Rasmus Settlement in Verra'Talu | World Anvil
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The melting pot of Estua, where all can be seen.

All who enter the Oasis do so knowing they are about to abandon their wits to the gods, Estua, Rasmus or the King Apparent holds no responsibility for your actions in the here and now or the hereafter. May Eyona show you what you desire, may you pull the thread. DO NOT PEE IN THE POOL!
— A warning nailed to the entrance of the Oasis.

Oasis in the Sand

The town centre is a focal point for any civilization but to Rasmus nothing is more important. In the middle of town lies an enchanted pool known as the Oasis. No one recalls who formed the enchanted pool, legend says Eyona on choosing the human race wept a single tear that formed the silver waters. With this tear, anyone who drank from the waters of Rasmus were blessed with understanding the threads of fate. Those who enter claims to have seen a glimpse of the future before them or the past behind them. This vision varies from person to person.


One account speaks of a man who saw his friend in a far off field die in battle and weeks later received a missive saying his friend had indeed fallen. Others talk of an old lady who would go to the pool every night and be seen conversing with her husband as if he was still alive. To others, the pool is a delusion brought on by propaganda and often too much wine, a tourist trick of light and passing currents and nothing more. Whether true visions or simply a smokescreen each person responds differently to the pool, leading many merchants willing to sell their own children to enter the holy waters.


Traditions of Trade

Rasmus’ unique position has privileged them with an abundance of trade. The town sits proudly on an area of yellow-brown sands known as the Golden Coast. Upon these sands, merchants from all across Verra’Talu will attempt to export their wares. To accomdate this demand Rasmus has erected a simple but efficient market hall near the ocean. Twice a month traders will display their most exotic produce on the seafront. The town will electrify with excitement and bodies press against bodies as the smell of decaying carrion and far-reaching spices assault the scenes. The smell made even more pungent by the overbearing heat of the day. It is with these markets and on these hallowed days the town truly comes alive and all people of Verra’Talu share a common culture even for just one night.


Delectable Deliciies

It is no surprise that with the weight of the world bearing down on Rasmus the food is something that needs to be experienced rather than described. The customary food of the season for Rasmus is Lampus Bread, soft milky bread created with special wheat grown only in midfield garnished with seeds. Lampus bread has been known to sell before the bread has cooled. This has given rise to the term “Cold Lampus” meaning something that is undesirable and unwanted.   For those who cannot secure Lampus bread, there is also Feddigar a small squirrel-like creature that is eaten alive, those brave enough to bite past the claws and scratches of the desperate creature will find a succulent and tender animal whose meat is said to fortify the eater against sickness.



The demographics of Rasmus are always in constant flux. The markets draw an extraordinary amount of people to the place twice a month that puts a strain on local business. Of the permanent residents of Rasmus the humans make up the largest population but the real suprise here is the amount of Fire Genasi that have come to inhabit Rasmus. Some say this is due to the extremes of heat in the Golden Coast while others say it is because of the sea air. This sea air can sometimes cause a fire genasi body to flare revealing a brilliant cascade of colours that may have been unknown even to the Genasi.
Species % of population
56% Human
20% Genasi
12% Dwarven
5% Half Orc
5% Arracockra
2% Tabaxi


Local Government: The local day to day running of the town is overseen by the King Apparant Marco Aristide. Part of the King Apparants role in Rasmus is to patrol the seas and ocean ways of Estua and look out for Estuas interests alongside the Golden Coast. These interests include the seething up of the bi-monthly markets, the sea routes too and from different areas, general patrolling and slaying of monsters.   Central government: As with all towns and cities in Estua the town is also under the watchful eye of the Faultless Monarch. The Central ministration Office of Estua in Portam deals with local taxes and collecting of the tax as well as the protection of the roads and maintennace of commerce and laws in Rasmus and beyond.
Alternative Name(s)
The Oasis
Inhabitant Demonym

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