Keller Settlement in Verum | World Anvil


A coastal city and port to the Sickened Sea.


Boasting a consistent population of roughly 4,800, Keller is one of the larger minor settlements in Orde; owing its numbers largely in part due to its existence as one of Orde’s primary centers of naval trade as well as the Sickened Sea excavation. As a result, though humans still edge out the other races in terms of numbers as per is the norm in Orde, there is more even spread of racial diversity due to the Excavation being a cultural melting pot where scholars and archaeologists of all creeds gather to decipher the mysteries of the Sickened Sea.


Pedantocracy/Theocracy. The Council of Light’s rule still applies, but local officials are appointed based on their archaeological contributions to the Sickened Sea excavation.


While primarily reliant on the Order of the White Council for its security, Keller serves as one of the primary naval ports with regard to the Sickened Sea for Orde. The city also employs its fair share of mercenaries for the defense of its nautical pursuits. This includes multi-nation privateers that are commissioned by the churches of the White Pantheon to protect voyages from pirates or enemy ships in times of war.

Industry & Trade

From military outposts, to small fishing settlements, and even and archaeologist city Keller has had an interesting curve with regard to the shape of its economics. In modern times, the once forgotten coastal town has become one of Orde’s primary gateways to maritime trade with the countries of Southern Kalkatesh. As a result of this, as well as the continued investments into the Sickened Sea Excavation, Keller has become quite prosperous of late—and has drawn the attention of merchant families from both Orde and elsewhere. Though it has yet to reach the heights of Orde’s larger settlements—in terms of wealth and population—it is projected that within the next fifty years, Keller will become one of the major cities of note in Orde; provided maritime trade isn’t devalued again by an event such as the restoration of the Mages Guild’s teleportation circle networks, or diminished interest in the Sickened Sea Excavation.


As per most of the cities in Orde Keller features paved roads, aqueducts, and a healthy level of divine magic used in day to day life. However, due to its close proximity to the Sickened Sea and the presence of the Sickened Sea excavation, the town features occasional oddities from the remnants of the lost civilization that once existed on the Sickened Sea as well as arcane-based imports from Southern Kalkatesh.

Guilds and Factions

As is typical with an Ordean City, the White Pantheon is the dominant religious presence in the city of Keller. However, due to Keller’s archaeological focus, the church of Runethares notably has a larger following than normal even compared to the other White Pantheon churches. It is not uncommon for the local leaders of Keller to be servants of the Horned Sage.


Originally founded as a staging point for the Ordean navy into the Sickened Sea by Justicar Anthony Keller of the Ordean inquisition during the original crusade again Dolten; Keller came into existence as a military outpost for the purposes of facilitating the naval transport of troops into Southern Kalkatesh. Following the disastrous end to the Doltenian Crusade however, the settlement of Keller fell into obscurity once the need for a strong naval presence on the Sickened Sea diminished. In the years following Orde’s defeat, the sea port city became a lonely harbor town where mostly retired soldiers and fishermen chose to spend their days quietly. That is, until the destruction created by the Reckoning caused artifacts of the lost Sickened Sea civilization to wash up on Keller’s shores and brought life back to the once forgotten settlement.   Upon news of lost artifacts from a bygone age being found in the waters near Keller, both the Verumese Archeologist’s Guild and the Church of Runethares would begin to take interest in the once forgotten settlement. At first only sending scouting parties to confirm the authenticity of the items that had been found. These scouting parties would then be followed by research teams, until at last both organizations saw fit to officially use Keller as a staging point for a full-blown expedition—which continues to this day as the “Sickened Sea Excavation”. With an influx of people, money, and resources as a result of this expedition. Keller would be gradually transformed from a forgotten—sleepy fishing hamlet to Orde’s primary point of access to the Sickened Sea—and a respectable hub of naval trade, commerce, and archaeology.


Keller is a coastal port city located on the Eastern Peninsula of Orde. Bordering the Sickened Sea, Keller is one of Orde’s main points of trade with Steton and the other southern countries.
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