Verden Geographic Location in Verden | World Anvil
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"Ah, this is truly a Cradle of Civilization; The Heart of the World, a Birth Land of Humanity, and Battlefield for the Gods... This young land, this verdant valley, this Verden... is beginning to come into its own, and above all others I shall be most excited to see it's histories unfold." ~ Av'ant Guard, Planeswalker and Bard Extraordinaire


The Verden Valley is a massive land, walled off from the rest of the world by the Haudur Mountains and Morban Glacier to the north, the Black Mountains and the Eastern Wilds to the East, and the Sajen Sea to the south and east. The lands within are varied, and continue to change as scars from the Heaven War continue to heal or turn to ruin.   Ostothar is a beautiful country, and lies at the heart of Verden. It is the most populated and the countryside is most pleasant. From the rolling hills and groves of the north, to the windswept grassy plains of the south, it is not only a beautiful land but a peaceful one. When the humans poured out of the Godforge cities that still dot the landscape, they swept back the tides of beasts and monsters to the ends of the valley. It is not a paradise however, as nobles and lords dance in a seemingly eternal struggle to show dominance and retain power. So, while some of the more dangerous monsters no longer haunt the wilds of this land, arguably worse monsters live here in comfort, drinking fine wines and supping on dainty foods. But for all its faults, Ostothar remains a glorious place for knights in shining armor, ambitious bards, and a place where the common man might live a simple, happy life in peace.   Balk, though conquered by Respit II of Ostothar, remains distinct from its motherland. It's craggy seasides, deep harbors, and cold waters make for a miserable but profitable place to live. It is here that the legends of the sea emerge, and numerous popular shanties are written. Though often assaulted with storms or buried in mist, the people here remain jovial and contented while holding to a primitive savagery that allows for piracy and raiding to be seen as honorable work. It is truly a wondrous and magical place in it's own right, though dangerous to the foolish or unprepared.   Edresh is what the Wood Elves have named the massive forest of the north. It's immense reach extends across much of Verden, bordering the northern Haudur Mountains and extending to the shores of Lake Lunlac, the northern highlands of Ostothar, even reaching as far south as the swamps of the Sruthomor Muskeg. This massive forrest is a dangerous place, and only the brave or the Elder Races dare to live there. The woods are filled with monsters and strange magics haunt its lands. This is the home of Druana's Children, the Wood Elves, and some say the home of the fey and other alien creatures lie somewhere in the darker verdant depths. Much of this land has yet to be explored, and new monsters, beasts, plants, and magical phenomena are discovered on a regular basis.   Lake Lunlac is a beauty to behold, if a treacherous one. This massive lake lies at the foot of the Black Mountains, near the base of the Haudur Mountain rage, and continues on until it reaches its Sruthomor Muskeg that continuously eats away at Edresh. Though the lake was not an original creation of the gods. If the legends are to be believed, the massive body of water was once a rocky area on which the Moon Elves had built a highly advanced civilization. Their temples to Lulana were centuries ahead of their time. It is said that the Moon Elves pleased the goddess, and she would abide among her people, heaping them with blessings. However, while a epic battle against the Sun Elves raged during the Heavens War, there was a deafening shriek and a blinding flash of light. In that instant, the entire Moon Elf civilization had dissipated, leaving only a crater hundreds of miles wide. The crater had cracked open a natural spring and so much of the crater quickly flooded, creating the lake we know today. Legends say that the magical destruction of such a mighty race could not be so absolute; some say much of the race used unknown magical powers to leave the world they had evolved to surpass, while others say that the race fled under the waters of the lake, living in the wreckage and ruin of their former home. Regardless, this massive body of water is infamously treacherous and has not been explored due to the violent magics and creatures that call the lake home. To this day, it continues to draw people into it's clutches due to the lore of hidden temples, beautiful nymphs, and drowned riches.   The desert lands of Skana are as tumultuous as they are beautiful, and as beautiful as they are hot. Though it is the Land of Eternal Dunes, it is also Verden's Lap of Luxury. While it is true that the Sun Elves have claimed southern desserts, particularly the area surrounding Sojen Peak in the southwest and the Jungles of Tahja to the east, the rest of the land is actually quite green. The Quallia River, after emerging from the Sruthomor Muskeg, acts as both a natural boundary with Ostothar, but also provides the Skanan Lowlands with nutrient rich water. This allows a great number of exotic crops and animals to thrive, and the nearby Sajen Sea allows for easy trade on all parts of it's coast, as well as into Ostothar, Balk, and even Haudur. Wealth is abundant in Skana, but the air is constantly thick with the threat of war, as the embittered Sun Elves launch constant crusades against the "Northern Invaders" in an attempt to take back their ancient homeland.   The Jungles of Tahja are the most mysterious of all the lands in Verden. Not only do strange races thrive in it's tropical climate, it is home to unique and extremely dangerous beasts and diseases. While the land may look like paradise, it's complete removal from civilization and utterly hostile environment have made it a virtual impossibility to explore, though it is almost certain that a great wealth of knowledge lies under its mysterious canopies.   The Black Mountain, and the Eastern Wilderness beyond, have only ever been documented from a distance. The foreboding cliffs stand taller any peak of Haudur, and the lands proceeding them are hostile enough to ward off even the most courageous exploration team. Many priests hold that the Black Mountains are an impenetrable wall against some great evil, while others consider it the eggshell through which mortals will hatch once they have become fully enlightened. However, until that time, these impervious monuments will continue to be our horizon from which the sun rises.   Finally, the Haudur Mountians. With the Morban Glacier and the Great White Waste to the North, Black Mountain to the east, Edresh's wilds to the south, and the sea to the west, this is truly a frontier on all fronts. Men and women of all races and creeds flee to Haudur when the rest of the world hunts or forgets them. It is here that many of the world's dragons soar the skies, and here that the Iron Guardians founded the great Quarry States. Many a powerful mage has built a monumental tower to attest their talent in the rocky heights, and many a dark evil has secreted away in the crevasses and caves below. This is a place where the strong and intelligent alike can thrive, and so is the home of many a hero and ballad. Haudur is a wild place, but it is fast becoming a monument to the strength of mortals, and a sign of the feats that cooperation and freedom can accomplish.
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