was a coach from here to White Gryphon. You wouldn't happen to know when it runs or how to get tickets?"   "Oh sure," said the barkeeper with a laugh, "Old Gerrod will be here just before lunch and he'll sit for an hour or so here before heading back. I don't recall the current price, it's been quite a while since I've been to the big city."   "Perfect," replied Denye, happily, "Do you know if there are any libraries or sages in town?"   "Or anything we can't miss?" added Ell coming up behind.   "No real library around here," said Serith, shaking her head, "The WingGuard have an archive, but I believe that's mostly reports on weather and other governmental. No real sages either, unless you count the witch just off the base off the bridge." Smiling broadly she added, "If you are looking for interesting you should definitely stop by Toys of Wonder. Mister Pockapea makes the most amazing marionetted dolls."   Thanking her, the pair rejoined their friends and Denye relayed the news about a witch in town. Janora only waited long enough to get the location and without a word, she vanished out the door. "I suppose we should follow her," suggested Jilken.   "We will," agreed Denye, "but we'll give her a bit of a head start." Stepping outside she looked down at the street, "I'm also very curious how they built this bridge to support all this weight and not show any signs of wear or stress."   "Me too," said Ranunkel, "it all appears to be a single piece, it's quite strange." Walking out into the square, away from traffice, he put a hand down on the stone and sent his consciousness down into the bridge. There was no sense of sentience and the stone itself had a made feel, but it was solid rock and fused on both sides to the stone of the earth."   As he was doing that, Denye was examining it with her magical senses and realized that the entire bridge was wrapped in some sort of self-repair spell. As both of them came out of their trances, Denye excitedly shared, "There is a spell on the whole bridge, it's like a Mending spell, but much, much larger."   Ranunkel nodded, "It all one piece, but it doesn't feel melted or anything like that." Pulling out a dagger, he bent down and tried to crack the stone. He managed to flake out a small piece and the pair watched, entranced, as over the next minute or so the edges melted and flowed in to fill the hole.
Janora, surprised to hear that there was a witch in town, headed in that direction at a not quite run. What she found was a somewhat rickety and dilapidated looking stone building tucked into the shadow of the bridge. The stone walls leaned in a bit and were covered in moss and other plant life, but the sign over the door proclaimed "Witch's Hut."   The witch gave the building a once over and shook her head disapprovingly before reaching out and pulling open the door. She sighed and stepped inside. The interior is dark and musky, a few wooden table filled most of the space and held a variety of soaps, jars, and bundles. There was also a counter at the back, blocking access to a curtained doorway beyond. No one else was in the shop, but a large black cat lounged on the counter washing an ear with a paw while a large black bird perched on the other end and eyed the witch curiously.   Janora looked around for a bit, hoping someone would appear. When tapping her foot and crossing her arms failed to produce anyone she favored the animals with a look before turning to the crow and asking, "Is there anyone home beyond the two of you? I heard there was a witch in town and was hoping to speak to her."   Neither animal said anything, but the cat stood and stretched before leaping off the counter. The crow followed it through the back doorway and a few seconds later, an older looking elven woman emerged. Wearing a faded black dress with unknown herbal-looking stains, she had a bit of a hunch and thick grey hair, piled up in a messy bun. Looking Janora up and down, she nodded, "Apologizes, most folk here abouts know to deal with the cat and crow. It's been a while since anyone's come through who saw through the act."   "Fair enough," said Janora, "I suppose most people would enter a witch's cottage and fully believe that a cat and crow could brew potions."   The other witch burst out laughing, "Nay, Nay, everybody around here knows that one is my familiar and the other is me. They know better than to steal from me."   "I'm sure you only had to teach that lesson one or two," agreed Janora, relaxing a bit, "My name is Janora Crowcaller. I'm visiting briefly from very far north of here. Have you heard of the continent of Ellebore?"   "My, that is quite far," said the local witch, "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Ella Hut. So what brings you to our bustling town?"   "One of my traveling companions had business in the desert," replied Janora, "and we're on our way home, but wanted to see the wonders of White Gryphon while we had the chance. I'd love to talk shop if you have some time. My friends will probably be showing up soon to peruse your goods....they are always looking for interesting and useful concoctions."   The pair of witches spent a bit of time chatting, but before long, Denye's voice came over the link asking, "Janora, is it safe for us to come in?" In response, Janora looked over at the door and it swung out as the others came walking up.    "I could have just opened the door," chided Denye over the link.   "I do have a reputation to maintain," replied Janora. Out loud, she said, "As I mentioned, please allow me to introduce my companions." The next hour was spent going over potions and picking a few interesting specimens, but eventually the party bid farewell to Ella and headed back for the inn.  

42 Sov'van

The next morning the party woke early, but with the coach not arriving until noon, the morning was spent caring for gear and pursuing individual goals. By lunchtime, the party was ready to go and had already packed up their bags and were enjoying a round of cider when the strangest vehicle pulled up. Pulled by a pair of horses, rather than a coach, it was a floating sled with a pleasant looking cottage built atop it.   When the stable boy came out to take the horses, the coach driver strode into the common room and hailed the bartender. She greeted him warmly as well and settled a plate of something in front of an empty stool. He sat down and began digging in as Denye ran outside to examine this new magical artifact.    By the time, the driver had finished, the others had gathered outside as well. Denye peppered him with questions about the floating sled, but he only laughed and told her she would have to ask the magickers. Otherwise he was happy to sell them tickets and invite the team to step aboard. The interior was quite inviting, with a number of scattered couches and even a tea service and a water closet in one corner. Three other folk also booked passaged, but settled in the far corners.   The coach driver clambered up to his seat and with a whistle the horses began to move forward. Within the coach, there was almost sensation of movement and the party settled in. The countryside blurred as the horses picked up speed and the afternoon sped by.    About an hour or two before sunset they began nearing the city. Rather than the bustling cities they had seen before, it was marked by a number of warehouses and other buildings scattered along the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. Among them were a series of cranes that hung out over the edge. What really captured everyone's attention however was the much larger version of the floating sled, suspended under a long oval shape balloon that was approaching a gantry on the far end, a little past the last of the buildings.

Character(s) interacted with

Songcloud (she/her) and Starspray (he/him) - Gryphons stationed in Highbridge
Gloven Medz (he/him, La'naris elf) - Commander of the WingGuard Outpost in Highbridge
Serith Jinno (she/her, La'naris elf) - Owner of the Cider Horse in Highbridge
Ella Hut (she/her, La'naris elf) - Witch in Highbridge
Report Date
21 Apr 2023