Session 54 - Taken to Dreford Report in Vestra | World Anvil

Session 54 - Taken to Dreford

General Summary

27th Harvest

Jilken was the first to arrive in Haven, having gotten into town the previous evening and shared one last night of drinking with the guard troop. With another day before she could expect the others, Jilken decided to head down to the docks and do a bit of wandering about to get a feel for the city. Dreford was certainly different than any other city the Aiel had been to before. Built at the confluence of two rivers on a good sized natural harbor, the original city was a semi-circle nestled on the coast with a semi-circular wall for protection. As the city grew, neighborhoods exploded beyond that wall scattering like seeds that then merged together becoming the Dreford of today.    While not quite as populous as Haven, Dreford made up for it in sounds and smells, especially down by the docks. In the expansion, the old city was given over mostly to industry. In the areas nearest the docks were shipwrights, warehouses, and even a few inns and other businesses that cater to sailors. Much of the rest held factories of various kinds, large buildings with smoke stacks that belched thick white smoke into the sky, adding to the pall that hung over the city. The Aiel spent most of the day just watching and observing. Nothing particularly seemed out of place or obviously wrong, people swept up and down the street, like shoals of fish, intent on their own business, whatever it might be.     Denye and Vellikar were the next to arrive, having Teleported to Karobark Waverider’s tower and caught a boat heading to Dreford. Pulling into the docks around mid-afternoon the pair easily found the Three Bells Inn, an enormous inn that covered almost an entire city block, built in a square with an open central courtyard. Following the signs, the pair easily found the main taproom, a big room with a number of scattered tables, staircases at ether end and even a small dancefloor.   Stepping inside, they were greeted by the innkeeper, a slightly disheveled looking man with black scraggily hair and beard wearing large frames glasses. He introduced himself as Kif Lonewhirl, owner of the inn, When Denye explained that they would be meeting a group of people here over the next few days, Kif was more than happy to provide a suite of rooms, with four double bed chambers and a private common area.  Vellikar asked if any of the other party members had arrived yet, sharing basic descriptions of the others. The innkeeper affirmed that an elf fitting Jilken's description had come in last night and rented a room, but that she had gone out this morning and hadn't come back yet.   Satisfied, the pair took the keys and headed upstairs to drop off their packs, wash up, and then come down for a late lunch / early supper. As they were finishing and the taproom was starting to fill up, Ell and Tear came in just as dusk was falling.  Vellikar spotted them first and stood hailing them. Easily spotting Vellikar over the crowd, Ell responded with a smile and a wave and headed in the direction of the table, Tear of Midnight Sorrow trotting along at his heels.   Ordering meals and drinks for the new-come pair, the four party members made small talk and discussed the merits of boats vs horses for travel. Jilken came in a short while later and after greeting the group and learning of the new accommodations went to speak to the innkeeper about turning that extra night into a meal and a round of drinks for her friends.  

28th Harvest

The next morning dawned cool and clear (minus the haze from the smoke stacks) and unsure of when Ranunkel and Janora would get to town, thep party scattered to explore the city and keep an eye out for anything odd. Over the link, Denye asked, "How does one look for a cult in a city?"   Jilken, on her way back down to the docks, suggested, "There were a few street preachers out yesterday. The city guards didn't seem to like them much, kept running them off. I didn't hear anything about a cult...most of them seemed to be shouting about the end of the world from one thing or another."   That sounded like as good of an idea as any and it only took Denye an hour or so to catch up with one who had just been chased off and engaged him in conversation. The old man was thrilled to have someone actually want to listen and told Denye about how he had been told that the world would be destroyed when the comet returned. Denye nodded excitedly but then her feathers drooped at his next words. According to this man, the comet was actually an egg which would hatch into an enormous space dragon that would consume Vestra. Disappointed that this wasn't a viable research route, the Corva wizard thanked him and slipped him a gold piece before slipping off into the crowds. Spending the rest of the day Denye explored some more and found a friendly shopkeeper who suggested that she check with the Guild of Churches, Temples, Groves and Big Ominous Rocks. Thanking the woman for the advice, Denye headed back to the inn to see if either of her friends had gotten in.   