Misery Mountain Geographic Location in Verden | World Anvil
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Misery Mountain

"That mountain is cursed I tell you! It rank of death long before the dragon claimed its summit and yet you fools remain complacent! Well, enough is enough. I shall go up the mountain and end this curse once and for all! Maybe I'll slay the dragon too while I'm at it!" ~ Angus the Mad


Misery Mountain is one of the tallest peaks in Haudur, standing over 26,000 ft tall. About three day's journey east from E'spetar, it is a magnificent sight when not completely shrouded in mist and cloud. At its base lies a massive coniferous forest that climbs up the rocky slopes like a cloak. This forest, while full of life and beauty, is shrouded in mystery and fable. None dare enter the forest at night, when the mists of the mountain come rolling down to fill the woods with eerie gloom. The mountain itself is fairly easy to cimb, though it has many twisting paths that can leave an unfamiliar travelier lost and bewildered. The peak of the mountain is above a shear wall of solid ice that rises anywhere from 100-400 ft tall.
Alternative Name(s)
Ice Peak Mountain, Gurag's Mountain
Mountain / Hill
Location under

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