Mundane Item Crafting Rules in Verum | World Anvil

Mundane Item Crafting Rules


Tools are an integral part of crafting. Which tool is used for what kind of item is based on the following list:
  • Carpenter's Tools: Medium size or larger items made predominantly of wood
  • Cobbler’s Tools: Footwear
  • Glassblower’s Tools: Items made predominantly of glass
  • Herbalism Kit: Items made predominantly of plant-matter
  • Jeweler’s Tools: Jewelry and other items made predominantly of precious metals
  • Leatherworker’s Tools: Armor and other items made predominantly of leather
  • Mason's Tools: Items made predominantly of hard stone, and medium size or larger items made predominantly of bone
  • Potter's Tools: Items made predominantly of clay, or softer kinds of stone
  • Smith’s Tools: Items made predominantly of metal
  • Weaver’s Tools: Clothing and other items made predominantly of fabric
  • Woodcarver’s Tools: Weapons and small size or smaller items made predominantly of wood or bone
  • Tinker's Tools: Items that wouldn't fall into the other categories, such as parchment or paper.
  • Possession of, proficiency in, and expertise with the tools will have varying benefits.  

    Crafting From Scratch

    Assembly, rigging, forging, sewing; anything that would normally be done by a craftsman in the physical creation of the object falls into this purview. The main factors in crafting a mundane item are the Base Material and any relevant tool proficiencies.
    Only the base material is mandatory. Unlike with magic item crafting, the creation method is unnecessary, as in the context of mundane crafting it's instead a thematic choice to that overlaps with Flavor.  

    Base Material

    The Base Material in mundane crafting is mostly the same as the base material in magic item crafting as well. It is the main, physical material that the item is crafted from.   Conceptually, an item can be made from multiple materials.   For example, a sword's blade is from a kind of metal, its crossguard is made from another metal, the pommel is made from bone, which is wrapped with leather strips. Normally, one would be inclined to believe that it is the blade that is the defining factor of a sword, and what's most important is its material.   However, since there is no limit on the physical forms of crafting materials, then what the base material is, ultimately doesn't matter only as long as it can be one for that type of item.   Using the same sword example above, you have some Cat's Eye Lace, a crafting material that can be the base material for weapons. Obviously, most components of a sword cannot be made from lace, especially not the blade. The hilt of a sword is normally leather or wood, but you could wrap and fasten the lace to the tang to make an unconventional hilt with your creation method, making the lace be the base material for the whole item.   Some materials will require clever ways to manipulate it to fit the item thematically, in ways that may be reminiscent of the Adornment slot. Still, an item is limited by the fact it can only have one base material, so plan wisely.  

    Creation Method

    As the Creation Method has no immediate mechanical impact on the item, then there is not much to explain. It gives players the option to have complete freedom on the design of the item in creating it.  

    Crafting the Item

    Since common materials are freely available to players, there is no gold cost in terms of covering such raw materials for most items, though there are exceptions, like vehicles and [Properties], and obtaining exotic materials and magical base materials have their own costs. Besides those exceptions, there will be a varying requirement of crafting days, as well as 1 downtime day, depending on the item's mundane value. If you possess expertise with the relevant tool for crafting the item, you ignore the downtime day requirement.
  • For items of a value up to 1 gp, you can craft ten times with 1 crafting day
  • An item more than 1 gp and up to 200 gp requires 1 crafting day
  • More than 200 gp and up to 700 gp requires 2 crafting days
  • More than 700 gp and up to 1,200 gp requires 3 crafting days
  • More than 1,200 gp and up to 2,500 gp requires 4 crafting days
  • More than 2,500 gp requires 5 crafting days and you are required to spend an amount of gold equal to half the item's cost.
  • Ammunition is valued and crafted as its bundle. For information on crafting other specific kinds of items, read the Specific Item Crafting Rules. Crafting speed increases from materials, faction forges, etc. do not affect these rates.  

    Artisan's Blessing and Master Transmuter

    If you possess the Channel Divinity: Artisan's Blessing class feature, you can use it once per week ooc to mundanely craft one metal item worth 100 gp or less without spending any crafting days or downtime days.
    If you possess the Master Transmuter class feature, you can use it once per week ooc for the same benefit. There is no gold value or material requirement this way, but the item cannot be bigger than a 5-foot cube.   If you have both class features, you can use them both each once per week ooc, though not on the same item.   Both class features state nonmagical items, but you can still use magical base materials when crafting an item this way.   Lastly, though using these class features means not having to use crafting days or downtime days, you still cannot use the system if you're RP locked or otherwise unable to spend crafting or downtime days.  