Ell had spent the day hanging out in a few of the high-end cafes and listening to the local gossip. The only really interesting thing that he overheard were a couple of conversations about ships that had been lost crossing the ocean. Other than that, most of the conversations were the usual complaints about the Tyrant and quite a bit about the social scene which seemed to mostly revolve around the guilds of the city. Curious about the missing ships, but doubting it had anything to do with their current mission, Ell and Tear spent the rest of the afternoon getting more familiar with the city and in Tear's case, trying as much street food as he could stuff into his stomach.   Janora arrived just as the sun began to set, arriving on their giant raven and Ranunkel came strolling in about an hour later. Vellikar and Jilken were in the main taproom as Janora walked in and by the time Ranunkel joined them Ell, Denye, and Tear had gotten back as well. Glad to be reunited once more, the party enjoyed a delicious meal, laughter, and light conversation.    Retiring to their private sitting room, the party lounged on a couple of comfortable couches. Settling their self into an arm chair, Janora asked, "So how was everyone's break?"   Ranunkel, who had been somewhat quiet over dinner was the first to speak, "It was what I needed. I sent a message to my leaders to let them know about my progress and then I went and found a quarry to sit in for a few days. Do you recall that fortune-teller? She gave me an interesting tip....apparently to find the Stone of Connection, I need to find a dormant volcano that is surrounded in ice. But I have no idea where to look."   Jilken shurgged, "There are a lot of volcanos near my home in the south, but they are all hot and there is very little water to be found, much less ice."   Denye who was staring off into space for a moment in thought, refocused on Ranunkel and said, "I seem to recall hearing about one of the Far Reaches tribes who lived at the base of a dormant volcano...there is lots of snow up there. The Shin'a'in used to trade with them for a type of dried fish...a hearty red flesh to the fish as I recall."   "That's something," replied Ranunkel, "Thank you."   Vellikar, who was practically bouncing up and down in his seat said, "Ask me what I did over my break?"   Jilken fulfiled the request with a smile, "Vellikar, what did you do over break?"   With a grin, Vellikar responded, "Nothing, I mostly just stuck around Haven and didn't do anything." Even Ell picked up on the unlikeness of this statement and as Vellikar caught sight of the disbelieving looks, he wilted, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, yes of course I did something. I um, I took a course on lying. I thought I was getting better, but I guess I still need to practice...I need to practice more."   As the young druid began to hyperventilate, Janora walked over and grabbed him by the chin, "Stop that right now. Just breathe and listen. Of course you aren't going to fool people who have been walking with you, working with you, and going into danger with you. It would take a lot more than a week's worth of training to deceive your friends."   Calming, Vellikar nodded, "Okay, you are probably right. You guys are so good at playing these characters, like when we were at the party you all were pretending to be people you weren't and I wanted to learn how to do that. So I went down to the docks and I met this guy, he told me that he ran an accredited acting school and he could teach me to lie. It was cheap too, only 50gp. Clearly I need to practice more."   Jilken looked suspicious and asked, "Who accredited him?"   "Well," began Vellikar, "I was down at the docks, I just like hanging out on the docks, so many different people, I just find it very interesting. So I met this guy, Sif, he was blind, but somehow always knew when I was was crazy. So I followed him one day and he wasn't actually blind, he was just acting. So I asked him if he would teach me to lie better, and he took me back to meet his friends, and I spent some time with them. The tried to teach me a lot of things...I wasn't very good at breaking and entering. Rind of the Hard Cheese said I was just too big. I thought I had it down, but then I get nervous and I...I guess I need to practice more."   Jilken smiled, "Ah, that kind of accreditation. And it's like Janora said, there is a big difference in lying to your friends and some shmuck on the street. Don't worry about it." Clapping Vellikar on the shoulder she added, "Tomorrow we'll go down to the docks here and you can show me what you learned."   "Thank you all, it really means a lot," said Vellikar with a weak smile, before reaching out to give Jilken a big hug. The Aiel stiffened at first, but relaxed and returned it awkwardly. Letting her go, Vellikar asked, "So Jilken, what did you get up to?"   The Aiel smiled and sat back down, "Took a job as guard captain for a caravan over to Emotha and then down here to Dreford.  400 miles of watching over people, beasts, and goods." Chuckling she added, "Fairly uneventful trip all things considered and everything that was supposed to get from point A to point B and point C beyond made it where it was supposed to go. Decent group of guards...even if they all rely on their swords."   