The Lunar Remembrance Festival Tradition / Ritual in Veridia | World Anvil
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The Lunar Remembrance Festival

"What did you wish for on your lantern? Wait, don't tell me! If you tell me your wish, it won't come true!"

On the first full moon of every year, the people of Asaria release into the sky thousands of glowing lanterns that rise over the ocean and flow with the wind to all corners of the world. The spectacle is an honored tradition for the people of Asaria, and is a beautiful sight for travelers in the city. The gentle orange glow of the lanterns light up the sky like the stars, and on rare, extremely lucky years, can be seen from as far as Bekilk. Though the origins of this tradition are unknown to the visitors, the people of Asaria hold a very special belief that makes this event important.


The people of Asaria have long believed that, once upon a time, Veridia had not one, but two moons, Luna and Duna, and that Duna one day vanished for an unknown reason. The people of Asaria believed that Duna left to fight some distant evil, and would one day return, however, it left its sibling, Luna, behind. The Lunar Remembrance Festival is the people's way of remembering this lost second moon, and so, on the first full moon of every year, the people of Asaria release floating lanterns with their wishes and hopes for the year into the sky towards the moon to remind it that it is not alone and that, one day, its sibling will return.


For the week leading up to the festival, the people of Asaria decorate their city with lanterns. The city's merchants set up stalls along the harbor to sell their goods to the tourists who come to the city to see the festival. A portion of the proceeds to towards the construction of a grand lantern, a product of all the citizen's contribution, that is released on the final day, along with all the other lanterns.
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