    Progressing a Mundane Item

    To create an item using mundane crafting first make a post announcing your intentions in the #crafting channel using the following format:
    @Economy Spending 1 downtime day to begin crafting a mundane item, [flavor name], [type of item], made as a [relevant class or origin], with [base crafting material] for [gold cost] and requiring [the total crafting days required]
    Flavor name is optional; relevant class and origin is only needed for masterwork crafting that requires it; base crafting material is only needed if you use a magical crafting material or an expensive mundane material (like gold or silver) which may require costs. Gold cost is paid when announcing your intentions, though only masterwork or expensive base materials will require this.   If you desire any flavor text type it below the submission, it is subject to change based on content.   Examples:
    @Economy Spending 1 downtime day to begin crafting a mundane item, masterwork rapier, made as a Forge Child, for 400gp and requiring 3 crafting days
    @Economy Spending 1 downtime day to begin crafting a mundane item, Great Plate, plate armor, made from Frostbitten Steel, requiring 4 crafting days
      After making this post, all you need to do to progress the item is post again in the #crafting channel with the following format:
    @Economy spending [X] crafting days on [item name], to a total of [total crafting days you've spent so far] / [the estimated crafting days it'd take to finish]
    @Economy spending 1 crafting day and 1 downtime day on My Scary Looking Plate Armor, to a total of 1/4 days
    Once you have spent the required days, a thumbs-up reaction on the last progression post by a Crafting DM approves it, and you receive the item.   Mundane items made with magical crafting materials can be used as base materials in future crafting projects. It is recommended to keep track of what material you used to create a mundane item. You can read further about magical crafting in Magical Item Crafting Rules.  


    If you are a Forge Cleric, possess the [Master Craftsman] feat, or possess the relevant crafting origin, then you can craft masterwork versions of weapons, armor, shields, and most wondrous items when crafting a new item.   A relevant crafting origin is one that provides a tool proficiency, and the items that tool is used for.
    For example, Minesworn gives proficiency with Jeweler's Tools, so would be relevant in creating masterwork items that are "wondrous jewelry and other items made predominantly of precious metals", as determined in Tools.   To craft masterwork tools, you must be a Forge Cleric or possess [Master Craftsman] feat - no origins involved.   The cost to craft is +400 gp for a weapon, +500 gp for armor, +200 gp for a shield, +300 gp for a tool, and +200 gp for other items, plus 1 additional crafting day. This gold cost is added onto the mundane value of the item which can change how many crafting days is required to make it. Furthermore, crafting masterwork items requires you to pay that additional gold  

    Masterwork Weapons

    The weapon has a +1 bonus to damage. This damage does not stack with the +bonus of magic weapons. When scoring a critical hit, the damage counts as magical for bypassing resistances, though the weapon itself is not considered magical. Adding the bonus for masterwork ammo functions similarly to magical +bonus ammo.  

    Masterwork Armor

  • Light Armor: The time it takes to don and doff is reduced to 3 rounds. Walking, swimming and climbing speeds are increased by 5 feet. This gives you a swim and climb speed of 5 feet if you did not already possess them.
  • Medium Armor: The time it takes to don is reduced to 1 minute. The maximum dexterity modifier is increased by 1.
  • Heavy Armor: The time it takes to don is reduced to 5 minutes. Strength requirements are reduced by 1. "+ Dex modifier (max 1)" is added to the armor's AC.
  • Masterwork Shields

    The time it takes to don or doff is reduced to a bonus action.  

    Masterwork Tools

    You have advantage on checks that utilize the tool. Some other benefits may be had...  

    Masterwork Objects

    The effects of masterwork things beyond the above will vary as they become defined when needed. Universally, masterwork items that don't have defined mechanics are simply more resilient to damage. When calculating the hit points of a masterwork item, they're increased by 20%. The costs of crafting masterwork items will also be individually defined when relevant.

    Articles under Mundane Item Crafting Rules


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