After a moment or two of silence, Janora, in a matter-of-fact voice, said, "I mastered the new bell and did some witchcraft."   Ell gave Janora a withering glance and asked, "Is that really all you are going to tell us?"   "Witchcraft," said Janora lifting a hand and raising the second continued, "and the bell. What's the question?"   Ell snorted and shook his head, "What does the bell dooooo?"   "Oh," said Janora blinking, "well, this bell is known as the Binder and from what we've learned so far is one of the most powerful bells used in the Great Binding. It was through Redanar's skill that they were able to bind the Dark Titan. But as for what spells it will cast, Hold Person and Crown of Madness and now that I am proficient with it, Earthbind as well."    Denye whistled, "Those are some powerful spells."    "Useful too," quipped Ell.   Janora nodded and turned to look at the wizard, "How bout you, Denye, what did you get up to?"   "Well like I said," began Denye, pulling out a small sack and began handing small ring boxes to everyone, "I just needed some time in one place to work on a few things." Tear of Midnight Sorrow got a larger, rectangular box.   Taking the box gingerly, in Common, the goblin asked, "What this?"   "Yours now," said Denye, beak-grinning at the small warrior, "Go ahead, open it!"    Tear sat it down on a table and did so, his eyes going wide at the sight of the repaired force pistol. Picking it up he started waving it around excited singing, "Phew, phew, phew."   With no power crystal attached it wasn't an actual threat, but Denye immediately grabbed his arm saying, "Careful, you don't want to point that at anyone unless you are planning on using it. Here let me show you a couple of things." Denye gave him a quick lecture on the pistol and showed him how to attach the power crystal and particularly how to make sure the safety was engaged. Smiling, she handed the pistol back to the goblin, "I still have mine and I can't really use two, so practice with it and it's yours."    The smaller boxes held the new set of linked earrings, very similar in design to the first set, but this time there were seven of them so everyone could be in on the link. "With a good workshop I was able to get the pistol working, the new earrings made, and still had time for some research. I translated a couple of the spells from that weird metal spellbook we found." Taking a seat again Denye nodded, "Oh and Vellikar has some new glasses so we won't need light in dungeons anymore."  Helenwye, who had been curled up on the mantle enjoying the warmth, shook herself before gliding over to land in Denye's lap making crooning sounds.   "Well that is good news," said Ell with a laugh, "I have some interesting news as well. I don't think we need to make any decisions quite yet, but I came into my inheritance from my late grandfather, which includes a few properties in Haven, Port Frost, and a few other scattered places. It also includes a monthly payment of gold, so I think we should be good on gold for quite a while. I was thinking we might want to consider buying a place to use as a homebase, but like I said, we don't need to decide anything."   "That's amazing," said Janora, "does that mean you're buying us potions and things? If so I have a list."   "Well, we'll see what we can find," said Ell with a chuckle, "Other than that, I found a hidden room in the family crypt. This was inside, Denye do you think you could look at it for me?" The young man pulled out the adamantine rod with rose gold tips that he had found.   To Denye's magical senses the rod hummed with arcane power. Taking it and setting it on the table, Denye pulled out her pearl and cast Identify on the object. She explained "This is a Rod of Strength. It requires attunement but will act as a magical focus, give you the cantrip Guidance and let you cast Aid twice per day." Handing the rod back to Ell she asked, "Where did you find that? There's something about the enchantment, it sounds almost divine."     Ell shrugged, "I don't really know. The room must have meant something to my ancestor, but it was just sitting on a stone table."    Narrowing their eyes, Janora turned to Tear and asked, "And what did you do Tear?"   "I...I ate SOOOO many things. Boss show me around big city and I tried so many foods. My favorite was in Duscairn, Boss get me cinnamon roll big as my head. I eat two! I try fried rat, and salty nuts, and turkey legs, and many cheese...I like cheese."   Vellikar clapped their hands and said, "That's so sweet, but you must have done other things?"   Tear shurgged, "We ride long time, stop at Boss family home, and...and now we here. I cooked for Ell while we camp. He not a very good cook."   The young man laughed, "I've never had to cook for myself, but Tear was quite...resourceful when it came to meals."   Denye gave Janora a sidelong glance and said, "You have been shifting on your seat like a kid with a secret, out with it!"   