Danabird Korosaris Character in Veskrea | World Anvil
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Danabird Korosaris

Danavari Korosaris (a.k.a. Danabird)

A lone Kyorei roaming fixated on a quest of her own. Occasionally, she is chosen to be a problem solver for others' misfortunes purely because of her approachable and kind nature. She's still unsure as to how she ended up with such luck, if one would call it so.  

Physical Description

Body Features

White fur, what looks to be a faded, heart-shaped spot on her chest. Her head dons two pairs of horns, one that grown out to curve inwards and two right above her eyes that remain stubs. Her shoulders, flank, and cheeks are speckled faint rosey freckles and each of her paws are covered in black socks fading out with a rosier color. One ring surrounds her neck as three surround her tail, the end of her tail dipped in black.

Facial Features

Rosey freckles.

Identifying Characteristics

The heart faded on her chest.

Physical quirks

Always seems to have a hopeful, bouncing gait when happiest.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Danabird grew up like any other pup in her village. Playing with others and frolicking about like the world didn't matter. Her parents, Malayra and Deligan, raised her with utmost care. Both of her parents were of Warrior Class, her mother a Nightrunner, and her father a Defender. Both wanted nothing but the best for their only child. Yet while they both would continuously throw in their support for Danabird, they both had almost harshly differing opinions on lifestyle. As a Nightrunner, her Mother's best quality was her stealth and her ability to take with little detection. All stolen items, usually shiny or valuable in some way, were sold for extra gold nuggets. Her father detested it, finding his mate's methods dirty and unjust. He himself stood for more honorable means of gaining goods and extra currency through hard work and effort. Malayra found value in independence, her father found value in loyalty and duty.   Yet for their pride and joy, they would set their differences aside, trying their best not to tear her in half as to who she should choose to follow. In the end, they left their differences simply as choices for the young Kyorei. It was the only thing they could confidently agree on. When Danabird was older and the time came for her to choose a class, she chose to be a Nightrunner. Even if the thought of his only daughter not following in his footsteps saddened him deep inside, he had nothing but love and support to give.   During her enrollment in Warrior Class training, however, her mother had abruptly gone missing after setting out on a mission of her own. This sudden disappearance resulted in her father's frantic and restless search for his mate, day in and day out, but also bringing food on the table for Danabird. Dinner together was the best he could do to make up for the long hours he was away from his daughter. Yet eventually, on one of his person expeditions for his mate, he had gone missing as well, both parents absent. Upon missing two fine warriors, the village set out small search parties to scan the forests for her parents, but to no avail. The only ones left to care for Danabird then were her family's Mypsi, Golo, and her mentor figure Kagehara.   To this day as a full-grown Kyorei warrior, the search for her parents continues on.

Gender Identity



Warrior Class Training: Nightrunner

Personality Characteristics


To recover the lost tracks of her parents who disappeared earlier in her life.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Free flying, dawn and dusk settings, sleeping, hanging around comrades, to help however she can.

  Dislikes: Not being able to help/provide, Naps being disturbed.

Virtues & Personality perks

Compassionate, Loyal, Protective

Vices & Personality flaws

Quick to Anger, Impulsive


Danabird Korosaris

Student/Daughter Figure (Important)

Towards Kagehara Turs'Kahn



Kagehara Turs'Kahn

Mentor Figure (Vital)

Towards Danabird Korosaris




After Danabird's parents had gone missing, Kagehara took it upon herself to care for the young Kyorei until she was old enough to fend for herself. However, even after Danabird's training was complete and she was eligible to leave, Kagehara found herself accompanying the other on her journies as a voice of second opinion and reason.

Tigrix Loks

Mentor (Important)

Towards Danabird Korosaris



Danabird Korosaris

Student (Important)

Towards Tigrix Loks



Chaotic Good
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
762 T.D 23 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Her birthing was unexpected. Her mother and biological father had mated once out of a share of trust and love, though it did not come across to her mother that the seed planted would grow.
Current Residence
Rosey Red.
Red with darker roots.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

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