Janora flashed the wizard a smile, pulled out a small potion vial full of a murky green liquid with faint sparks of light. Handing it Denye, the witch said, "I made a few of these. My take on an old family recipe, that I think could be useful for all of us. If you drink it, you will gain the effects of the Guardian of Nature spell." Pulling out another vial, this one a thick reddish liquid, and handed it to Vellikar. As the druid held it up to the light, the witch explained, "Now this was more of an experiment on my part. I'm afraid this probably won't be as useful as the other, but you never know. It requires 3 hairs from a dog to activate it, but when drunk by a werewolf, this potion will temporarily shift the canine portions to whatever breed of dog the hairs came from.  What is kind of fun is that if the activated potion is consumed by someone without lycanthropy, it will make that person think they are whatever breed of dog was used to activate the potion."   Ell raised an eyebrow, "That could be quite useful in the right situation."   Denye only snickered before handing the potion bottle back to Janora. Changing the subject she asked, "So what is our plan? Ell, this is sort of your mission so we are following your lead? How do you think we should approach this? I asked around today about, ah, faiths off the beaten path, and got told about a religious guild that seems to keep a eye on such things."   "I'm not exactly sure," replied Ell with a shrug, "I've visited Dreford a few times, but I'm not really sure how useful any of my contacts would actually be here. Visiting the guild sounds like a good idea, beyond that I think we just have to look around and keep our eyes open." Sighing he added, "It would help if we had more information to go on. We don't even know what kind of people this cult is recruiting. Tear and I spent the day wandering around the more well-to-do areas of town, but we didn't find much that seemed linked to these Taken. "But we've only spent one day searching...seems like if this group were trying to be serious about staying hidden, we might need to practice some patience."   Janora snorted at that last statement but said nothing. Denye nodded in agreement with Ell, but when the witch said nothing, she spoke up. "You are probably right.You are probably the best one to listen to the conversations of people with too much money and not enough sense. If you want to continue focusing on that tomorrow, I can go over to this guild of churches and temples and see if they have heard anything."   "I think I will go down to the docks," said Vellikar excitedly, "I can pose as a begger and set up near one main intersections. You can hear a lot just listening to people as they pass by."     Jilken nodded, "I was down in that area today. I didn't hear anything useful, but I can do the same tomorrow and even point out a few likely spots for you setup. Besides, that way I can be close in case something happens to you." Overall this seemed a good plan and satisfied, the various members of their party retired to their rooms for the night.  

29th Harvest

The next morning dawned cool but warmed as the sun rose. Over breakfast, the party reviewed the plan before heading off in three directions in search of information about the Taken. Vellikar and Jilken headed down in the direction of the docks, Jilken suggesting a few likely spots where the druid might overhear something. As they got near, Vellikar ducked into an alley before casting Disguise Self, changing his appearance to that of an older human man with bent back and a disfiguring burn scar covering half of his face with a bandage wrapped over the eye. Pulling out a small begging bowl he went looking for a spot where he could sit out of the way and listen, eventually settling beneath the open window of the Salty Pearls, a raucous sailor bar from the sounds of things.   Jilken let Vellikar get ahead and once she saw where the druid had settled, she began to stroll along the wide wharf front, looking bored but also available if someone had quick work that needed doing and keeping an eye out for groups of loiters or day-laborers. The Aiel had just attached herself to one of these groups when a harried and disheveled human rushed up looking to hire a handful of workers to help get a ship unloaded and on to wagons. Jilken got herself hired on and spent a couple of hours moving crates from a crane lift and piling them on caravan wagons.            As the crew worked as fast as they could, with the caravan leader watching and tapping his foot impatiently. Jilken spotted one fellow who kept a bright smile on his face the entire time, murmuring words of encouragement whenever one of the others would flag. These seemed like odd behavior for a day-worker dockhand and so the Aiel tried to stay close to see if she could learn more. Eventually her patience was rewarded, as the group were breaking up, the wagons already moving out onto the road to join the rest of the caravan, Jilken overheard the cheerful fellow telling a couple of the other workers, "Truly, it's as I told you, you can go to the temple at any hour and find a free meal."    Thinking this temple might be worth checking out, but not wanting to be obvious about asking, Jilken called through the link, "Vellikar, I just heard this guy talking about a temple nearby where they give out food for free. I think you should come over and ask him about it...something about him just isn't right and I think it might be this temple."   The druid hadn't learned much, too worried about his appearance and demeanor to really listen to the conversations around him. He had however managed to collect 7cp and a crust of bread in his begging bowl. Having just settled down in a new position near the ship Jilken was unloading, Vellikar started a bit at the unfamiliar voice in his head, breaking his train of thought. Agreeing that such a question would be less suspicious the disguised druid, Vellikar made his way over, and in his best downtrodden voice asked, "Sir, did I hear you right? There is a temple where I could get some hot grub? I ain't had morn'n a crust a bread since yesterday morning."   The smiling fellow turned, looking a bit surprised, but nodded, "Of course, my poor fellow. The bliss and provenance of Kosyn extends to all who are in need."   Looking excited, but confused, Vellikar asked, "I don't think I have ever heard of such a person, can you tell me more?"   The smile on the man's face grew even wider, his gaze softening into a distant look, "Oh, she is indescribable, simply everything I have ever wanted in my life. I have not been attending services there myself for long, but she is a beacon of hope for the lost and the broken. Through her bliss all are connected as one, providing a family and community in one."   "She sounds wonderful," said Vellikar, "have you seen this Kosyn or only hear her others speak of her?"   "Oh no," replied the man, dropping his head, "I have not yet been granted a vision of the goddess, as I said, I only learned of her myself a fortnight ago."   "Oh, Kosyn is a goddess?" asked Vellikar, "I thought she was a prophet or something."   Once more the man shook his head, "No, no, as I said, Kosyn is indeed the goddess of hope and a beacon of light in a cruel world. If there were a prophet it would probably be Speaker Bhalo."   "Oh that sounds wonderful," said Vellikar, "as you can see, I lost my eye a year ago and I have been living on the streets ever sense. Can you take me to this temple, I would love to learn more?"   "Not I, I'm afraid," replied the man, "but the temple is not far, just a couple of blocks from here in fact."   Armed with directions, Vellikar thanked the man and began heading in the direction of the Temple of Kosyn. Jilken, who had been loitering some distance away, began tailing the druid, keeping a distance and trying to make it look she wasn't following anyone. As he walked, Vellikar used the earrings to tell the others what he had learned.
Ell and Tear left the Three Bells, heading back over to the neighborhoods of the monied and powerful, considering the various cafes and tea shops that he had marked in explorations the day before. What he wanted was the poshest place, somewhere that catered to snobbiest of the gentry. He eventually settled on The Flowing Cup, a large teahouse, run by a half-elven matron.     As the pair were getting a table, Vellikar's message about this strange temple came through and for a moment Ell considered heading in that direction instead, but decided that they should at least try to learn more while he and Tear were hear. It proved to be his lucky day and the pair were pointed to a table in the middle of the large room. Conversations died away as the young man and the goblin approached the table and sat down. Several of the patrons looked scandalized at the sight of Tear, and as Ell ordered a pot of tea and some pastries, conversation picked up around them once more.   At first the conversations were about the pair of adventurers and how dare a goblin sully this fine establishment. Still only one table left in a huff and Ell even overheard one younger woman (in her 40's) defending Tear of Midnight Sorrow. Eventually that topic was set aside and the conversations around the pair began to drift to a variety of other topics. There were of course complaints about the weather, complaints about children (however grown), and gossip about whoever had fallen out of favor. Two conversations hit his ear as particularly interesting. One was about a bureaucrat, a man named Lord Shamora, apparently he had recently begun acting strangely, speaking only in a monotone, and been caught repeatedly simply staring off into space unblinking. The second conversation was about a boy, Raxil Vinebower, son of a merchant family, who seemed to have vanished two nights ago. And not the only one it seemed, two others had also apparently vanished in the last week or so.   Ell contemplated what either of these conversations had to do with this cult of the Taken. He had just decided that that a visit to this Lord Shamora was in order, when Denye called over the earrings to update the party. Armed with that news, the pair of adventurers finished their tea and headed back down to the docks and the poorer districts. 
Ranunkel and Janora chose to accompany Denye over to Guild Row in search of the religious guild. It should have be relatively easy to find considering the proximity to the Tyrant's Citadel but the organic nature of the streets got the trio turned around once or twice and it took almost an hour longer than expected to find the correct street. Once they did, it was clear that this was one of the centers of power within the city. 16 large and impressive building lined the road leading up to the plaza surrounding the Citadel. Each of the building sported a flag displaying a crest of one the guilds. The Guild of Churchs, Temples, Groves and Big Ominous was about halfway down, across the street from the Fools guild. The morning sun glinted off the golden dome of the ornate building as Denye let the way inside.   As the trio stepped inside, they received Vellikar's message. Encourged, since such a public thing as a temple would surely have been noticed by a guild devoted to regulating religious activity, Denye approached the reception desk, just inside the front doors.  As she did, a short dwarven fellow with a neatly trimmed beard smiled and said, "Welcome to the Guild of Churches, Temples, Groves and Big Ominous Rocks. How may I be of service today?"   "Well, my colleague here is quite interested in rocks," replied Denye, pointing a wing at Ranunkel, "but before that I was hoping you could answer a couple of questions for me. Is there somewhere private we could talk?"   The dwarf looked surprised but nodded. Setting a small "Returning Soon" sign on the desk, he led the three over to a nearby door and showed them into a small side room, an office from the look of the place with a desk, four chairs and huge filing cabinet taking up much of the space. Settling down in the chair behind the desk he said, "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Forgespeaker Naviel Cragsmasher. Now, is this a religious matter or a professional matter?"   "A Crown matter," replied Denye somberly.   The dwarven cleric blinked once or twice in surprise before asking, "Which crown, if you don't mind my asking?"   Denye nodded, "We are investigating a matter for Queen Ashkevron."   "Ahh," replied Forgespeaker Cragsmasher, "well, if we can be of assistance, I'm sure we will. I'm not exactly sure what business she has in the affairs of our city...surely that would fall under purview of the Tyrant Veterial."   "Perhaps," replied Denye non-committally, "but there have been rumors of unseemly cultish activity in your city and the Queen wants to make sure it doesn't spread to Haven. If such a group is operating, my friends and I are quite good at stopping such things before they get out of hand. I assumed that your organization would be interested in such matters and might perhaps know more."   "Indeed, indeed," said the dwarven cleric, "any sort of cult or other religious gathering must of course register with the guild. We take all such rumors quite seriously, and while our methods are not quite as direct as the Shado or the Sleepgivers, violators are swiftly punished."    Denye nodded, "That's what I expected, this city seems to take its guild very seriously. I don't think I've ever been somewhere that advertised assassins and thieves."    The Forgespeaker laughed awkwardly, "Yes, well. All part of the Tyrant's plans to keep the city running. The Sleepgivers are the newest, came from Umberfell about 50 years back I believe. But back to this cult, did you have any other information on them? I can search recent registrations but it would help if I had something more to go off of."   Denye shook her head, "We have very little information beyond the existence of this group, the one additional detail is that they call themselves the Taken."   "The Taken," repeated the dwarf, "that's something at least. Let me check the record book and see if I find anything similar. " Taking a large ledger from shelf behind him, the dwarf opened the book towards the middle and began flipping pages before running his finger down the page. Stopping at one entry he tapped it a couple of times before shutting the book and moving over to the file cabinets. "I might have found something," he said pulling open a drawer and thumbing through the folders inside. Pulling one out, he brought it over to the desk, "Yes, I think this might be what your are looking for, a group called the Taken of Kosyn recently applied to join the guild. It seems they have an address here in the city as well as some sort of retreat space not far from the city."   "Interesting," murmured Denye, "would if be possible to get that address? Or at least directions?"   "Of course, of course," replied the dwarven cleric. Pulling out a small sheet of paper, he quickly wrote down the information and passed it over to Denye. Scanning it quickly, the wizard realized it was the same temple that Vellikar was heading for. Denye shared this information over the link as  Ranunkel took up the thread of conversation, asking about the local temple of Tak. The dwarven cleric was quite happy to hear that Ranunkel was a follower as well and invited the stone druid to stop by the temple any time.   After hearing how helpful the Forgespeaker had been, Ell suggested that Denye leave a large donation as a way of saying thank you. Before the Corva wizard had a chance to do so, Janora moved up to loom over the dwarf. Using a bit of thaumaturgy, Janora turned their eyes to black and said, "I must insist that you tell no one about this conversation, can you be trusted to do so?"   The cleric looked confused and flustered for a moment before shaking his head, "I'm sorry, at the very least I record the inquiry in the visitors ledger. If it makes you feel better, I suppose I do not have to include any details about who was asking." Squinting up at the witch he asked, "Pardon the personal question, and this may be a trick of the light, but is there something wrong with your eyes?"   Janora started to look offended at the question, but Denye interrupted and said, "Thank you, you have been most helpful, I hope that you can find a use for this donation." Dropping 10pp on the desk, the bird wizard took Janora by the arm and started leading them outside. The witch started to resist, but after a moment relaxed and swept out with their nose in the air. Ranunkel waved goodbye and followed the others back into the street. With confirmation that this temple Vellikar had found was the Taken of Kosyn, the trio headed in that direction to rendezvous with the rest of the party.
Back across town, it only took 15-20 min for Vellikar to find the temple that the cheerful dockhand had mentioned. Slipping to into a nearby alley, the druid stopped to take a look at so-called temple. It was a medium sized L-shaped building of weathered wood with a stone walled courtyard. The gates of the courtyard were thrown open as were the main doors. Panicking a bit, Vellikar took a few moments to calm his nerves and after  confirming that Jilken had taken up a station nearby and was ready for any trouble, the druid headed through the gates and into the main chamber.   This main room sported a trio of trestle tables and benches as well as a fourth table with fresh bread, a thick soup and pitchers of warm tea. There were a pair of doors at each end of the room and there were four or five people scattered among the tables enjoying a hot meal. Near the door stood a greeter of some sort, a human fellow in a green wool robe, with a wide smile and a vacant look in his eyes.   As Vellikar entered, the man seemed to come to life and he turned that smile on the druid and said, "Welcome, welcome to the temple of Kosyn. How may I help you? Is there pain or a need that I can fulfill for you today?"   "I...I have heard so many good things," replied Vellikar thinking quickly, "I am new to town and met someone down at the docks who was spreading the good work, he mentioned that you had food here, and I wanted, I just want to know more because he said that his life had changed so much for the better since finding Kosyn. I was hurt, you see, last Planting and I've been living on the streets since, and I don't have any options and I'm getting worried what will happen when the snows come."   "Well," replied the middle aged man, his smile getting even brighter, "you are correct. As you can see we have food and drink available for all who come to us hungry. As for the Lady, she is simply divine, the Taken are home and family in one, everything that you could ever want can be found in the bliss of her embrace."   Vellikar, trying to look innocent and pathetic nodded excitedly, "That sounds wonderful. If I may ask, how long have you been serving Kosyn?"   The greeter's smile didn't fade, but there was a moment or two of silence before he spoke. "I was taken by Kosyn almost a moon ago. But I believe Speaker Bhalo has only been in Haven since the end of Blooming."   "I see, I see," said Vellikar, nodding along, "And what can you tell me about the Taken? What do you all believe, how do you see the world?"   "Ah well Kosyn is," began the man in green robes, "the Taken are, well as I said, the Taken are family. We are hear to offer help to all who have lost hope, home, or kin. It does not matter what has happened in your past, Kosyn's grace encompasses all. All are One within the embrace of her bliss."   "But like what do you have to do?" asked Vellikar beginning to break out in a sweat, "I'm just curious, how to you supplicate yourself, that is how do you give yourself, show that you want to join, to give your life over to Kosyn."    "Ah you speak of pledging yourself to the goddess," said the greeter, "it is no great secret, come be a part of the community, take part in our rituals and pray to the goddess, telling her of your need. Aid your fellow man as you are able and with an open heart, Kosyn will choose you for imitation into the family of Taken."   "So it's just a matter of participation," mused Vellikar struck by how fully this person believed what he spoke of, "you mentioned a leader, Speaker Bhalo I believe, is he around?"   The greeter still smiling shook his head, "Yes, Speaker Rashar Bhalo is our leader. Unfortunately he is not here right now, he left yesterday and returned to the Sanctum to oversee the renovations."   "Oh, you have a sanctum as well?" replied Vellikar.   "Indeed, indeed," said the priest of Kosyn, "it is to be a private retreat space for those who share the gifts of the Mistress of Light. We were able to recently acquire an old estate a day or so outside of town. Speaker Bharlo wanted to check in on the rehab so far and go over plans to expand the property. I'm afraid he won't be back for a week or so."   "That's too bad," replied Vellikar, "but it does seem to be a very worthy cause."   "You have many questions," observed the greeter, "you should come back tomorrow at noon, join us in one of our religious services. Perhaps hearing several of the Taken speak of their own journeys will help you understand."   "Thank you," responded Vellikar, "I might just do that. I have quite a few friends, who are also beggars of course, would it be a problem if I invited them? I'm sorry, I don't think I ever asked, what was your name?"   "My name," asked the greeter, touching his chest, "my name is Chad Vaarto, and of course bring these friends, all are welcome in the house of Kosyn."   Vellikar bowed deeply and said, "Thank you, thank you, Chad. You have been quite gracious and very helpful answering my questions. I look forward to coming back and learning more." Turning, the druid eyed the table of food suspiciously, but headed back outside and down the street, getting a block or two from the temple he ducked down an alley. Dropping the disguise spell, the firbolg spent a moment or two just catching his breath before sending a message through the link, letting people know where he was.     Jilken had found a spot opposite the temple where she could watch the doors, so she saw Vellikar leave, but he rushed away so fast that she lost him in the press of people. Realizing that she had overshot and passed the alley, the Aiel circled around finding the other side and slipping down the alley to join the druid.   Vellikar filled Jilken in on the conversation and what he had learned from the priest ending with, "I'm not really sure if it's what are looking for though...they seemed like really nice people who just want to help."   Jilken shook her head, "Anyone who is promising you everything you could want, probably shouldn't be trusted. Something about this smells funny."   "Yeah, you're probably right," agreed Vellikar, "I was definitely a little unnerved that they call themselves the Taken. That just doesn't seem great."   Spotting Denye, Ranunkel, and Janora coming down the alley, Vellikar was about to launch into the story again, but just before he did so, Tear messaged that he and Ell were almost there. Rather than having to tell it again, Vellikar waited. True to his word, Ell and Tear came trotting down the alley, the young man holding a handkerchief over his nose looking distressed at the smell of human waste in the narrow passage.   Vellikar launched into the tale again. As he did so Jilken got a faraway look on her face like she was trying to remember something. When the druid had finished his recitation, the Aiel said, "You know, there is something about this that reminds me of a children's tale from my people, There were these things called the Vord, a sort of giant insect, well mostly giants...they had some small types that could crawl into your ear,..those were called Takers I believe. I don't know...these were kids stories. It's been almost a hundred years since I sat at the children's fires."   "So what your saying," exclaimed Janora in a withering tone, "is that a child of your people would be more use than you right now? What else do you remember about these Vord things?"   Jilken shook her head, "Like I said it was a long time ago. Beyond that the only other things I can recall is that they covered every in a green waxy goo and they could absorb people and steal minds and memories to add to the collective."   Janora crossed their arms and snapped, "I suppose that's more, but it doesn't give us a lot to work with....look for green slime, that's the best you've got?"   Denye laid an claw on Janora's arm, "It's a lead. I can go to the library tomorrow and see if I can find out more about these stories. I don't know where the library is, but I'm sure a city this size has one."   That seemed to satisfy the witch, but unsure of what to do next, the party decided to stake out the Temple for the afternoon, but other than a wagon of foodstuffs, driven by another pair in the green robes arriving and later a second pair of people in similar robes, except sleeveless came out to sweep the courtyard and light lanterns as the clouds closed in overhead. Beyond that it was just an infrequent stream of beggars, drunkards, and orphans who came looking for that free meal. Vellikar tried hard to keep track of who came in and out, but couldn’t say for sure if any entered without leaving.   While they watched and waited, using the new telepathic link Ell shared some of the rumors he had learned and Denye shared their experience in the guildhouse. Everyone was convinced but kind of shocked about a suspected cult operating so freely. Still, other than the name, and the fact that they were an odd group…this didn’t seem like a death cult. By the time the lanterns were lit the party had settled on several courses of action to learn more and decided to head back to the inn. A light drizzle began to fall as the party headed in that direction and became a downpour shortly after they arrived back at the Three Bells.   Heading up to the suite, the party found that the fire had been recently stoked and was burning merrily. Ell stopped at the bar just long enough to order food and drinks to be brought up to the room. By the time everyone had changed into dry clothes and washed up, the meal was delivered and the party settled down to eat and discuss what they wanted to do tomorrow. Denye was curious about finding a library to see if she could follow up on this story of the Vord. Ell wanted to learn more about this Lord Shamora and Vellikar thought it would be a good idea to check out the service at the Temple. The others hadn’t decided what they would do, deciding to sleep on it.
Report Date
26 Aug 2022